An account of Ichthyofauna of Digha coast, West Bengal Author Yennawar, Prasanna Author Mohapatra, Anil Author Tudu, Prasad Chandra text Records of the Zoological Survey of India 2017 2017-08-01 117 1 4 4 journal article 10.26515/rzsi/v117/i1/2017/117289 2581-8686 45. Solea elongata Day, 1877 Elongate sole (Figure 46) Material examined : 1 ex. ; 03.08.10; Mohana , Reg. No. MARC /ZSI/F1485 . Description : Body elongate and flat. Eyes on right side, small, separated by a scaly space, half the eye diameter; mouth small, curved, cleft reaching to below middle of lower eye. Dorsal and anal fins separated from caudal fin; pectoral fins well developed, symmetrical; pelvic fins short, symmetrical. Colour brownish or greyish, spotted or blotched darker; the markings are more distinct near the edge of the body, and often tend to form irregular vertical bands; a black blotch present on distal part of pectoral fin. Size: 30 cm . Distribution : Western Indian Ocean: Red Sea and Persian Gulf to the west and east coast of India and Sri Lanka . Remarks : The fish has a commercial value.