Unveiling Utricularia amethystina’s true colours: a taxonomic revision of one of the largest species complexes (U. sect. Foliosa, Lentibulariaceae) Author Baleeiro, Paulo C. 0000-0002-0484-3166 Department of Biological Science, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Qld 4076, Australia. & National Herbarium of New South Wales, Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, Mrs Macquaries Road, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia. & uqpbalee @ uq. edu. au; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0484 - 3166 uqpbalee@uq.edu.au Author Gonella, Paulo M. 0000-0001-8332-5326 Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei, Departamento de Ciências Exatas e Biológicas, Campus Sete Lagoas, Rodovia MG- 424, km 47, 35701 - 970, Sete Lagoas, MG, Brazil. & pmgonella @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 8332 - 5326 pmgonella@gmail.com Author Sano, Paulo T. 0000-0002-1709-1215 Department of Botany - Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo. Rua do Matão, 277, 05508 - 090, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. & ptsano @ usp. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1709 - 1215 ptsano@usp.br Author Jobson, Richard W. 0000-0002-1822-9634 National Herbarium of New South Wales, Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, Mrs Macquaries Road, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia. & richard. Jobson @ botanicgardens. nsw. gov. au; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1822 - 9634 obson@botanicgardens.nsw.gov.au text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-12-15 576 1 29 54 http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-22-0755-PDN journal article 209393 10.11646/phytotaxa.576.1.2 e182c4cc-2536-4f6c-bdb0-be4704e50e4d 1179-3163 7440860 12. Utricularia tridentata Sylvén (1909: 28) Fig. 4H Lectotype (designated by Taylor 1989 ):— BRAZIL : Rio Grande do Sul , S. Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul (S). Lindman A735 ( lectotype : S image!). = Utricularia ternata Sylvén (1909: 29) Lectotype (designated here) :— BRAZIL : Rio Grande do Sul : Canoas near Porto Alegre , Malme I : 310 ( S image!). = Utricularia ostenii Hicken (1912: 180) Lectotype (designated here) :— URUGUAY : Carrasco near Montevideo , Osten 5230 ( IS 2130 , Isolectotype: IS 2129 , MVFA image!). = Utricularia rubra Larrañaga (1923: 15) Lectotype (designated here) :— URUGUAY : 22 Dec 1812 , presumably Larrañaga s.n. ( MVFA image!). Illustrations:Taylor (1989) , fig. 78; Baleeiro et al. (2017), fig. 2m . Description :—Terrestrial. Medium sized annual herb . Rhizoids few, short branches, papillose, stolons few, c. 0.5 mm thick. Leaves 1–6, rosulate from peduncle base, lamina circular or broadly obovate from an attenuate base, 5–10 mm long, traps broadly ovoid, on rhizoid and stolon, 1.0– 1.5 mm long. Inflorescence simple, lax, rarely branched, 65–160(–230) mm long, peduncle glabrous 1 mm thick, scales basifixed, glabrous, ovate, up to 1 mm long, bract and bracteoles connate attached near middle, glabrous, 3 nerved or none, bracts ovate or deltoid, apex acute, bracteoles linear, smaller than the bracts. Flowers 1–3(–6), pedicel erect, filiform c. 5 mm long, calyx lobes unequal, cartaceous, concave, glabrous, with inconspicuous simple nerves, upper lobe ovate-oblong, apex rounded, entire margin hyaline 3 mm long, lower lobe broadly to transversally elliptic, margin entire, apex rounded or emarginate 2.8 mm long., corolla lilac with yellow spot bordered by white margin at base of lower lip, minutely papillose with few glandular trichomes 7.5–10.0 mm long, upper lobe ovate, apex rounded, same