Taxonomy, palynology and distribution notes of seven species of Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae s. s.) newly recorded from Brazil Author Mezzonato-Pires, Ana Carolina Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional, Departamento de Botanica, Quinta da Boa Vista, Sao Cristovao, CEP: 20940 - 040, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil Author Milward-de-Azevedo, Michaele Alvim Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Tres Rios, Departamento de Ciencias do Meio Ambiente, Avenida Prefeito Alberto da Silva Lavinas 1847, Centro, CEP: 25802 - 100, Tres Rios, RJ, Brasil Author Mendonca, Claudia Barbieri Ferreira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional, Departamento de Botanica, Quinta da Boa Vista, Sao Cristovao, CEP: 20940 - 040, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil Author Goncalves-Esteves, Vania Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional, Departamento de Botanica, Quinta da Boa Vista, Sao Cristovao, CEP: 20940 - 040, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil text PhytoKeys 2018 2018-01-30 95 1 14 journal article 1314-2003-95-1 9F584374FF87C631FFB7FFCB182A5651 1170170 Passiflora ovata Jos. Martin ex DC., Prodr. 3: 322. 1828. Astrophea ovata (Jos. Martin ex DC.) M. Roem. Familiarum Naturalium Regni Vegetabilis Synopses Monographicae 2: 151. 1846. Figs 2G, H , 3G, H Descriptions . Lianas ; tendrils not seen. Stipules diminute, linear to linear-falcate. Petioles with two glands on the terminal end of the adaxial side. Blades 9.5-19.3 x 4.3-8.7 cm, chartaceous, oblong to obovate, apex attenuate to abruptly attenuate, base obtuse to round, glabrous on both sides; margins slightly undulate, with 4-6 glands; 22-25 pairs of secondary veins. Bracts diminute, linear to linear-falcate, alternate. Flowers solitary, hypanthium widely campanulate; sepals oblong, light green; petals oblong, white; corona with 4-6 series of filaments, filaments of first series dolabriform, with apex narrowly linear, margins slightly undulate, yellow below the inflated portion of the filaments, orange-yellow in the inflated portion, filaments of second series linear, filaments of third and fourth series with hair-like, filaments of fifth and sixth series with hair-like, reflexed; operculum straight, tubular, exserted, filamentous with a fimbriate apex, papillose; trochlea absent on the androgynophore; ovary obovoid to oblong-ovoid, densely tomentose. Fruits 5.5 x 3.5 cm, ellipsoid, glabrous. Palynology. Pollen grains large-sized (ca. 56.6 µm ), prolate spheroidal, 6-colporate, colpi short, narrow, three endoaperture lalongate (ca. 10.0 x 15.5 µm ) unique for each pair of ectoaperture, sexine reticulate, heterobrachate; muri (ca. 1.9 µm ) duplicolumellate, sinuous, continuous, without perforations, without high columellae, not apparent, tectum surface mostly slightly curved, lumina slightly ornamented with pila, large (ca. 13.4 µm diam.) (Fig. 3G and H ). Specimens examined. BRAZIL . Acre : Acrelandia , PAE Porto Dias (placing Bibi), 9°49'40"S , 66°53'0"W , 09-15 Nov 2006 [fl, fr], F. Obermuller et al. 102 (RB) . Amazonas : Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira : Highway BR-307, SGC-Cucui km 50, [ 0°16'25"N , 66°39'35"W ], 27 Oct 2008 [fl], S. Sakagawa et al. 668 (INPA); Highway BR-307, SGC-Cucui km 50, [ 0°15'49"N , 66°40'56"W ], 22 Apr 2008 , R.L. Assis et al. 93 (INPA) . Distribution and ecology. It is known to occur in French Guiana, Venezuela and Brazil. It is recorded here for the states of Acre (municipality of Acrelandia ) and Amazonas (municipality of Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira), growing in Floresta Ombrofila Densa formations, along roadsides, reaching up to 10 m high. Taxonomic comments. Passiflora ovata belongs to P. subg. Astrophea sect. Pseudoastrophea (Harms) Killip. It can be easily differentiated due to its oblong to obovate leaf-blades, glands restricted to the abaxial side of the petiole near the blade, flowers with widely campanulate hypanthium, and dolabriform filaments on the first corona series. According to Escobar (1990) , the straight and tubular operculum of P. ovata , probably favours hummingbird pollination. The most morphologically similar species is P. costata , which can be easily distinguished from P. ovata by the presence of a trochlea in the androgynophore, operculum declinate at base with a straight upper part and corona with non-reflexed filaments in the inner series. According to Mezzonato-Pires et al. (2017) , P. ovata is included in the type III pollen group, due to its reticulate sexine and large lumina.