Synopsis of the genus Sangaris Dalman in South America (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with description of two new species and new combinations Author Monné, Miguel A. Author Monné, Marcela L. text Zootaxa 2009 2230 29 41 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.275195 ee2d1859-0b5e-4fb0-af77-73cfeff35395 1175-5326 275195 D036615C-7006-4F78-823F-8D4B51E02222 Sangaris ordinale Monné & Monné sp. nov. ( Fig. 15 ) Description . Male. Form elongate, subcylindrical. Integument black, basal third of the femora reddish-brown. Body with predominance of dense and appressed grayish-olive pubescence with metallic reflections. Whitishgray pubescence as follows: basal half of antennal segments 3, 4, and 6, an elongate macula on anterior and posterior margins of lower eye lobe, a narrow longitudinal vitta extending from clypeus to anterior margin of the prothorax, pronotum with three transverse fasciae, one on the anterior and posterior margins, and another slightly post-median. Scutellum immaculate. Each elytron with whitish-gray pubescence as follows: a narrow longitudinal vitta extending posteriorly along epipleura from below humeral angles to near apex, projected three times across disk to suture, the first in the basal third, the second median, and the last in the apical third. A sutural fascia from the end of the basal third to the apex, anteriorly enclosing an elongate patch of greyisholive pubescence; an oblong patch on the epipleura between the second and third oblique fasciae; and a transverse patch on the apex. Basal half of femorae, median ring on tibiae, first tarsal segment, mesepisterna, metepisterna, and ventrites densely covered with whitish-gray pubescence. Antennae exceeding elytral apices by 5 segments, segments 3–11 gradually decreasing in length. Prothorax with sides rounded, pronotum with row of punctures on basal fourth. Prosternum with intercoxal process narrow, about 1/5 as wide as one coxa; mesosternum with intercoxal process as wide as one coxa. Elytra with humeri pronounced; humeral angles obliquely rounded; surface very finely and serially punctate; short, suberect black setae arising from punctures. Apices truncate, outer angle dentate. Urotergite and urosternite 5 with apex emarginate. Female . Antennae exceeding elytral apices by 4 segments; terminal abdominal segments forming an ovipositor sheath which is strongly produced, projecting 2–2.5 mm beyond elytral apex; urosternite 5 very elongate, apex emarginate, urotergite 5 narrow, elongate, acuminate, tapering to apex. Measurements (mm), male/female. Total length, 10.4–12.3/11.0–12.6; prothorax length, 2.0–2.4/ 2.0–2.2; prothorax width, 2.6–3.0/2.6–3.0; elytral length, 7.5–8.8/8.2–9.0; humeral width, 3.6–4.2/ 3.8–4.5. Etymology . Latin, ordinale meaning a sequence of lines. Alluding to the arrangement of fasciae of the elytra. Type material . Holotype . Male. ECUADOR , Carchi: Chical (00º 56 N, 78° 11 W, 1250 m ), 1- 10.VIII.1983 (J. E. Rawlings leg.) ( MNRJ ). Paratypes . ECUADOR , Pichincha, female, 9.VI.1984 (V. Zak leg.) ( MNRJ ); Santo Domingo de los Colorados, male, 2 females , III.1982 , without collector ( MNRJ ); female, XI.1985 (G. Onore leg.) ( USNM ), Cotopaxi, female, III.1983 (G. Onore leg.) ( MNRJ ), San Francisco de las Pampas (Otonga, 2000 m ), female, 30-31.VII.1993 (E. Tapia, G. Onore & C. Young leg.) ( MNRJ ). Comments . Sangaris ordinale Monné & Monné sp. nov. belongs to group “c”, and can be distinguished from the other species of the group by the characters given in the key. Sangaris ordinale sp. nov. has a similar pattern to S. geometrica (Bates, 1872) , which ranges from Nicaragua to central Panama , but differs mainly by the transverse post-median whitish-gray pronotal fascia, by the sutural elytral fascia not interrupted in the middle, by the presence of additional patches of obscure pubescence bounded by clear pubescence, in the apical third and on the epipleura, and by the whitish patch on the apex of the elytra. In S. geometrica the pronotum has fasciae restricted to the anterior and posterior margins, the sutural fascia is interrupted in the middle, there are no additional patches of obscure pubescence, and the apex of the elytron is immaculate.