A revision of Leptobium CASEY. III. A new species from Iran and additional records (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae) Author Assing, V. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2009 2009-12-18 41 2 1247 1252 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5276589 0253-116X 5276589 Leptobium gracile (GRAVENHORST 1802) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d Turkey : K a s t a m o n u 12 exs. , 25 km SE Tosya , Domkayatepe geçidi, 40°56'N , 34°14'E , 1600 m , partly flooded loamy meadow and road margin, under stones, 6.IV.2009 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 1 ex. , 40 km N Kastamonu , S Kayneak geçidi, 41°42'N , 33°41'1E , 1250 m , calcareous slope, under stones, 10.IV.2009 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 11 exs. , 12 km SE Tosya , 41°00'N , 34°E , 520 m , pasture with shrubs, under stones, 8.IV.2009 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 30 exs. , 40 km NW Kastamonu , NE Azdavay , W Yeşilpınar , 41°42'N , 33°28'E , 1090 m , flooded field, under stones, 9.IV.2009 , leg. Assing (cAss). S i n o p: 5exs. ,15kmSW Sinop , S Kılıçlı , 41°57'N , 35°02'E , 80 m , grassy road margin, grass between shrubs, sifted, 3.IV.2009 , leg. Assing , Wunderle (cAss, cWun). S a m s u n: 2 exs. , 15 km NW Bafra , Karaboğaz Gölü , 41°40'N , 35°48'E , 0 m, swampy meadow with Juncus , 30.III.2009 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 1 ex. , 9 km WNW Bafra , 41°35'N , 35°50'E , 55 m , mixed deciduous forest with oak, Hedera and Rubus undergrowth, sifted, 30.III.2009 , leg. Assing (cAss). V a n: 1 ex. , Guzeldere geçidi, 2200 m , 5.VI.1998 , leg. Sama ( MNHUB ). Israel : 1 ex. [det. Feldmann ], Hadera , ca. 5 km SW Hadera , Derekhat Ya'ar reserve , 28.III.2008 , leg. Assmann (cFel). Kazakhstan : 13, Ural river , Dzhangala , 20.IV.1982 , leg. Kastcheev (cAss) . C o m m e n t: Leptobium gracile is the most widespread and common species of the genus, its distribution ranging from the Canary Islands to Middle Asia; for a map illustrating its distribution see ASSING (2005) . It was only recently reported from Kazakhstan for the first time ( ASSING 2009a ).