Revision of the genus Minagrion Santos, 1965 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) Author Vilela, Diogo Silva Author Anjos-Santos, Danielle Laboratório de Investigaciones en Ecología y Sistemática Animal, CIEMEP, UNPSJB, CONICET-CCT-PATAGONIA NORTE, Chubut, Argentina. danianjos _ santos @ comahue-conicet. gob. ar; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2889 - 5964 Author Koroiva, Ricardo Federal University of Paraíba, Graduate Program in Biological Sciences-Zoology, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil ricardo. koroiva @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6658 - 0824 Author Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo ECOEVO Lab, E. E. Forestal, Departamento de Ecoloxía e Bioloxía Animal, Universidade de Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain adolfo. cordero @ uvigo. es; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5087 - 3550 Author Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer Laboratory of Ecological Studies on Ethology and Evolution (LESTES), Department of Hydrobiology, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil & rhainerguillermo @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7774 - 5252 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-06-02 4786 2 176 198 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4786.2.2 1175-5326 3875351 9EEAC300-4179-41B9-B51F-FDB4131CD991 Minagrion Santos, 1965 Type species: Telagrion mecistogastrum Santos, 1965 by original designation. Santos (1965b) : 9 (genus proposed with M. mecistrogastrum as the type species and including Agrion waltheri , Telagrion ribeiroi and M. caldense sp. nov. );— Santos (1967) : 7−9 (original description of M. canaanense and );— Garrison (1991) : 13 (synonymic list);— Carvalho & Nessimian (1998) : 13 (habit and habitats of larvae occurring in Rio de Janeiro State );— Costa & Mascarenhas (1998) : 11 (Catalogue of types housed in the MNRJ , comments);— Costa et al. (2000) : 12 (species list, records, distribution, references);— Lencioni (2004) : 91−92 (relationships of Minagrion with Telagrion );— Costa et al. (2001) : 437, 440, 446 (species list, mention of M. ribeiroi );— Lencioni (2006) : 17, 43, 169−173 (diagnosis, illustrations, distribution);— Heckman (2008) : 299, 335−337 (key, illustrations, distribution);— Garrison et al. (2010) : 134, 287−289 (generic key, diagnosis, illustrations, distribution, habitat, comments);— Côrtes et al. (2011) : 136 (distribution of M. waltheri in Tocantins State );— Hämäläinen (2013) : 30 (mention of M. waltheri named after Walthère de Selys Longchamps);— Machado & Bedê (2015) : 290−291, 294 (occurrence of M. waltheri ; description of M. franciscoi , additional distribution of M. caldense in Minas Gerais State as “ Minagrion caldensis ” in p. 294, illustration of genital ligula, comparison with Minagrion franciscoi ).— Vilela et al. (2016) : 489 (distribution of M. waltheri in Minas Gerais State , ecological data);— Lencioni (2017) : 247, 383−396 (diagnosis, illustrations, distribution);— Renner et al. (2017) : 3−6 (distribution of M. waltheri in Rio Grande do Sul State );— Rodrigues & Roque (2017) : 2 (distribution of M. waltheri in Mato Grosso do Sul State );— Dalzochio et al. (2018) : 6 (distribution of M. waltheri in Rio Grande do Sul State ). Other species included. Minagrion waltheri , Minagrion ribeiroi , Minagrion caldense , Minagrion canaanense , Minagrion franciscoi new syn. Diagnosis. Medium to large coenagrionids ( 28–61 mm , Figs. 1 a–f, 5a–j); male anal appendages forcipate with a medial longitudinal ridge on medial surface of cercus: apically armed with a rounded sclerotized lobe (dorsal plate); the ventral portion of which forms a ventrobasal expansion varying in size (see Figs. 3 a–x, 8a–h); paraprocts vestigial with an acute tip, shorter or subequal to 1/2 cercus; genital ligula with an inner fold next to flexure, sclerotized lateral process at the flexure, apex entire (e.g. Fig. 4 a–b) or bifid ( Fig. 4c ), surpassing level of or almost at the same level of inner fold ( Fig. 4e ); female posterior lobe of prothorax slightly convex, uni- ( Fig. 6 a–c) or trilobate ( Fig. 6 d–f) in dorsal view; in lateral view, posterior margin of prothorax entire ( Fig. 7c ) or divided ( Fig. 7 a–b, d–e) in the posterior lobe region, notopleural suture a sinuous ( Fig. 7c ) or smoothly curved line ( Fig. 7b ); S8 with no vulvar spine ( Fig. 9c, f, i, l ); vulvar laminae always surpassing posterior margin of S10, reaching or not the level of cercus; presence of a longitudinal process (here called tubercle) on both sexes, which consists in a thin projection on the venter of S1, larger on males (e.g. Figs. 2 a–l). Distribution. Endemic to Brazil predominantly in the Southeastern region.