New State Stonefly (Plecoptera) Records For Pennsylvania, With Additional Records And Information On Rare Species Author Earle, Jane I. text Illiesia 2009 5 16 169 181 journal article 6786 10.5281/zenodo.4759416 07c83cbb-d592-43c1-894e-9fbcd0f48339 1854-0392 4759416 A female Acroneuria perplexa Frison collected at a light in Philadelphia (year unknown) and first reported in Frison (1937) has been of questionable status in Pennsylvania since this is the only Pennsylvania record and A. perplexa is a largely Southern and Midwestern U.S. species. The specimen was examined by Stark during his review of Acroneuria and determined to be A. arenosa ; however, the corrected identification was not included in Stark and Gaufin (1976a) and the record was carried forward in some later publications including Stewart and Stark (2002) and Stark et al. (2009) . This record should be changed to A. arenosa .