Synopsis of the genus Sangaris Dalman in South America (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with description of two new species and new combinations Author Monné, Miguel A. Author Monné, Marcela L. text Zootaxa 2009 2230 29 41 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.275195 ee2d1859-0b5e-4fb0-af77-73cfeff35395 1175-5326 275195 D036615C-7006-4F78-823F-8D4B51E02222 Sangaris octomaculata Aurivillius, 1902 ( Fig. 9 ) Sangaris octomaculata Aurivillius, 1902 : 223 ; Monné, 2005 : 355 (cat.). Geographical distribution . Brazil : Bahia, Espírito Santo, and São Paulo. Specimens examined . BRAZIL , Espírito Santo: Linhares, female, IX.1971 (B. Silva leg.); same data, female, III.1973 ; male, XI.1973 (Parque Sooretama), female, X.1968 (F. M. Oliveira leg.); São Paulo: São Paulo (Jabaquara), male, 10.XII.1943 (H. Zellibor; leg.); same data, male, 1.XII.1945 . Morumbi, male, 3.III.1945 . Serra da Bocaina, female, XII. 2003 (J. A. Giorgi leg.). All specimens deposited in MNRJ.