New insights into the systematics of Lumbricillus and Marionina (Clitellata: Enchytraeidae) inferred from Southern Hemisphere samples, including three new species Author Klinth, Mårten J. Author Rota, Emilia Author Martinsson, Svante Author Prantoni, Alessandro L. Author Erséus, Christer text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2022 2021-09-24 194 4 1103 1133 journal article 55979 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab073 4b539d1c-1f33-425e-af28-52f3c029c89e 0024-4082 6461085 3FB3FBB8-4112-463A-ADEF-35CD427C8AF4 MARIONINA GEORGIANA ( MICHAELSEN, 1888 ) ( FIG. 9D ) Pachydrilus georgianus Michaelsen, 1888: 65–66 , pl. II, fig. 7a, b. Marionia georgiana Michaelsen, 1889b: 29 . Marionina georgiana – Michaelsen in Pfeffer, 1890: 511 ; Beddard, 1895: 332 ; Michaelsen, 1900: 76 ; Nielsen & Christensen, 1959: 109 ; Brinkhurst & Jamieson, 1971: 662 ; Rota et al. , 2008: 425–433 , figs 2–6; Schmelz & Collado, 2008: 12–18 , figs 1–13. Pachydrilus ( Marionina ) georgiana Černosvitov, 1937: 293 . Christensenia georgiana Dózsa-Farkas & Convey, 1997: 483–484 , fig. 9; partim . Christensenidrilus georgiana [sic] – Dózsa-Farkas & Convey, 1998: 292 ; partim . Non Marionina georgiana Michaelsen, 1905a: 15–17 , pl. I, fig. 2; Michaelsen, 1905b: 5 ; Stephenson, 1932: 241 . Type material studied: Lectotype CeNak V428 and paralectotypes CeNak V428 2, 5–17, in alcohol. Loc. South Georgia Island . Type locality: South Georgia Island , near the German station 1882–1883, 54.533 S , 36.017 W , at low water mark, from slate debris, algal weeds and sponge canals, Febuary 1883 . Additions to Michaelsen’s original description and recent redescriptions of types : Paired clusters of perikarya on prostomial nerves and at ventral ends of circumoesophageal connectives. Ventral nerve cord with small subbuccal bulb ( Fig. 9D ); see Marionina discussion above. Developing male cells enveloped in testis sac, distally frayed, releasing free-floating cysts, parts of which extend into X and XII in seminal vesicle. Remarks: This species was thoroughly redescribed by Rota et al. (2008) and Schmelz & Collado (2008) , but neither described the subbuccal bulb (which we could not make out in most specimens) and neither considered the male cells enveloped in a testis sac but both mention the large seminal vesicle.