Nomenclature and taxonomic placement of the infraspecific taxa recognised in the Malagasy Kalanchoe miniata (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) by Perrier de la Bâthie and Boiteau and Mannoni in the 20 century Author Smith, Gideon F. 0000-0002-5417-9208 Department of Botany, Nelson Mandela University, P. O. Box 77000, Gqeberha [Port Elizabeth], 6031 South Africa. smithgideon 1 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5417 - 9208 Author Shtein, Ronen The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv University, Klausner St 12, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. text Phytotaxa 2021 2021-08-13 514 2 118 128 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.514.2.3 1179-3163 5314310 Nomenclature of Kalanchoe miniata of Boiteau & Mannoni (1948b) Twenty-four and 20 years after Perrier de la Bâthie (1924) and Perrier de la Bâthie (1928) , respectively, validly published several new names at the ranks of race and variety, and made one new combination under K. miniata , Boiteau & Mannoni (1948b) also proposed an infraspecific classification for K. miniata and when doing so partially adopted the classification of Perrier de la Bâthie (1924 , 1928 ), but now consistently at the rank of variety, i.e., they did not publish names for ‘races’. They recognised the following taxa: 1. K. miniata var. ‘ typicaBoiteau & Mannoni (1948b: 37) , nom. inval . ( Turland et al . 2018 : Art. 24.3), i.e., K. miniata var. miniata ; 2. K. miniata var. subpeltata ( Baker 1887: 472 ) Boiteau & Mannoni (1948b: 38) ; 3. K. miniata var. confertifolia ( Perrier de la Bâthie 1924: 22 ) Boiteau & Mannoni (1948b: 38) ; 4. K. miniata var. subsessillis ( Perrier de la Bâthie 1924: 22 ) Boiteau & Mannoni (1948b: 38) ; 5. ‘ K. miniata var. sicaformis Boiteau & Mannoni (1948b: 38) , nom. inval . ( Turland et al . 2018 : Art. 39.1); 6. K. miniata var. andringitrensis ( Perrier de la Bâthie 1924: 22 ) Boiteau & Mannoni (1948b: 39) , an isonym with no nomenclatural status (see discussion below); and 7. K. miniata var. anjirensis Perrier de la Bâthie (1928: 19) . FIGURE 2. A . A form of Kalanchoe miniata var. andringitrensis with distinctly peltate leaves and a conspicuously quadrangular stem. Kalanchoe miniata var. andringitrensis . B . Inflorescence. C . View of the mouth of the flower. Photographs: A. Patrizia Simbola, B, C. Ronen Shtein. With the exception of two names, K. miniata var. ‘ typica ’, number 1, above, and ‘ K. miniata var. sicaformis ’, number 5, above, which were not validly published, four of the other five names (numbers 2, 3, 4, and 6) that Boiteau & Mannoni (1948b) applied to infraspecific taxa they recognised in K. miniata were earlier mentioned, or validly published by Perrier de la Bâthie (1924 , 1928 ) at the rank of either ‘race’([1] K. miniata var. subpeltata ; [2] K. miniata var. confertifolia ; [3] K. miniata var. subsessillis ) or variety ([4] K. miniata var. andringitrensis ; [5] K. miniata var. anjirensis ). Boiteau & Mannoni (1948b) clearly provided references to where the basionyms were published by Baker (1887) and Perrier de la Bâthie (1924 , 1928 ), respectively, and they validly published the following new combinations at the rank of variety: K. miniata var. subpeltata ; K. miniata var. confertifolia ; and K. miniata var. subsessillis . One varietal name, K. miniata var. andringitrensis ( Perrier de la Bâthie 1924: 22 ) Perrier de la Bâthie (1928: 19) , was already earlier published at a new rank, that of variety, by Perrier de la Bâthie (1928: 19) himself. When Boiteau & Mannoni (1948b: 39) published “ Var. andringitrensis H. Perrier in Bull. Acad. Malg. VI, 1922–23, p. 22”, they published K. miniata var. andringitrensis ( Perrier de la Bâthie 1924: 22 ) Boiteau & Mannoni (1948b: 39) , an isonym that has no status under Turland et al . (2018 : Art. 6.3 Note 2).