Taxonomic review of the genus Hydria H, 1822 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae) in the Middle East, with description of three new species and one new subspecies Author Stadie, Dirk D- 06295 Lutherstadt Eisleben, Bahnhofstrasse 13, Germany. Author Fiebig, Ralf D- 06571 Rossleben-Wiehe, Nordstrasse 30, Germany. Author Rajaei, Hossein State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, Rosenstein 1, D- 70191 Stuttgart, Germany. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-01-24 5092 5 501 530 journal article 2446 10.11646/zootaxa.5092.5.1 70cb4758-504b-4933-9f98-6ce6483a57eb 1175-5326 5896491 41713880-BB63-465B-A91B-A903E290C4C7 Hydria hyrcana (Staudinger, 1871) bona sp., stat. n. ( Figs 18–19 , 32 , 37 , 45 , Map 2 ) Eucosmia montivagata hyrcana Staudinger, 1871 : in Staudinger & Wocke , Catalog der Lepidopteren des Europaeischen Faunengebiets: 181, [ Iran ] Hyrc[ania], Syntype (s) in MNHU (examined). Taxonomic note. The subspecific status of hyrcana has been confirmed by several authors without examination of genitalia structures of type material (Prout 1914 and 1937, Scoble 1999 , Scoble and Hausmann 2007, Hausmann & Viidalepp 2012 ). However, Viidalepp (1996 and 2011) regarded Hydria hyrcana as a bona species, without any explanation. Based on genitalia examination of the type series and many populations from Iran and surrounding countries, here we confirm the latter author with high confidence and officially upgrade hyrcana into species level (bona sp., stat. n.). Type material examined. 1 ♀ , [labelled as Origin ], [ Iran ], Hadschyabad, coll. Led [erer], gen. prep. 1555/2011 H. Rajaei ; in MNHU Material examined. Iran : 1 ♂ , [ Iran ], Schakuh , [leg.] Chr. [istoph], gen. prep. 1556/2011 H. Rajaei ; in MNHU (coll. Staudinger ) . 9 ♂ , 4 ♀ Persia sept, Elburs mts.s. Tacht i Suleiman , Vanderban-Tal , 19–2200m , 1.-3.VII.[19]36, E. Pfeiffer leg., München , gen. preps 1229, 1223, 1230/2010 & 1514, 1515/2011 H. Rajaei; 5 ♂ , 5 ♀ , Nord-Iran , Schahkuh , Weftabhg. Geröllzone , 1800–2000m , Juni , Exp. Wernicke , gen. preps 1224/2010, 1513/2011 & 1512/2011, 1759/2012 H. Rajaei; 2♂ , Pers. [ Iran ], Elbursgeb. Rehne-Demavend , 2600 m , 21.-27.7.[19]36, Schwingenschuss , gen. prep. 1516/2011 H. Rajaei ; all in ZFMK . 8 ♂ , 8 ♀ , Iran , prov. Mazandaran , Elburz mts. S. Shah Kuh-e Bala , 2400 m NN., N 36°33‘ , E 054°36‘ , 19.07.2003 (lux), G. Ebert & R . Trusch , leg, gen. preps 1220, 1222/2010 H. Rajaei; 4 ♂ , 1 ♀ , N-Iran, Elburs Mts. Masandaran , Polur , Damavand , 2200 m , Ebert & Falkner , leg. 11.7.1972 , gen. prep . 1219/2010 H. Rajaei; 2 ♂ , same locality as latter, 2500 m , Ebert & Falkner , leg. 29.7.1972 ; 1 ♀ : same locality as latter, 7.– 10.7.1972 ; 1 ♀ : same locality as latter, 25–27000m , 14.-18.7.[19]37 , gen. prep. 1228/2010 H. Rajaei ; all in SMNK ; 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ : same locality as latter, gen. preps 1326, 1327/2010 H. Rajaei; 1 ♀ , N-Iran, Demavend , 2900m , Tagf. , 21.– 31.07.1996 , leg. Müller, BC ZSM Lep 07134, gen. prep. 1391/2010 H. Rajaei ; 1 ♀ : same locality as latter, 3100 m , Tagf. , 11.– 21.07.1996 , leg. Müller, BC ZSM Lep 07133, gen. prep. 1393/2010 H. Rajaei ; 1 ♂ , N- Iran, C. Elburs , Nava , 3100m , 11.– 21.07.1996 , leg. Müller ; BC ZSM Lep 07131, gen. prep. 1390/2010 H. Rajaei ; 1 ♀ , Iran , Gilan , Rhasht , 100 m , VIII.2002 , leg. Müller ; all in ZSM . 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Khorassan [ Semnan prov. ], Schahroud , Schahkouh , 2150 m , 15.6.1974 , leg. Radj. , Paz [ouki] ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Iran , Golestan , Gorgan , Shahkuhe Bala , 2100 m , Alipanah , Ebrahimi leg., 19.VII.2003 ; 1 ♀ , [Iran], Astaneh-Asch [rafieh], 26.6.1973 , Abai ; / , [Iran] Gilan , Eshkevar , Gilanchakan , 1820 m , 27. VI .1997 , Bar. , Mof [idi] ; / , [Iran] Mazandaran , Kalardasht Mts. , 24.7.1980 , Hashemi , Zairi ; / , [Iran] Gilan , Roodbar , 320 m , 26. VI .1997 , Bar. , Mof [idi] ; / , [Iran] Mazandaran , Elika , 2100 m , 23.9.1987 , Hash [emi] ; / , [Iran] Mazandaran , Tonekabon , Abbas-Abad mt. 18.7.1980 , Hashemi , Zairi ; all in HMIM . 