Contribution to the fauna of click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Pakistan. Author Platia, Giuseppe Author Ahmed, Zubair text Arquivos Entomolóxicos 2016 2016-08-04 16 3 28 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.12765875 1989-6581 12765875 E2D32182-58D9-4F87-AAC3-41B226EE3DFF Dicronychus mithiensis n. sp. ( Figs. 23, 23a , 37 , 58 ) Material examined. Holotype - Pakistan : Tharparkar distr. , Mithi , 24.IX.2014 ( CPG ). Diagnosis. A species comparable with D. oxypterus (Candèze, 1860) for the general shape and size, it can be separated by the clear, double punctuation of pronotum. Description. Female. Moderately shiny; entirely black with antennae and legs ferruginous; covered with dense, yellowish pubescence. Frons flat, just impressed before the anterior margin, this moderately and regularly arcuate, protruding above the clypeus; punctuation moderate, uniformly d istributed, punctures deep, simple, approximately of the same size with smooth intervals on average equal to a little smaller than their own diameters. Antennae not reaching for about two articles the apices of posterior angles of pronotum, slightly serrated from the third article; second article subcylindrical, twice longer than wide and 1,35x shorter than fourth; fourth-tenth conical, subequal in length and on average 2,5x longer than wide, last sub ellipsoidal. Pronotum 1,1x longer than wide, widest at the middle, regularly convex; sides regularly arcuate, posterior angles short, truncate, not divergent with a short carina; lateral suture-like margins substraight and complete; punctuation dense, uniformly distributed, double; larger punctures are more or less regularly mixed with much more fine punctures, intervals very short and smooth. Scutellum heart-shaped, as long as wide, impressed, emarginate at middle of the base, vey finely punctu red. Elytra 2,34x longer than pronotum and wide as it, convex; sides widest before the middle then very gradually converging to the apices; striae well marked and punctured, interstriae subconvex with very fine punctures. Claws dilated in the first half. Bursa copulatrix sclerified as in the Figs. 23, 23a . Male . Unknown. Size. Length 9.3 mm; width 2.68 mm. Etymology. The name is derived from Mithi city, where the species was collected.