Revision of the amphipod genus Valettiopsis Holmes, 1908 (Crustacea: Lysianassoidea), with the addition of three new species Author Horton, Tammy text Journal of Natural History 2004 2004-07-01 38 14 1735 1755||D404A21C5BB053405B1A640AFFD44AE3 journal article 10.1080/0022293031000156259 1464-5262 5250284 Key to the species of Valettiopsis 1 Pereon segments 5–7 and pleon segments 1–3 dentate dorsally.. V. multidentata – Pereon segments 5–7 and pleon segments 1–3 smooth dorsally....... 2 2 Gnathopod 2 propodus robust, expanded, with concave palm, dactyl not reaching palm edge ( figure 6 )............... V. macrodactyla – Gnathopod 2, propodus not as above.............. 3 3 Gnathopod 2, carpus elongate (length more than twice breadth), slender, distinctly longer than propodus ( figure 3 )................. 4 – Gnathopod 2, carpus not elongate (length less than twice breadth) or slender, only slightly longer than propodus ( figure 9 ).............. 6 4 Gnathopods 1 and 2, propodus with palms strongly oblique, urosome 1 tooth reduced, distal article of uropod 3 outer ramus very short (1/13 of proximal article) V. ruffoi – Characters not as above................... 5 5 Gnathopod 2, propodus tapering distally, palm transverse, dactyls on pereopods 3–7 curved ( figure 1 ).................. V. dentata – Gnathopod 2, propodus not tapered, palm oblique; dactyls on pereopods 3–7 elongate, straight ( figure 3 ).............. V. longidactyla 6 Urosome 1 tooth distinctly curved; pereopod 5 basis broad, expanded not tapering, pereopod 6–7 basis broad with slight tapering ( figure 11 )..... V. minuta – Urosome 1 tooth straight or weakly sinuous; pereopod 5 basis narrow, not tapering (see Lincoln and Thurston, 1983 : figure 3d ). Pereopod 6–7 basis broad; pereopod 7 basis tapering................... V. lincolni