Review of the genus <i> Thrips </ i> and related genera (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) from Japan Author Masumoto, Masami Author Okajima, Shûji text Zootaxa 2013 2013-06-17 3678 1 1 65 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3678.1.1 1175-5326 10098369 DC9F35D6-C4E4-4266-86DD-75C3801703E6 Tsutsumiothrips ryukyuensis sp. n. ( Figs. 265–271 ) Female macroptera . Distended body length 1.4–1.6 mm . Body usually distinctly bicoloured, almost yellow, head often shaded within ocellar triangle and at cheeks, posterior two-thirds of abdominal segment VIII to segment X dark brown; antennal segments I to III yellow, IV yellowish brown with base slightly pale, V brown with basal half yellow, VI brown with base slightly yellowish, VII brown; fore wings and clavus uniformly pale; all legs yellow; prominent body setae pale to brown. Head ( Fig. 267 ) about 0.8 times as long as wide, sculptured with transverse anastomosing striae dorsally, weakly sculptured within ocellar triangle, slightly constricted just behind compound eyes with cheeks rounded. Ocellar setae III outside ocellar triangle, posterolateral to fore ocellus. Postocular setae I the longest. Antennae ( Fig. 268 ) slender, segment II without microtrichial rows, III to V straight at each side, III to IV with apical neck very weak, IV to V pedicelate, VI straight at each side of basal half and slightly tapering to apex. Antennal segments I to VIII length/width ratio of as follows: 0.8–1.0, 1.3, 3.0–3.3, 2.8–3.3, 2.3–2.7, 3.2–3.5, 2.6–3.2. Pronotum 0.9–1.0 times as long as wide, weakly sculptured, with 17–19 discal setae; posteroangular setae I 0.3–0.4 times as long as pronotal median length and longer than setae II; posteromarginal setae 3 pairs, setae I slightly longer than remaining setae. Mesonotum sculptured with transverse anastomosing striae; CPS present anteromedially. Metascutal sculpture narrow spaced; median pair of setae 0.4 times as long as metascutal median length; CPS absent. Fore wing first vein with seven basal and three distal setae; costal vein with 22–29setae; second vein with 11–14setae. Abdominal tergites III to VII ( Fig. 269 ) with no lines of sculpture extending to mesad of S1 setae; tergite II with four lateral marginal setae; tergite IX with both anterior and posterior pairs of CPS, S1, S2, S2 and MD setae each 1.0–1.5, 1.4–1.9, 1.4–1.9 and 0.5–0.8 times; tergite X with S1 and S2 setae each 1.7–2.1 and 1.6–1.9 times. Ovipositor 1.5–1.7 times as long as pronotal median length. Measurements of holotype female . Distended body length 1390. Head length 97 (109 including anterior projection), width across cheeks 115; compound eye dorsal length 61, width 35. Pronotal median length 138, width 135; posteromarginal setae I length 42–48, setae II length 33–40. Metascutal median length 60, median setae length 25. Fore wing length 640, width at middle 45. Abdominal tergite IX median length 83, S1 setae length?–? (apex lost), S2 setae length 113–115, S3 setae length 113–116, MD setae length 45; tergite X length 63, S1 setae length 100–105, S2 setae length 98. Ovipositor length 230. Antennal segments I to VII length (width) as follows: 20 (25), 33 (25), 45 (15), 43 (15), 35 (15), 48 (15), 16 (6). Male macroptera . Distended body length 1.1–1.2 mm . Body colour similar to female. Abdominal sternal pore plates ( Fig. 271 ), 43–60microns width. Measurements of paratype males . Distended body length 1100–1200. Head length 80–89 (88–97 including anterior projection), width across cheeks 103–115; compound eye dorsal length 55–58, width 30–38. Pronotal median length 118–130, width 119–140; posteromarginal setae I length 46–53, setae II length 34–43. Metascutal median length 53–60, median setae length 18–25. Fore wing length 520–660, width at middle 40. Antennal segments I to VIII length (width) as follows: 20–23 (23–25), 30 (23), 38–43 (14–15), 35–40 (14–15), 30–33 (15), 40–48 (15), 16–18 (5–8). Type series . Holotype female, Japan , Ryukyus , Okinawa-hontou Is., Naha City, on Pleioblastus sp. [ Poaceae ], 7-viii-2004 , K. Minoura. Paratypes : 2 females & 3 males same data as the holotype. Kyushu : Kagoshima Pref. , Yaku-shima Is. : Tabukawa , 75 female & 29 males on bamboo leaves, 10-iii-2000 , T . Tsutsumi ( FU ). Mugio , 24 females & 55 males on bamboo leaves, 10-iii-2000 , T . Tsutsumi ( FU ). Kagoshima Pref. , Yaku-shima Is. , Yudomari , 25 females & 28 males on bamboo leaves, 12-iii-2000 , T . Tsutsumi ( FU ). Issou-rindou , 1 female & 1 male on leaves of Pleioblastus sp. , 23-ii-2006 , M. Masumoto ( TUA ) . The holotype is deposited in TUA and most paratype are deposited in FU . Etymology . In reference to the type locality.