Revision of Toxomerus Macquart, 1855 (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Brazil with synonymic notes, identification key to the species and description of three new species 2179 Author Borges, Zuleica M. Author Couri, Marcia S. text Zootaxa 2009 2009-08-06 2179 1 72 journal article 1175­5334 Toxomerus teliger (Fluke) ( Figs. 155–157 ) Mesograpta teligera Fluke, 1953: 125 (descr.); Wirth et al. , 1965: 571 (cat.). Toxomerus teliger Metz & Thompson, 2001: 228 , 246 (key & redescr.). Diagnosis. Face 1/3 as long as eye width, yellow; frontal triangle yellow. Proepimeron yellow; scutum black except broadly yellow laterally; scutellum brown with yellow margins, black pilose; anepimeron black. Pro and mesofemora yellow, metafemur yellow on basal 1/2 and brown on apical 1/2; pro and meso tibiae yellow, metatibia brownish. Wing extensively bare; alula broader than cell BM appically, not microtrichose. Abdomen 3 th tergum black with sub-lateral arcuate yellow vitta continuous to basal border and shiny apical fascia. Surstylus very broad; postanal process little distinct; aedeagus slender; superior lobe somewhat trapezoid with curved anterior extension, with setae apically, scattered hairs and erect setae along anteroventral margin. Female genitalia: 9 th tergum with a semicircle black macula with two concavities anteriorly; epiproct slender; cercus slender; hypoproct somewhat triangular; 9 th sternum as in Fig. 156 ; three rounded spermatecae similar in size ( Figs. 155–157 ). Length. Body 9.5–11.8 mm, wing 7.1–8.0 mm. Type material examined . Paratype . UNITED STATES . Arizona : Baboquivari , Mesograpta teligera , , VII 19–50, H. O. Wright ( USNM ) . Other material examined . VENEZUELA . Bolivar : N. Rio Yuruani , & , 29/VI-10/VII/1987 , Gran Sabana ( FMNH ) . BRAZIL . Rondônia : Porto Velho , , 2♀ , XI-1954 ,, XI-1954 , F. Pereira , W. Dante , & M. Alvarenga ( MZSP ) ; Vilhena , 12 ♂ & 12 ♀ , X/1986 , P. Magno & J. Becker ( MZSP ) . Mato Grosso : Pouso Grande , 2♂ & , X/1949 , X/1949 , W. Bokermann ( MZSP ) ; Sinop , 10 ♂ & 6 ♀ , III/1976 , Alvarenga & Roppa ( MZSP ) ; Vera , 12 ♂ & 9 ♀ , X/1973 , Alvarenga & Roppa ( MZSP ) . Goiás : Lagoa Formosa , , 26–28/X/1964 , Exp. Depto. Zool ( MZSP ) . Rio de Janeiro : Jacarepaguá , , XII/1969 , M. Alvarenga ( MNRJ ) . São Paulo : Santo Amaro , , X/1962 , J. Lane ( MZSP ) . Geographical record. Widespread from the southern United States to southeastern Brazil .