1 ♂ , Iran , Mazandaran , Pass N Firuzkuh ( Nordseite ), 1850–2050 m , 3.-6.VII.2003 , leg. ten Hagen ; 3 ♀ , Iran , Elburs , Mazandaran , Shah-Kuh-Bala, 2500 m , 21.7.1999 , A. Hofmann , J. Meineke , B. Mollet , gen. prep. 1760/2012 H. Rajaei ; 4 ♂ , 3♀ , Iran , Golestan , Shahrud W , Shah-Kuh-Bala, 2580 m , 18.7.2003 , A. Hofmann , J.-U. Meineke , G. Tremewan , gen. prep. 1761/2012 H. Rajaei ; 1 ♂ , 2 ♀ , Iran , Azarbaygan-e-Sarqi , Kaleybar , 10 km E, 1900m , 27.– 28.7.2006 , A. Hofmann , J.-U. Meineke , gen. preps 1762, 1763/2012 H. Rajaei; 2 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Iran , Golestan , Shahkuh 20 km W, Paband , 2000 m , 3.5.2008 , J.-U. Meineke , W. Kramer in PCJM . 1 ♀ , Persia sept, Elburs mts.o.s. Tacht i Suleiman , Särdab-Tal , Vanderban , 19–2200m , 10.-14.7.[19]37, E.Pfeiffer & W.Forster , München leg., gen. prep. 1227/2010 H. Rajaei ; 2 ♂ , Iran , prov. Mazandaran , Elburz mts. S. Shah Kuh-e Bala , 2400 m NN., N 36°33‘ , E 054°36‘ , 19.07.2003 (lux), G. Ebert & R . Trusch , leg, gen. Prep. 1221/2010 H. Rajaei ; 1 ♀ , N- Iran , Elburs Mts. Masandaran , Polur , Damavand , 2500 m , leg. Ebert & Falkner , 7.– 10.7.1972 , gen. prep. 1218/2010 H. Rajaei ; 1 ♀ , Iran , Ostan Tehran , Reshteh Ye Alborz , Dizin Gardaneh , 2700–3000 m ., 5.-8.vii.1978 , leg. W. L. Blom , gen. prep. 2307/2020 H. Rajaei ; 1 ♀ , Iran , Elburs , Kendevan , 2300–2800m , 21.-25.viii.1978 , leg. W. Thomas , gen. prep. 2308/2020 H. Rajaei , in SMNS ; 2 ♀ , 2 ♂ , Iran , prov. Golestan , Elburs-Mts , Jahan Nama , Lux , N36,67609° / E54,30957° , , 1815m, leg. Norbert Pöll , Barcoding : BMB Lep 00382, BMB Lep 00379, BC NP 0112, BC NP 0394, gen. preps ( ) 2310, 2313/2020, ( ) 2311, 2312/2020 H. Rajaei ; 1 ♀ , Iran , prov. Golestan , Elburs-Mts , Deraznu vic., LUX N36,65966° / E54,13647° , , 2440 m, leg. Norbert Pöll , Barcoding : BC NP 0111, gen. prep. 2314/2020 H. Rajaei ; 1 ♀ , Iran , prov. Khorasan , Elburs-Mts , Almeh-Valley , LUX N37,34960° / E56,16596° , , 1510 m, leg. Norbert Pöll , Barcoding : BMB Lep 00380, gen. prep. 2315/2020 H. Rajaei ; 1 ♀ , Iran , prov. Golestan , Elburs-Mts , Maghazy-Valley , LUX N36,65805° / E54,22422° , , 1730 m, leg. Norbert Pöll , Barcoding : BMB Lep 00383, gen. prep. 2316/2020 H. Rajaei ; all in PCNP . 1 ♂ , Iran , Mazanderan , Elburs , Tehran NE, Veresk , 1900–2300 m , 20.7.2001 , leg. A. Salk , gen. prep. 2325/2020 H. Rajaei ; in PCBM . Türkei : 1 ♀ , Türkei , Erzurum , Umg. Senyurt, 2 km W Basbaglar , 2150 m , 10.-11.8.95. leg. H. & P. Kault , gen. prep. 2304/2020 H. Rajaei , in PCNP . Russia : 1 ♂ , 3 ♀ , Russia , Caucasus mer. occ., Teberdinskij Sapovednik , Teberda , 43°27’N, 041°45’E, 1350 m , female collected on 03. August, LF [ light trap ], ex. ovo. 19.v.1977 , legit. Bernd Müller , gen. preps ( ) 2323, ( ) 2324/2020 H. Rajaei , all in SMNS . 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Russia , Caucasus mer. occ., Teberdinskij Sapovednik , Teberda , 43°27’N, 41°45’E, 1350 m , female collected on 03. August, LF [ light trap ], ex. ovo. 19.v.1977 , legit. Bernd Müller , gen. preps ( ) DS 164-2019, ( ) DS 167-2019, in PCBM . Description. ( Figs 18–19 ). Wingspan 37.5–40 mm . Apex of forewing pointed. Ground colour of forewing light sand-brown, basal and postmedian areas lighter. Discal spot on forewing small, better visible from underside, blackish brown in colour. Postmedial projected outwards between R5-M1 and M3-CuA1. Terminal area between postmedian fascia and subterminal line uniform cream to cream-brown, with transverse lines weak or absent. Subterminal line whitish, irregularly waved. Terminal line weak, dark brown. Hindwing grey-brown, postmedial area lighter than other areas; transverse lines thin and dark-brown. Discal spot very small, nearly invisible from upper side. Termen undulating; subterminal line