Revision of the genus Odocnemis Allard, 1876 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Helopini) from Turkey, the Caucasus and Iran with observations on feeding habits Author Nabozhenko, Maxim Author Keskin, Bekir text Zootaxa 2016 4202 1 1 97 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4202.1.1 726c8af4-e8a8-46cb-ab0b-0ef22e432dae 1175-5326 192220 E89680AA-E413-4110-965E-F4084D45D4C3 Key to the species of the genus Odocnemis of Turkey , the Caucasus and Iran 1 Temple grooves on ventral side of head absent............................................. O. hakkariensis sp. n. - Temple grooves on ventral side of head present............................................................. 2 2 Eighth elytral interval apically not similar to others, more convex or keel-shaped, but always joining margin of elytron. Epi- pleural carina not reaching sutural angle of elytron...........................................................3 - Eighth elytral interval apically similar to others, joining inner intervals apically. Epipleural carina reaching sutural angle of elytron.............................................................................................10 3 Eighth elytral interval strongly convex, sharply keel-shaped on apex............................................ 4 - Eighth interval of elytra not keel-shaped on apex even if more convex than others..................................8 4 Epipleura not reaching sutural angle of elytra. Body with green metallic shine............................ O. gloriosa - Epipleura reaching sutural angle of elytra. Body brown or reddish, often bicoloured, without metallic shine............. 5 5 Elytra without tubercles. Antennae long and narrow, not widening apically. Antennomeres 9–11 elongate, subequal in width to antennomeres 3–8. Pronotum of male strongly elongate, with its width subequal to length. Metatibiae of male without gran- ules. Body dark-brown, monochrom............................................................. O. recticollis - Elytra with small distinct tubecles. Antennae widening apically or not. Pronotum of male weakly transverse. Metatibiae of male with granules and tubercles on inner side. Body often bicoloured.......................................... 6 6 Antennae visibly widening towards apex. Antennomeres 9–11 considerably wider than antennomeres 3–8.............. 7 - Antennae long and narrow, not widening apically. Antennomeres 9–11 elongate, subequal in width to antennomeres 3–8. Body bicoloured............................................................................... O. merkli sp. n. 7 Metaventrite with large tubercle in middle. Lateral sides of pronotum narrowly flattened. Body bicoloured: elytra black or dark-brown, pronotum and head red-brown. Head covered with short recumbent hairs.................. O. dichroa sp. n. - Metaventrite without tubercle in middle. Lateral sides of pronotum not flattened. Body monochrome, brown; rarely pronotum slightly lighter than elytra. Head not covered with hairs........................................... O. allardi sp. n. 8 Wings present, developed, subequal to elytral legth. Pro- and mesotibiae of male hatchet-shaped, with many large teeth and long dense hairs on inner side. First abdominal ventrite of male without hair spot. Elytra nearly parallel sided.... O. dasypa - Wings absent or strongly reduced, 4–5 × as short as elytra. Pro- and mesotibiae of male not hatchet-shaped, with some teeth or granules on inner side. First abdominal ventrite of male with hair spot in middle. Elytra visibly rounded, at least in males. 9 9 Pronotum with dense and coarse round punctures. Head covered with short recumbent goldish hairs or bare. Male mesotibia with teeth on inner side, metatibiae with granules or small teeth (rarely small specimens have no granules on metatibiae)................................................................................................ O. protina - Pronotum with dense and coarse punctation of elongate, sometimes merged punctures. Head without hairs. Male meso- and matetibia without teeth.......................................................................... O. operta 10 Epipleura not reaching sutural angle of elytra, elytra without apical horizontal platform and without mucron. Elytral tubercles small or absent...................................................................................... 11 - Epipleura reaching sutural angle of elytra. Elytra with horizontal platform or mucron apically. Elytra always with distinct granules or tubercles..................................................................................... 13 11 Body black, punctation of head and pronotum coarse and dense, diameter of punctures subequal to or greater than distance between punctures. Abdominal ventrite 5 without depressions..................................... O. seducta sp. n. - Body brown, punctation of head and pronotum moderately coarse and not dense, diameter of punctures less than or subequal to distance between punctures. Abdominal ventrite 5 with weak longitudinal depression at middle and 2 oblique impressions on sides.............................................................................................. 12 12 Male protibiae with 2, rarely 4 small granules; meso- and metatibiae without granules or teeth. Elytra without tubercles........................................................................................... O. aegaeica sp. n. - Male protibiae with 3–4 small distinct teeth, mesotibiae with 2–5 small teeth, metatibiae without teeth or granules. Elytra apically with small tubercles................................................................ O. euritopica sp. n. 13 Epipleura flattened from base to elytral apex, their inner small carina reaching elytral sutural angles. Lateral margins of elytra not sinuate near apex.................................................................................. 14 - Epipleura flattened almost to elytral apex, where transformed to thickened edge or small mucron. Inner small epipleural carina not reaching elytral sutural angle. Lateral margins of elytra usually sinuate near apex............................. 26 14 Elytra without mucron, flattened apically................................................................ 15 - Elytra with mucron or simple thickened apex, but not flattened apically..........................................24 15 Profemora completely (or rarely in basal 2/3) punctated and pubescent on inner side or (if profemora not pubescent) body dorsally pubescent. Male 1st abdominal ventrite without dense hair spot...........................................16 - Femora smooth and often shining on inner side, without punctation and pubescence. Male 1st (sometimes also 2nd) abdominal ventrite with dense hair spot........................................................................... 23 16 Body dorsally covered with short recumbent hairs................................................ O. erseni sp. n. - Body dorsally without pubescence, sometimes head with pubescence.......................................... 17 17 Metaventrite with tubercle; this tubercle with longitudinal furrow in middle..................................... 18 - Metaventrite without tubercle......................................................................... 19 18 Lateral sides of pronotum and hypomera not flattened. Lateral margins of pronotum weakly rounded. Profemora pubescent with short, moderately dense recumbent hairs............................................. O. svetlanae svetlanae - Lateral sides of pronotum and hypomera narrowly flattened. Lateral margins of female pronotum moderately rounded. Profemora with dense pubescence of long recumbent hairs...................................... .. O. svetlanae beydagensis 19 Abdominal ventrite 5 beaded apically. Body large ( 11–14 mm , on average 12.9 mm ), slender....................... 20 - Abdominal ventrite 5 not beaded apically. Body smaller ( 8–10 mm , on average 9.4 mm ), robust..................... 21 20 Head with short recumbent hairs. Pronotum with short recumbent setae on sides. Male metatibiae without tooth in basal part of inner side. Rarely (population from Dümbelek Dağ, Taurus) metatibiae of male with small tooth or tubercle. Body brown.............................................................................................. O. anatolica - Head without pubescence. Pronotum without setaetion. Male metatibiae with large tooth in basal part of inner side. Body black, rarely dark-brown..................................................................... O. perarmata 21 Elytral intervals with large distinct granules along entire length. Inner side of profemora with punctation and recumbent short hairs only in basal half or 2/3; other surface of inner side of profemora smooth, not shining. Apical piece of aedeagus without longitudinal depression dorsally.............................................................. O. seriegranata - Elytral intervals with small distinct tubercles apically and laterally. Inner side of profemora completely punctated and covered with short recumbent hairs. Apical piece of aedeagus with longitudinal depression dorsally......................... 22 22 Body dull, black or brown-black. Head with short recumbent hairs. Punctation of head and pronotum coarse and dense, punctures often connected; punctures on pronotal sides weakly elongate. Strial punctures not deep, elongated (as dotted lines)............................................................................................. O. nasreddini - Body moderately shining, brown or light-brown. Head without hairs. Punctation of head and pronotum moderately coarse and dense, punctures not connected; punctures on pronotal sides round. Strial punctures deep, round........... O. malgorzatae 23 Body moderately shining. Pronotum widest before middle, lateral margins of pronotum sinuate at base. Elytra with distinct tubercles along entire length. All trochanters with dense brush of long hairs................... O. subtuberculigera sp. n. - Body dull. Pronotum widest in middle with lateral margins regularly rounded and not sinuate at base. Elytra with small tubercles in apical part. Pro- and mesotrochanters with single long hair, metatrochanters with brush of long hairs.................................................................................... O. subtuberculigera thracica subsp. n. 24 Anterior angles of pronotum strongly projected, acute. Punctation of pronotum fine, not dense (diameter of punctures less than distance between punctures), punctures elongate on sides of disc. Body black. Protarsomeres 1–3 weakly widened, transverse....................................................................................... O. shokhini sp. n. - Anterior angles of pronotum not projected or weakly projected in females, right or obtuse. Punctation of pronotum moderately coarse and dense (diameter of punctures on sides more than distance between punctures), punctures on whole disc round or rarely elongate. Body brown, black-brown or bicoloured. Male protarsomeres not widened..........................25 25 Body in both sexes monochrome, brown, moderately shining. Male antennae longer, with 4 apical antennomeres extending beyond base of pronotum. Male elytra 2.8× as long as pronotum. Female pronotum with projected and widely rounded anterior angles................................................................................. O. inornata sp. n. - Body black in female, in male pronotum red-brown, elytra dark-brown, head brown. Male antennae shorter, with only 3 apical antennomeres extending beyond base of pronotum. Male elytra 2.5× as long as pronotum. Anterior angles of female pronotum not projected........................................................................ O. altimontana sp. n. 26 Apical piece of aedeagus evidently thickened in basal 2/3 and flattened in apical 1/3, with longitudinal depression on dorsal side; medial lobe with apically acute baculi. Apices of male inner sternit VIII not thickened, usually distinct, angle-shaped, not rounded or weakly rounded. Spermatheca with short branches in base.......................................... 27 - Apical piece of aedeagus gradually narrowing from base to apex, straight (lateral view), not depressed on dorsal side; medial lobe with apically hatchet-shaped baculy. Apices of male inner sternite VIII strongly thickened, ear-shaped, widely rounded and depressed in middle. Spermatheca without branches..................................................... 30 27 Abdominal ventrite 5 pubescent with yellow hairs, with widely sinuate lateral margins, with deep small round depression in male and deep large distinct depression in female. Third antennomer of male 2× as long as 4th antennomere. Apical piece of aedeagus distinctly shortly thickened on apex............................................... O. amanosica sp. n. - Abdominal ventrite 5 without hairs, with regularly rounded lateral margins, with shallow small longitudinal depression in male and wide and round depression in female. Third antennomer of male 1.7x as long as 4th antennomer. Elytra without mucron. Apical piece of aedeagus not thickened on apex.............................................................28 28 Apex of elytra without mucron. Elytral strial punctures of male and female round. Male inner sternite VIII without coarse worm-shaped wrinkles................................................................................29 - Apex of elytra with small mucron. Apex of elytra with small mucron. Pronotum not cordiform or weakly cordiform. Body brown or dark brown, without metallic shine. Strial punctures of female elongated, striae as dotted line, with flattened or sometimes depressed interstriae. Male inner sternite VIII with widely rounded not turned apices and strong worm-shaped wrinkles........................................................................................... O. punctata 29 Pronotum of male and female cordiform, widely sinuate in base. Body black, with weak metallic shine. Male mesotibiae with teeth. Male inner sternite VIII with upturned acute apices..................................... O. cordiformis sp. n. - Only pronotum of female weakly cordiform. Body brown, without metallic shine. Male mesotibiae without teeth or tubercles. Male inner sternite VIII with widely rounded not upturned apices.................................. O. kakunini sp. n. 30 Male abdominal ventrite 5 with dense pubescence of subrecumbent hairs; female abdominal ventrite 5 with sparse hairs only on apex; other abdominal ventrites not pubescent. Anterior angles of pronotum clearly projecting. Apical half of elytra with large granules......................................................................... O. evestigata sp. n. - All abdominal ventrites without hairs or regularly covered with short recumbent setae. Anterior angles of pronotum not projecting, widely rounded. Apical half of elytra with small and sparse distinct tubecles...............................31 31 Metatibiae of male with simple recumbent pubescence on inner side.—Abdominal ventrites bare........ O . terminasianae - Metatibiae of male with dense pubescence of long suberected hairs on inner side................................. 32 32 Metaventrite and all abdominal ventrites regularly pubescent with short recumbent hairs. Body wide, robust, brown, often bicoloured (pronotum red-brown, head and elytra brown). Metatibiae of male with 4–6 distinct teeth........... O. zoltani - Metaventrite and abdominal ventrites without hairs. Body slender (at least in males), monochrom, dark-brown. Metatibiae of male usually without teeth or granules, rarely with small granules..............................................33 33 Male pronotum widest before middle, lateral margins of pronotum not sinuate near angles. Metatibia of male without teeth or granules on inner side. Elytra without mucron (populations from central part of Big Taurus) or with mucron (populations from eastern part of Big Taurus: Çamlıyayla, Gülek Boğazı)................................ O. torosica torosica subsp. n. - Male pronotum widest at middle, lateral margins of pronotum weakly sinuate in apical and basal parts. Metatibia with 3 distinct teeth on inner side. Elytra without mucron............................... O. torosica subangulata subsp. n.