A revision of the rare flower beetle genus Macronotops Krikken (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) from Asia with biological notes Author Qiu, Jian-Yue Author Xu, Hao Author Chen, Li text Zootaxa 2019 2019-02-18 4556 1 1 65 journal article 28528 10.11646/zootaxa.4556.1.1 9ffb3429-ba6c-4d23-a88e-781dde361e56 1175-5326 2585204 7C55D5CB-5A0F-4DCE-A5A7-755339CF45F3 Macronotops vuilleti ( Bourgoin, 1916 ) ( Figs. 16–17 , 39–40 , 63–64 , 94–97 , 119 , 131 , 169–172 , 219–220 , 238–242 , 258 , 279–281 , 309 ) Macronota vuilleti Bourgoin, 1916 : 135 ( type locality: Chapa, Lao-Kay, Tonkin [=Sa Pa, Lao Cai , N. Vietnam ])*; Schenkling 1921: 143. Coilodera vuilleti (Bourgoin) : Paulian 1960 : 18. Pleuronota vuilleti (Bourgoin) : Mikšić 1971 : 208; Mikšić 1976 : 170 ( holotype ). Macronotops vuilleti vuilleti (Bourgoin) : Krikken 1977 : 208; Krajčík 1998 : 90; Sakai 2008 : 20 (Mount Phu Pan & Xam Neua, Laos )*, fig. 72 ♂ ; Krajčík 2011 : 59; Krajčík 2012 : 152. Type material. Holotype (by monotypy, , BMNH, Figs. 238–242 ): Macronota vuilleti Bourgoin , Type [white label with red right edge]// Holotype [white label with red border] // Bourgoin Coll., B . M . 1938-252 [pale yellow label] // Macronota vuilleti Bourg. , M . E . Bacchus det 1974 , HOLOTYPE [white label]. Additional material examined ( 20♂♂ , 5♀ ). CHINA : Yunnan : 6♂♂ , 1♀ ( QCCC ) , Mount Huanglianshan Nature Reserve , Lüchun County , 1,900 m , Jian-Yue QIU & Hao XU , 3 nd instar larvae in rotten wood 21.II.2018 , adult emerged V.2018 . VIETNAM : 1♂ ( QCCC ), V .2015 , Mount Sapa , Lao Cai prov . LAOS : 2♂♂ , 1♀ ( QCCC ), V .2013 , Mount Phu Pane , Hua Phan prov .; 5♂♂ ( QCCC ), VI .2014 , Mount Phu Pane , Hua Phan Prov. , 2,060 m ; 1♂ ( KSCJ ), 15–24. V .2004 , Phu Pan ( Mt. ), Houa Phan Prov., T . Mizusawa ; 5♂♂ ( KSCJ ), VII.2005 , Xam Nua , Hua Phan Prov .; 1♀ ( KSCJ ), 10–21. VI .2010 , Phou Pan ( Mt. ), Houa Phan Prov., St. Jakl ; 1♀ ( KSCJ ), V .2012 , Mt. Pan , Sam Neua, Houa Pan Prov .; 1♀ ( KSCJ ), V .2007 , Xan Neua , Hua Phan Prov . Redescription (male). General: Body length 16.5–18.0 mm; width 7.0–7.5 mm, widest at humeral umbone, gradually narrowed backward. Body reddish-brown to dark brown. Surface with fulvous, light yellow and black setae, and yellow tomentous maculae. Head: Brown. Dorsal surface with dense, setiferous, punctures; setae short, fulvous, but long on frons. Anterior margin of clypeus nearly straight and slightly raised. Frons flat or with an indistinct longitudinal ridge ( Fig. 16 ). Maxillary palpus and labial palpus dark brown. Antenna yellowish-brown to dark brown; antennal club long, about 1.5 times of antennomeres 2–7 combined; inner side of antennomere 8 with dense, fulvous setae ( Fig. 16 ). Ventral surface clad with long, fulvous setae ( Fig. 170 ). Pronotum: Reddish-brown to brown. Widest at base, basomedian area depressed. Lateral margin curved; posterior margin distinctly protruded. Surface densely clad with long, fulvous and black setae ( Fig. 169 ). Scutellum: Reddish-brown to dark brown, with sparse, fulvous setae. Elytron: Humeral umbone, disc, lateral declivity, and distal declivity reddish-brown; juxtascutellar area dark brown; with posthumeral macula, lateral macula, median macula, and distal macula. Surface densely clad with setae; setae long between sutural and discolateral costae; setae black on lateral declivity, light yellow on maculae; setae fulvous on the rest of elytron; humeral umbone glabrous ( Fig. 169 ). Mesepimeron, metepisternum and metepimeron: Dark brown, with fulvous and/or dark brown setae. Sternum: Preprosternum reddish, with sparse, fulvous