Order Rodentia - Family Muridae Author Guy G. Musser Author Michael D. Carleton text 1993 Smithsonian Institution Press Washington and London Editor Don E. Wilson Editor DeeAnn M. Reeder Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition) 501 755 book chapter http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7353098 1-56098-217-9 7353098 Meriones dahli Shidlovsky, 1962 . Definition Rodents Zakabkaziya, p. 115 . TYPE LOCALITY: Armenia , Sadarak steppe, foothills of Vardanis (Saraibulak) Ridge . DISTRIBUTION: Local occurrence in sandy habitats in Armenia . COMMENTS: Subgenus Pallasiomys . Included in M. meridianus by Corbet (1978c) but shown to be a separate species by Dyatlov and Avanyan (1987) , whose results were based on morphological, biochemical, and chromosomal traits, as well as interbreeding experiments. Reviewed by Pavlinov et al. (1990) .