or slightly longer than the sepal, lower lip transversally elliptic or broadly obovate, base forming a 2–3 lobed swelling, apex 3–lobed, 4 × 10 mm , spur narrowly conical, apex obtuse, slightly longer than the lower lip, filaments slightly curved c. 1.5 mm long., anther theca sub-distinct, ovary globose, glandular, style short, stigma lower-lip semicircular, upper-lip absent. Capsule globose 2.5 mm diam., calyx not covering the stigma lips. Seeds narrowly cylindrical, 0.5–0.6 × 0.1–0.15 mm . Distribution and ecology: —Southern South America, Argentina , Uruguay and Brazil ( Fig.1 ). In Brazil , the species is recorded in the southern states of Paraná , Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul , and disjunctly at the higher mountains of Mantiqueira Range, at Itatiaia National Park in Rio de Janeiro , and Caparaó National Park at the Minas Gerais-Espírito Santo border. Occurring on wet substrate in high altitude grassland (campo de altitude) habitats. Flowering throughout the year. Etymology: —From the Latin tridentata = having three teeth. Refers to the margin of the bract and the bracteoles. In the past, it was common to describe the bract `tridentatis `, considering both bract and bracteoles as a single structure. Conservation status: —Least Concern. Even though U. tridentata is restricted to southern regions of South America (EOO = 181,082 km 2 , AOO = 40 km 2 ), it commonly occurs within conservation areas. Following IUCN (2012) categories categories and criteria, it is to be considered Least Concern. The species is listed in the Brazilian Red List as Vulnerable (CNCFlora, 2021). Notes: Utricularia tridentata ( Fig. 4H ) most closely resembles U. amethystina and U. lindmanii , with few morphological characters that differentiate between them. Geographically, their distributions do not overlap, and U. tridentata is found in wetlands at elevations between 1000 and 2000 m ( Taylor 1989 ). The corolla is minutely papillose in U. tridentata vs . glabrous in U. amethystina and U. lindmanii . The leaves in U. tridentata are usually circular, whereas in U. amethystina they are spathulate, and filiform in U. lindmanii . Additional specimens examined :— BRAZIL . MINAS GERAIS : Alto Caparaó , Rivadavia et al. 525 (SPF), Serra do Cipó , 15.VI .1935, H.L.M. Barreto 1066 (RB). PARANÁ : Palmeira , Rio das Pombas , beirando o km522 da BR376 , 25 Nov. 2006 , Rivadavia & Rohrbacher 2455 (SPF). RIO GRANDE DO SUL : Cambará do Sul , Parque Nacional dos Aparados da Serra , Canion de Itaimbezinho , 23 Jul. 2000 , Rivadavia & Valente 1207 (SPF). RIO DE JANEIRO : Itatiaia , estrada Nova , km 15, Mai. 1950, Brade , A.C. 20329 (RB). Teresópolis , Serra dos Órg „os, 12 Jul. 1891 , Ule s.n. (R). SANTA CATARINA : Guaruva, em campos de altitude no alto da serra do Quiriri, Nov. 2006 , Rivadavia & Rohrbacher 2437 (SPF). Gr„o Pará , início da descida da Serra do Corvo Branco , rodovia SC439 , 28 Abr. 2007 , Rivadavia 2516 (SPF). Rancho Queimado, Chapad„o Serra Boa Vista, 27 Abr. 2007 , Rivadavia 2510 (SPF). S„o Joaquim, Dist. Bom Jardim, margin of falls and campo, east of Bom Jardim , 2 Jan. 1965 , Smith & Reitzz 14190 ( US ). Boggy brook, Santa Barbara, 3 Jan. 1965 , Smith & Reitz 14199 ( US ). Bog, Source of Rio Capivaras , Serra do Oratorio , 10km east of Bom Jardim da Serra (Cambajuva), 16 January 1957 , Smith & Reitz 1013 ( US ). Urubici, km8 da estrada para o Morro da Igreja , 28 Abr. 2007 , Rivadavia 2514 (SPF). URUGUAY . Near the mouth of the Arroyo Solis Chico , Dep. Canelones , 4 December 1955 , Pedersen 3644 ( US ). Montevideo , Jan. 1871 , Gilbert 1089 ( K 533964 ), Carrasco , 20 Nov. 2010 , Ex HERB . CORN . OSTEN 5337 ( US ) .