present; terminal line continuously dark brown. Wing underside light brown, basal to postmedial part slightly darker with faded transverse lines. Discal spots well visible, slightly larger on forewing. Terminal line like on upper side. Fringes slightly darker than the ground colour. In male, the patch of androconial hairscales on underside of hindwing dorsum elongated along dorsum, dark-brown to black in colour. Highly variable in all pattern. MAP 2. Distribution map of the genus Hydria in the Middle East: H. hyrcana and H. loebeli sp. n. Male genitalia. ( Figs 32 , 37 ) Uncus triangular, apically rounded.Valva membranous, lobe-like, apically rounded. Sacculus projection digitiform, medially strongly curved dorsad, reaching over half of the length of valva, its apex rounded. Juxta trapezoid, distally with two lateral fine projections and a medial lobe. Labides well developed, reaching to the mid of uncus, apically large clubbed and covered with hairs. Saccus broadly rounded. Aedeagus cylindrical, straight. Vesica covered with tiny spinous microcornuti in a broad band, ending to a long needle-shaped, stout cornutus in one side and a series of short cornuti on the opposite side. Female genitalia. ( Fig. 45 ) Ovipositor large, thin. Posterior apophyses twice longer than anterior apophyses. Antrum and lamella antevaginalis membranouse. Ductus bursae wide, with a basal folded lobe. Corpus bursae largely rhomboid, with two distinguishable parts: posteriorly well sclerotized, laterally projected, unevenly covered with patches of tiny spines; anteriorly membranous. Diagnosis. Hydria hyrcana is clearly larger than nominate subspecies of H. montivagata and H. loebeli sp. n. ; but more similar to H. montivagata andalusica . Both subspecies of H. montivagata have fully different male and female genitalia (see below). Additionally, H. hyrcana could be diagnosed by its postmedial line of forewing projected outwards (not projected in H. montivagata and H. loebeli sp. n. ). On male genitalia, H. hyrcana has a long uncus; strongly curved sacculus projection; Juxta trapezoid, distally with two lateral fine projections and a medial lobe ( H. montivagata with uncus clearly shorter; sacculus projection short and only slightly curved; juxta trapezoid, shorter and distally with two lateral short projections and a medial lobe; H. loebeli sp. n. with long uncus; sacculus projection only slightly curved; Juxta trapezoid, elongated with two lateral short projections and a medial fork). In H. hyrcana vesica covered with tiny spinous microcornuti, in one side with a long needle-shaped cornutus and in other side covered with a series of at least 10 shorter cornuti (shorter cornuti are constantly absent in H. montivagata and reduced to two or three in H. loebeli sp. n. ). H. hyrcana has a rhomboid corpus bursae (elongated in both H. montivagata and H. loebeli ). Female genitalia of H. hyrcana look similar to that of H. gudarica , the latter has no signum on posterior part of corpus bursae (see Fig. 44 ). Additionally, both species could be easily diagnosed based on male genitalia (see Figs 31 and 32 ). Genetics. Show barcode sharing with H. loebeli sp. n. , and very low genetic distance (0.6%) with H. montivagata . However, all three species are morphologically well diagnosable. Genetic introgression between these species is possible. In the case of H. loebeli sp. n. and H. hyrcana , the possibility of contamination or missing the specimens during the preparation for barcoding process cannot be excluded (see discussion section). Distribution. So far known from Central Turkey , Causasus and Transcaucasus through northern Iran to the Turkmenistan (see examined material, as well as Viidalepp 1996, Hausmann & Viidalepp 2012 ). Records of Rheumaptera montivagata ( sensu Beljaev & Mironov 2019 ) referring also to H. hyrcana . Phenology. The imaginal phase lasts from mid-June to mid-August depending on altitude and climate. Biology and Immature stages. Need to be studied.