setae on sides. Mesosternum dark reddish-brown, with sparse, fulvous setae. Mesometasternal process short, glabrous, dark reddish-brown, apex rounded; mesometasternal suture depressed, with long, fulvous setae. Metasternum black, with long, fulvous setae; middle portion glabrous ( Fig. 170 ). Pygidium: Brown. With a small yellow macula. Surface densely clad with setae; setae fulvous in middle, dark brown on sides ( Fig. 94 ). Abdomen: Dark reddish-brown. With a slightly depressed longitudinal groove in median. Six abdominal sternites visible; sternites surface clad with fulvous setae; setae on sternite II long, dense; setae on sternites III–V longer on sides, but almost glabrous in median; setae near posterior margin of sternite VI long, dense; sternite VII with sparse, short setae on sides. Sternites II–V densely clad with black and fulvous setae in dorsal and lateral portion ( Fig. 170 ). Legs: Reddish-brown, slender, simple. Metacoxa, femora, and tibia clad with long, fulvous and light yellow setae. Protibia without tiny tooth ( Fig. 39 ); mesotibia and metatibia with a sharp spine near the middle of outer margin; metatibia with a row of brush-like, fulvous setae along inner margin ( Figs. 169–170 ); dorsal tooth of metatibia longer than basitarsus of metatarsus ( Fig. 63 ). Tarsi simple; basitarsus of metatarsus with a cluster of dense, long setae ( Fig. 63 ). Genitalia: Parameres broad, short; apex rounded, distinctly expanded. Interparameral split wide, gradually constricted to apex; base with membrane, slightly divided in medial. Median lobe wide at base, filiform apically; distinctly longer than paramere ( Fig. 119 ). Female. Body length 17.0–17.5 mm; width 7.7–8.0 mm. Except for sexual dimorphism characteristics of the genus, body color darker ( Fig. 1 71 ), dorsal tooth of metatibia larger ( Fig. 64 ), setae on mesotibia and metatibia shorter ( Figs. 171–172 ), and basitarsus of metatarsus with less setae ( Fig. 64 ). FIGURES 169–172. Habitus of Macronotops vuilleti (dorsal and ventral view). 169–170, male (Mount Phu Pane, Hua Phan, NE Laos); 171–172, female (Mount Phu Pane, Hua Phan, NE Laos). Variability. Features are stable, but pygidium of some specimens without yellow macula ( Figs. 95–96 ), and setae are black ( Fig. 96 ). Differential diagnosis. Length of clypeus almost equal to width. Antenna yellowish-brown to dark brown ( Figs. 16–17 ). Male pronotum clad with fulvous long setae. Elytra with posthumeral maculae, median maculae, lateral maculae, and distal maculae ( Figs. 169, 171 ). Pygidium with a yellow macula ( Figs. 94, 97 ), sometimes absent ( Figs. 95–96 ). Abdominal sides without yellow maculae ( Figs. 1 70 , 172 ); male abdomen with a slightly longitudinal groove. Protibia without tiny tooth ( Figs. 39–40 ); dorsal tooth of male metatibia longer than basitarsus of metatarsus ( Fig. 63 ). This species is similar to Macronota fulvoguttatus , and the differences are provided in the differential diagnosis of that species. Distribution. China ( new country record ): Yunnan ; Vietnam ; Laos . Natural history. Larvae of this species were excavated from several rotten trunks in February and finally emerged in May. The habitus is a slope by a stream in Mount Huanglianshan of southern Yunnan , and the trunks were lying under a forest composed of bamboo and Amomum tsaoko Crevost et Lemarie (Zingiberaceae) ( Figs. 279–281 ). Remarks. Macronota vuilleti was rarely reported and previously only known from northeastern Laos and northern Vietnam ( Bourgoin 1916 ; Sakai 2008 ). This species is also occurring in southern Yunnan of China close to the type locality.