Revision of the genera of Picrotini (Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae: Cryptophaginae) Author Gimmel, Matthew L. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 2559 Puesta del Sol Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 USA; e-mail: phalacrid @ gmail. com Author Leschen, Richard A. B. New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Manaaki - Whenua Landcare Research, Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand; text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2022 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2022-06-21 62 1 61 109 journal article 10.37520/aemnp.2022.006 1804-6487 7161221 42A5070B-F287-4B14-84A1-A57F7E274CE6 Papuacryptus striatopunctatus sp. nov. ( Fig. 66 ) Type material. Hඈඅඈඍඒඉൾ: male ( SMNS ), labeled: “Irian Jaya Panlal Mulia (s.)Wuyuneeri 1900-2200m , 6-7.VII. A. RIEDEL leg. 1994.”. Pൺඋൺඍඒඉൾ: PAPUA NEW GUINEA : NE New Guinea, Mt. Kaindi, Nothofagus pullei 2nd growth, 25 February 1971 , T. Tigner (1, ANIC ). Diagnosis. This is the only known member of the genus; therefore, it may be recognized by the characters given in the generic diagnosis above. Description. Length 1.40–1.48 mm . Color uniformly pale reddish-brown on dorsal ( Fig. 66 ) and ventral surfaces, thoracic ventrites slightly infuscated; appendages also reddish-brown, antennal club somewhat paler. Dorsal setae silvery, long, vestiture converging to posteromedial point on pronotum, uniformly directed posteromedially on each elytron; elytra with moderately long, sparse, suberect setae along sides in posterior half, disc with mixture of suberect and recumbent setae, suberect setae not much longer than recumbent setae. Ventral surfaces with dense, recumbent setae; gula, genae, prosternum and hypomeron densely, moderately coarsely, uniformly punctate; hypomeron posteriorly with microsculptured impunctate region; prosternal process impunctate and shiny medially with a few suberect setae laterally; punctation of metaventrite as dense as that of prosternum but finer, especially medially, impunctate in an elongate triangle medially; abdominal ventrites with punctation fine, similar to that of metaventrite but uniform. Figs 90–94. Ventral characters of Picrotini . 90 – prosternum, Notocryptus n. sp. 11. 91–92 – metaventrite.91 – Foveocryptus chenyandongi sp. nov. ; 92 – Notocryptus n. sp. 12. 93–94 – basal abdominal ventrites. 93 – Austroscelis gibbipennis ( Blackburn, 1891 ) ; 94 – Cordosomatula magnabagishae sp. nov. Head with very coarse, dense punctation on frons, punctures separated by less than one puncture diameter, with smooth and shiny interspaces; with narrow, transverse impunctate area at vertex. Antennomere 2 ovate, slightly longer than wide, antennomere 3 slightly narrower, about equal in length to 2, antennomere 4 equal in width to but much shorter than 3; antennomere 11 longer than 10, distinctly shorter than 9 and 10 combined. Pronotal length/ width ratio ~0.76, almost parallel-sided, greatest width just anterior to middle, width across posterior angles slightly greater than across anterior angles; anterior angles moderately projecting, obtuse, posterior angles right, not projecting, posterior margin weakly sinuate, with broad, truncate scutellar lobe; pronotum without broad basal transverse impression, with narrow gutter anterior to posterior marginal bead, without carinae or paralateral plicae along base, with small, shallow glabrous pits just medial of posterior angles; pronotal punctation moderately dense, punctures separated by about one puncture diameter, with smooth and shiny interspaces, punctures on central part of disc larger. Elytra about 1.67× longer than combined width, about 1.16× wider than pronotum at greatest width, about 2.54× longer than pronotum at greatest length; sutural stria strongly indicated on elytron anteriorly nearly to scutellar shield; with 9 discal punctate striae, which are slightly impressed in basal 2/3 of elytra for striae 1–3 (in addition to engraved sutural stria and puncture row along lateral bead), becoming increasingly less impressed and disorganized laterally; interstriae with scattered setae (especially in oddnumbered interstriae), recumbent setae originating from strial punctures, suberect setae originating from interstrial punctures; additional rows of punctures with recumbent setae situated along the strial and lateral margins of elytron; disc not impressed. Aedeagus not studied. Figs 95–97. Abdomens and aedeagus viewed with partial transmitted light. 95–96 – abdomen. 95 – Antarcticotectus silvanus (Broun, 1880) ; 96 – Orthoscelis transversus sp. nov. 97 – aedeagus, dorsal and right lateral views, Antarcticotectus silvanus . Abbreviations: bp = basipenis; dp = distipenis. Remarks. This species is only known from the holotype and paratype , both of which are apparently male based on the 5-5-4 tarsal formula. Etymology. From the Latin participle “ striatus ” and adjective “ punctatus ”, referring to the punctate striae of the elytra, unique among Picrotini .