Berlese's Primitive Oribatid Mites Author van der Hammen, L. text Zoologische Verhandelingen 1959 40 1 93 journal article ORI111 0DC6B575-3CB3-41C1-A3EC-850520AE4487 Brachychthonius expolitus Berlese , 1910 Brachychthonius brevis var. expolitus , Berlese, 1910, p. 220. According to Berlese the present species differs from B. berlesei in having a smooth (unsculptured?) dorsal surface, and short, strongly thickened sensilli. The slides of the species are, however, in such a bad condition that it is impossible to study the material. In the original description Berlese records several localities in Italy; perhaps the type material consists of more than one species. For the present B. expolitus must be considered of uncertain identity, possibly even belonging to the genus Liochthonius .