Safagamyces marinus gen. et sp. nov. (Halosphaeriaceae, Sordariomycetes) from Red Sea mangroves, Egypt Author Bakhit, Mahmoud S. 0000-0001-9510-1581 mahmoudsaad @ science. sohag. edu. eg; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9510 - 1581 Author Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed A. 0000-0002-3176-8675 mohamed. eisa @ science. sohag. edu. eg; mohamed 700906 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3176 - 8675 text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-10-13 568 2 221 229 journal article 165030 10.11646/phytotaxa.568.2.7 93eaa08a-a079-4158-bb45-0083f1c2ff7d 1179-3163 7192951 Safagamyces Bakhit & Abdel-Wahab gen . nov . MycoBank No.: MB 844732. Etymology :— Named after Safaga city, where the holotype was collected. Asexual morph : Hyphae septate, rarely branched, smooth, hyaline to light-brown, superficial and immersed. Conidiophores micronematous, smooth, hyaline, simple, cylindrical, present or obsolete. Conidiogenesis is holoblastic with sympodial conidial proliferation. Conidia straight or slightly curved, branched, smooth, variable in shape, septate, strongly constricted at the septa, cells increase in size and pigmentation from the base to the apex; apical cells globose to subglobose, brown to dark-brown, thick walled, smooth; basal cells, cylindrical to clavate, hyaline. Sexual morph : Undetermined. Type species:— Safagamyces marinus Bakhit & Abdel-Wahab TABLE 1. Taxa used in the phylogenetic analyses in this study. Newly generated sequences are in bold.
Species Strains no. GenBank accession no. SSU LSU
Antennospora quadricornuta NTOU3763 KX686756 KX686757
Arenariomyces parvulus SAT909 KX686760 KX686761
Ceriosporopsis halima NTOU3876 KX686767 KX686768
Ceriosporopsis tubulifera BCC33511 NA HQ111026
Cirrenalia macrocephala MUCL 15736 AY856954 AY856915
Corollospora angusta NBRC32101 JN941668 JN941477
Corollospora gracilis NBRC 32111, MD 828 JN941659 AB361019
Corollospora luteola NA JN941655 DQ104809
Corollospora marina IFO32159; NA DQ104806 DQ104811
Corollospora parvula CBS 116644 NA NG_064187
Corollospora pseudopulchella NBRC 32112 JN941652 JN941494
Corollospora quinqueseptata NBRC 32115, NBRC 32114 JN941647 JN941498
Corollospora ramulosa RVG-113 U43846 U44092
Cucullosporella mangrovei NTOU3744 KX686771 KX686772
Cucurbitinus constrictus CGMCC 3.19606 MN437320 MN431419
Cucurbitinus ibericus FMR 12149 NA KY853496
Halosarpheia fibrosa NTOU3992 KX686777 KX686778
Halosarpheia japonica IMI397962 HQ009887 HQ009886
Halosphaeriopsis achrasporum DAOM 231161, MF41 AY706332 HQ268019
Halosphaeriopsis mediosetigera NTOU3816 KX686783 KX686784
Humicola alopallonella CBS 207.60 NA MH869509
......continued on the next page TABLE 1. (Continued)
Species Strains no. GenBank accession no. SSU LSU
Magnisphaera stevemossago CBS 139776 KT278691 KT278704
Magnisphaera spartinae A221-1 AF352076 AY227129
Marinospora calyptrata BBH28307 NA HQ111035
Morakotiella salina NTOU185 KX686787 KX686788
Ondiniella torquata BCC34303 NA HQ111038
Ophiodeira monosemeia NA U46879 U46894
Petriella setifera AFTOL-ID 956 DQ471020 DQ470969
Pileomyces formosanus BBH30192 KX686803 KX686804
Praelongicaulis kandeliae NTOU3698 KX686779 KX686780
Safagamyces marinus SUMCC H-20001 ON244698 ON244695
Pseudolignincola siamensis IT110 DQ237874 DQ237875
Pseudolignincola siamensis IT41 DQ237872 DQ237873
Remispora maritima BBH28309, MF988 HQ111002 HQ268016
Remispora quadriremis BCC15555 NA HQ111010
Saagaromyces abonnis NTOU3618 KT159900 KT159904
Saagaromyces mangrovei MAW-2013 NA JX911896
Scopulariopsis brevicaulis G415 KJ443075 KJ443119
Stilbohypoxylon elaeidis MFLUCC 15-0295a NG_073540 MT496755
Xylaria acuta AFTOL-ID 63 AY544719 AY544676
Xylaria hypoxylon AFTOL-ID 51 AY544692 AY544648
FIGURE 1 . Phylogram generated from maximum likelihood analysis (RAxML) based on a combined SSU and LSU rDNA sequences dataset for Safagamyces marinus with related genera in the Halosphaeriaceae . Representatives of Xylariales were used as outgroup. Bootstrap support on the nodes represent ML and MP ≥ 50%. Branches received Bayesian pp ≥ 95% are in bold. The new species is in blue. Notes:— Molecular phylogenetic analyses of SSU and LSU rDNA placed Safagamyces as a basal branch to a node that contains the three asexual marine genera: Cirrenalia , Cucurbitinus and Pseudolignincola . However, its molecular position along with its morphology warrant a generic separation. Morphologically, Safagamyces shares common characters with Cirrenalia and Cucurbitinus in having conidial cells constricted at the septa and increasing in size and pigmentation from the base to the apex ( Meyers & Moore 1960 , Liu et al . 2020 ). However, Safagamyces differs from the two genera by having branched conidia with sympodial conidial proliferation. Pseudolignincola is different from Safagamyces in having unicellular, dark-brown conidia and its teleomorphic stage have clavate asci with truncate, thickened apex, a pore and plasmalemma retraction and cylindrical ascospores without appendages ( Jones et al . 2006 ).