Revision of the genus Odocnemis Allard, 1876 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Helopini) from Turkey, the Caucasus and Iran with observations on feeding habits Author Nabozhenko, Maxim Author Keskin, Bekir text Zootaxa 2016 4202 1 1 97 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4202.1.1 726c8af4-e8a8-46cb-ab0b-0ef22e432dae 1175-5326 192220 E89680AA-E413-4110-965E-F4084D45D4C3 Odocnemis gloriosa ( Faldermann, 1837 ) , comb. n. Figs. 39 C, 48G,H, 53 gloriosus Faldermann, 1837 : 67, tab. I. f. 2 ( Helops ); Faldermann 1838 : 1 ( Helops , in catalogue); Allard 1876 : 16 ( Stenomax , in key); Allard 1877 : 34, 134 ( Stenomax , in key, redescription); Schneider & Leder 1878 : 243 ( Stenomax , in catalogue); Heyden et al. 1883 : 136 ( Stenomax , in catalogue); Radde 1899 : 381 ( Helops , in catalogue); Heyden et al. 1891 : 252 ( Helops ( Stenomax ) , in catalogue); Seidlitz 1896 : 729; Gebien 1911 : 543 ( Helops ( Stenomax ) , in catalogue); Reitter 1922 : 138 ( Cylindronotus ( Omaleis ) , in key); Winkler 1928 –1929: 1018 ( Cylindronotus ( Omaleis ) , in catalogue); Gebien 1943 : 428 (807) ( Cylindronotus ( Omaleis ) , in catalogue); Iablokoff-Khnzorian 1964 : 306, abb. 1h ( Helops , faunistic records); Dzhambazishvili 1983 : 96–103 ( Cylindronotus , faunistic records); Medvedev & Abdurakhmanov 1988 : 98 ( Cylindronotus , in catalogue); Abdurakhmanov & Medvedev 1994 : 192 ( Cylindronotus , in catalogue); Abdurakhmanov et al. 1995 : 212 ( Cylindronotus , in check-list); Nabozhenko 1999 : 52 ( Cylindronotus , bionomics); Nabozhenko 2000 : 53 ( Cylindronotus , faunistic records); Dzhambazishvili 2000 : 191 ( Nalassus cloriosus , incorrect spelling, in catalogue); Nabozhenko 2001 : 656, 662 ( Nalassus ( Helopondrus ) , redescription in key); Abdurakhmanov & Abdulmuslimova, 2002 : 45 ( Nalassus , faunistic records); Nabozhenko 2004 : 4 Nalassus ( Helopondrus ) , faunistic records); Nabozhenko 2005b: 39 ( Nalassus ( Helopondrus ) , bionomics); Nabozhenko & Löbl 2008 : 242 ( Nalassus ( Helopondrus ) , in catalogue); Abdurakhmanov & Nabozhenko 2009 : 12 ( Nalassus ( Helopondrus ) , distribution, bionomics); Keskin & Nabozhenko 2010: 24 ( Nalassus ( Helopondrus ) , faunistic records); Abdurakhmanov & Nabozhenko 2011 : 142, 293 ( Nalassus ( Helopondrus ) , in key, in catalogue); Nabozhenko & Kolov 2016 : 110 ( Nalassus ). impressus Küster, 1850 : 21, 51 ( Helops , description); Baudi di Selve 1876b: 275 ( Helops , redescription); Baudi di Selve 1877: 93 ( Helops , faunistic records, redescription). pulcher Allard, 1877 : 256 ( Stenomax , pulcher); Heyden et al. 1883 : 136 ( Stenomax , in catalogue); Heyden et al. 1891 : 252 ( Helops ( Stenomax ) , in catalogue); Seidlitz 1896 : 729 ( Helops ( Stenomax ) , in key); Gebien 1911 : 551 ( Helops ( Stenomax ) , in catalogue); Reitter 1922 : 138 ( Cylindronotus ( Omaleis ) , in note); Winkler 1928 –1929: 1018 ( Cylindronotus ( Omaleis ) , in catalogue); Gebien 1943 : 428 (807) ( Cylindronotus ( Omaleis ) , in catalogue); Medvedev & Abdurakhmanov 1988 : 98 ( Cylindronotus , in catalogue); Abdurakhmanov & Medvedev 1994 : 194 ( Cylindronotus , in catalogue). Material. RUSSIA : Krasnodar krai : Sochi ; Kabardino-Balkaria (invasion: Nabozhenko & Kolov (2016)) : Nalchik, Nart-Bala . GEORGIA : (including South Ossetia and Abkhazia ): Adigeni, Atskuri, Babaneuri, Bakuriani, Betania Monastery, Bobokvati, Borjomi, Chiatura, Chikhareshi, Djo-djo, Eldari, Kazbegi, Kechkobi, Kiketi, Kintrishi Reserve, Kobuleti, Kojori, Kutaisi, Lagodekhi, Lentekhi, Manglisi, Martkopi, Mtskheta, Natanebi, Ochamchira, Shaori Lake , Sioni ( Mtskheta-Mtianeti Region ), Sukhum, Surami , Tbilisi , Tianeti, Tkibuli, Tsagveri, Tskhinval, Tskhneti, Utsera, Zemo-Avchala . ARMENIA : Norashen ( Tavush Province ), Kozman, Gyumri . AZERBAIJAN : Mount Bazardüzü (Bumga Canyon), Zakatataly State Reserve , Ismailli State Reserve . TURKEY : Artvin Province : Karagöl Sahara National Park. Notes. This species was included in the subgenus Helopondrus of the genus Nalassus based on the absence of teeth on inner side of male tibiae, absence of tubercles or granules on elytra, structure of epipleura and dorsoventrally flattened parameres ( Nabozhenko 2001 ). Later we studied additional material and found granules on inner side of tibia of males from some populations. This character is variable even among specimens of one population. Genitalia and terminalia of male and genital tubes of female of the species also belong to the ‘cylindrinotoid’ type (Nabozhenko 2005). This species has a keel-shaped 8th elytral interval, which is connected with epipleural carina and 1st elytral interval apically and, therefore, is similar in this respect to species of the O. recticollis species-group. Two other characters, namely presence of small reduced wings and epipleura not reaching elytral apex, distinguish this species from the O. recticollis species-group. Based on these considerations we assign this species to the genus Odocnemis and, therefore, a new combination is established: Odocnemis gloriosa , comb. n. Material, synonymy, figures of genitalia and habitus of this species were published in our previous works ( Nabozhenko 2001 ; Keskin & Nabozhenko 2010; Abdurakhmanov & Nabozhenko 2011 ). Here only localities of this widespread species are given from studied specimens deposited in ZIN , ZM MSU , MPSU , HNHM , IZG , ZDEU , ONU , CN. Bionomics . The species inhabits forest landscapes; it feeds on lichens on Quercus spp., Juglans , Abies , Picea , Fagus , active at night (20:00–2:00).