First record of the leafhopper Platymetopius notatus Fieber (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) from northwest Algeria with description of the species Author Guerrouche, Nabila Laboratory of Dynamics and Biodiversity, FSB, USTHB, LP 32 El Alia, Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria Author Hamadi, Kamel National Institute of Higher Education for Youth Executives Tixeraine, Algiers, Algeria & Laboratory of Dynamics and Biodiversity, FSB, USTHB, LP 32 El Alia, Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria Author Marniche, Faiza Higher National Veterinary School El Harrach, Algiers, Algeria Author Aziri, Hocine Expertise and Consulting Company in fruit production techniques, Sarl Djezagri, Algiers, Algeria text Biodiversity Data Journal 2021 2021-09-03 9 71418 71418 journal article 1314-2828-9-e71418 EC442265186851888ECF404E5080FC48 Platymetopius notatus Fieber, 1869 Platymetopius notatus Fieber, 1869 Materials Type status: Other material . Occurrence : recordedBy: Nabila Guerrouche ; individualCount: 69 ; sex: "male", "female" ; Taxon : scientificNameID: Platymetopius notatus; parentNameUsage: Fieber , 1869; kingdom: Animalia ; phylum: Arthropoda ; class: Insecta ; order: Hemiptera ; family: Cicadellidae ; genus: Platymetopius ; specificEpithet: notatus; taxonRank: species; Location : locationID: Khemis Mliana ; higherGeographyID: Algeria ; higherGeography: North Africa ; continent: Africa ; country: Algeria ; municipality: Ain Defla ; minimumElevationInMeters: 110 m a.s.l. ; maximumElevationInMeters: 250 m a.s.l. ; verbatimCoordinates: " 36.0026389N ", " 2.195691666E "; verbatimLatitude: " 36.0026389N "; verbatimLongitude: 2.195691666E ; decimalLatitude: 36.0026389 ; decimalLongitude: 2.195691666 ; Identification : identifiedBy: Chandra A Viraktamath ; dateIdentified: 2021; Event : samplingProtocol: Yellow pan Description Male. Reddish-orange with pale-yellow markings on head, thorax and forewings. Crown with median longitudinal stripe enclosing coronal suture and numerous spots (slightly longer than wide) on either side of this pale yellow median stripe. Face reddish-orange, with the following pale yellow: border along anterior margin, arcuate dashes on either side of the median line and a large median elongate oval area on frontoclypeus. Eyes reddish with median transverse pale yellow band along anterior margin. Pronotum and mesonotum reddish-orange, mottled with small round pale yellow spots; pronotal lateral and posterior margins narrowly pale yellow. Forewing reddish-orange with transparent small round spots on clavus and inner side of corium, outer half of corium with basal and sub-basal triangular hyaline areas, apical cells with a central hyaline round spot surrounded by pale brown area. Pleurites, sternites and legs yellowish (Fig. 2 A-B and E). Female. Similarly coloured as male, but the frontoclypeus largely pale yellow in the lower half (Fig. 2 C-D and F). Structure : Crown triangular, disc slightly concave, with transition from crown to front sharp, but not carinate, about 0.7 times as long medially as distance between eyes. Face about as long as wide including eyes, transclypeal suture well-developed. Pronotum as wide as head including eyes or slightly narrower, about as long medially as crown, lateral margins carinate, disc slightly convex in lateral view. Mesonotum longer than pronotum. Forewing exceeding abdomen in both sexes, venation reticulate in both clavus and corium and apical cells subdivided by accessory cross veins, appendix well developed. Male genitalia : Pygofer without anterior apodemes, dorsum well sclerotised, about as long as its height in lateral view, dorsal margin before apex with a group of macrosetae; posteriorly narrowed with posterodorsal angle produced dorsally into a spine-like process exceeding dorsal margin. Subgenital plate more or less triangular with bluntly rounded apex, with thin uniseriate macrosetae located sub-marginally on ventral surface. Style with apophysis stout and slightly curved, with well-developed pre-apical lobe. Connective Y-shaped, arms shorter than stem, apex of stem bifid distally. Aedeagus with short dorsal apodeme, shaft directed posteriorly in basal third, then directed dorso-anteriorly, shaft with apical gonopore and with laterobasal pair of processes about as long as shaft, similarly curved as shaft and are slightly bent laterally near apex. Anal segments large, exceeding posterior apex of pygofer, without processes, segment X dorsally well-sclerotised (Fig. 4 ). Female genitalia : Sternite VII more or less transverse, twice as wide as long medially, posterior margin with median sclerotised lobe with median narrowly V-shaped incision. Valvulae I and II slightly curved. Dorsal sculpturing of valvula I strigate, reaching dorsal margin and occupying distal 0.60 length. Valvula II with denticular area slightly expanded, preceded by hyaline area and narrowed distally, occupying distal half, teeth prominent, with few secondary dentition (Fig. 3 ). Measurements : Male 4.9 mm long, 1.5 mm wide across eyes. Female 5.5 mm long and 1.7 mm wide across eyes. Material examined : 26 males and 43 females, ALGERIA: Khemis Miliana, 36°14 '9.5'' N, 2°11 '44.49'' E, June - August 2019, off pear tree, yellow pan-trap, Nabila Guerrouche coll. Distribution : Morocco, Portugal, Spain ( Metcalf 1967 ), Tunisia ( Nast 1972 ), Algeria (new record) (Fig. 5 ).