Review of the genus <i> Thrips </ i> and related genera (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) from Japan Author Masumoto, Masami Author Okajima, Shûji text Zootaxa 2013 2013-06-17 3678 1 1 65 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3678.1.1 1175-5326 10098369 DC9F35D6-C4E4-4266-86DD-75C3801703E6 Thrips alni Uzel ( Figs. 62–68 ) Female macroptera . Body including legs uniformly yellow; antennal segments I to II yellow, III shaded often with basal half pale, IV to V brown often with basal half slightly pale, VI to VII brown; fore wings including clavus uniformly weakly shaded in greyish brown; prominent body setae dark brown, S1 setae pale, S2 setae pale or distinctly paler than lateral setae (S3–S5) on abdominal tergites. Head ( Fig. 62 ) rounded at cheeks. Ocellar setae III outside ocellar triangle, posterolateral to fore ocellus. Postocular setae I and III longer than longitudinal diameter of hind ocelli, II and IV minute. Antennae ( Fig. 63 ) 7-segmented, III to IV without apical neck, IV to V pedicelate. Pronotum ( Fig. 62 ) with 21–31 discal setae; posteroangular setae 2 pairs; posteromarginal setae 3 pairs, setae I the longest. Mesonotum with CPS anteromedially. Metascutum ( Fig. 64 ) with wide spaced longitudinal striae medially except anteromedially, lines of sculpture sometime converged to middle at posterior margin; median pair of setae far from anterior margin; CPS present. Fore wing first vein with seven basal and three distal setae. Abdominal tergites III to VI with no lines of sculpture extending to mesad of S1 setae; tergite II with 4 lateral marginal setae; III to V with S2 setae pale same as remaining tergal setae; tergite VIII ( Fig. 65 ) with posteromarginal comb complete, S2 setae almost as long as S1 setae; tergite IX with two pairs of CPS; sternite I with two microsetae anteromedially; sternite VII with S1 setae much far from posterior margin; pleurotergites without discal setae and ciliate microtrichia. Male macroptera . Body pale yellow. Antennal segment VI with more 20 setae. Abdominal tergite VIII ( Fig. 66 ) with posteromarginal comb medially; tergite IX with S1 setae anterior to level of S2 setae, slightly longer than S2 setae, their bases equidistant; sternites III to V or VI each with a small circular pore plate ( Figs. 67, 68 ). FIGURES 62–73. Thrips species. T. alni , female 62–65: (62) Head & pronotum; (63) Antenna, right; (64) Metascutum; (65) Tergite VIII, right side. T. alni , male 66–68: (66) Tergites VIII–IX, sculpture omitted at right side of tergite IX; (67) Middle of sternites III–IV; (68) Sternite V, sculpture omitted. T. aspinus , female 69–73: (69) Head & pronotum, sculpture omitted at posterior half of head to pronotum; (70) Antennal segments III–VII, left; (71) Tergite VI & pleurotergite, right side, sculpture omitted; (72) Tergites VIII–X, sculpture omitted at right side of tergite VIII and tergite X; (73) Sternites VI–VII, sculpture omitted. Specimens examined. JAPAN , Hokkaido : Tomakomai City, Takaoka-shinrinkouen Park, 8 females , 9 males on Alnus hirsta [ Betulaceae ], 24-ix-2004 , T. Tsutsumi (FU). Honshu: Gunma Pref. , Kusatsu-cho, 2 females on leaves of Alnus hirsta , 13-v-2002 , M. Masumoto (TUA). Yamanashi Pref. , Sutama-cho, Kanayama-daira: 8 females on leaves of Alnus hirsta , 8-vii-1994 , S. Okajima (TUA); 26 females , 8 males , on leaves of Alnus hirsta , 1- vii-1995 , S. Okajima (TUA). Yamanashi Pref. , Sutama-cho, Tokusa-toge (alt about 1400 m ): 4 females , 1 male on leaves of Betula sp. , 3-ix-2002 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 6 females on leaves of Alnus hirsta , 3-ix-2002 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 6 females on leaves of Alnus hirsta , 14-vii-2006 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 4 females on leaves of Betula sp. [ Betulaceae ], 14-vii-2006 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 1 male on leaves of Polygonum japonica [ Polygonaceae ], 14-vii-2006 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 1 male on leaves of Betula sp. , 14-vii-2006 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 3 females on flowers, 14-vii-2006 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 1 female on flowers of Lespedeza sp. [ Fabaceae ], 22-viii-2006 , M. Masumoto (TUA). Yamanashi Pref. , Fujiyoshida City, Fuji-rindou, nr. Mt. Fuji: 4 females on leaves of Alnus hirsta , 24-vii-2001 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 6 females on leaves of Alnus hirsta , 18-ix-2001 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 9 females on leaves of Alnus hirsta , 30-v-2003 , M. Masumoto (TUA). Nagano Pref. , Norikurakougen, 5 female on flowers of Thalictrum sp. [ Ranunculaceae ], 21-viii-2006 , M. Masumoto (TUA). Distribution . Japan ( Hokkaido , Honshu), Europe. Biology . This species is common on Betulaceae in mountainous areas and northern part of Japan . Comments . This species is here newly recorded from Japan , although Tsutsumi (1997) reported it as Thrips sp. 9 . It is very similar to T. palmi and discrimination of these species is often difficult in females but the males can be distinguished easily: in T. alni , abdominal pore plates are very small and present on sternites III to V or VI, whereas in T. palmi these are regularly wide on each segment, although the habitats of the two species may not overlap.