New Records of Plio-Pleistocene Koalas from Australia: Palaeoecological and Taxonomic Implications Author Price, Gilbert J. Author Zhao, Jian-xin Author Feng, Yue-xing Author Hocknull, Scott A. text Records of the Australian Museum 2009 2009-05-27 61 1 39 48 journal article 10.3853/j.0067-1975.61.2009.1518 2201-4349 5297884 Genus Phascolarctos Blainville (1816) Diagnosis . Upper molars of Phascolarctos differ from all other phascolarctids (excepting Cundokoala ( ?Ph. ) yorkensis ) and the koala-like Koobor by: ( a ) being larger; ( b ) being relatively higher crowned; ( c ) by possessing well-developed molar crenulations; and ( d ) possessing well-developed ribs on lingual portion of paracone and metacone. Phascolarctos differs from Madakoala , Nimiokoala and Koobor by possessing a lingual cingulum or pocket on upper molars at the crown base between the protocone and metaconule. Phascolarctos differs from Litokoala and Nimiokoala by possessing relatively smaller neometaconules and paraconules. Phascolaractos differs from Madakoala , Perikoala , Cundokoala and Koobor by possessing relatively smaller or weakly expressed stylar cusps, and in the case of Cundokoala , by possessing a relatively less-developed associated stylar shelf. Phascolarctos differs from Cundokoala in being smaller and by possessing lesser-developed molar crenulations. Phascolarctos differs from Koobor by: ( a ) having a square- to trapezoidal-shaped, rather than rectangularshaped, occlusal outline; ( b ) possessing relatively longer anterior and posterior cingula; and ( c ) lacking a buccal ectoloph on the paracone.