The “ Podus ” complex: New species and notes on some Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Nascimento, Francisco E. De L.
Santos-Silva, Antonio
journal article
Paranisopodus heterotarsus
Monné & Martins, 1976
Figs 17–25
Paranisopodus heterotarsus
Monné & Martins, 1976: 61
et al.
, 1992: 144
Monné & Giesbert, 1994: 260
Monné, 1995: 67
(cat.); 2005: 118 (cat.);
Monné & Monné, 2007: 1059
et al
., 2010: 42
et al.
, 2013: 276
Monné & Monné, 2017: 258
Monné, 2018: 155
Figs 24–25
). Integument mostly black; mouthparts dark reddish brown except apex of each palpomere lighter; distal half of labrum dark reddish brown; narrow anterior area of gulamentum dark reddish brown;); antennomeres V-VII dark brown on narrow basal area and about distal third, reddish-brown on remaining surface; antennomeres VIII–XI slightly darkened on narrow basal area and about distal third, light reddish-brown on remaining surface (X nearly entirely light reddish-brown).
. Frons very finely, densely punctate; with light yellowish-brown pubescence (more golden depending on light intensity) obscuring integument partially, yellower on narrow band close to eyes. Vertex and area behind upper eye lobes very finely and slightly distinctly rugose-punctate; with pubescence as on frons, except glabrous central depression on vertex, and on two subelliptical, oblique, moderately large brownish pubescent macula each side of area close to prothoracic margin; central depression between upper eye lobes Y-shaped; with a few long, erect brownish setae close to eyes. Area behind lower eye lobes with sculpturing as on vertex close to eye, nearly smooth toward prothorax; with light yellowish-brown pubescence close to eye (more golden depending on light intensity), glabrous on remaining surface. Genae very finely, transversely striate close to eye, very finely, densely punctate in wide central area, smooth in narrow distal area; with yellowish pubescence close to eye, sparser, more yellowish brown on remaining surface, except glabrous distal area; with a few long, erect, dark setae close to eye. Antennal tubercles with sculpturing as in frons; with moderately sparse light yellowish-brown pubescence, apex distinctly denser and yellower. Median groove distinct from clypeus to prothoracic margin. Postclypeus with sparse, somewhat bristly light yellowish-brown pubescence in wide central area, glabrous laterally; with a few long, erect, dark setae laterally on wide central area. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus in posterior half, inclined in anterior half; very finely, densely punctate in coplanar area, nearly smooth in anterior half; coplanar with short, decumbent yellowish-brown pubescence, interspersed with long dark, forward directed setae, nearly smooth in anterior half, except short golden pubescent fringe in anterior margin. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous on wide posterior area, depressed, with sparse, short, erect, dark setae on narrow anterior area. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.39 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.75 times length of scape. Antennae 2.0 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at basal third of antennomere VII. Scape with yellowish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument; with a few short, erect, dark setae ventrally near apex. Pedicel and antennomeres with yellowish-white pubescence, denser, longer, conspicuous in light areas, shorter, sparser, less conspicuous in dark areas; with very short, erect, sparse yellowish setae throughout, and a few short dark setae close to apex of III–X. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.88; pedicel = 0.14; IV = 0.86; V = 0.63; VI = 0.53; VII = 0.46; VIII = 0.44; IX = 0.44; X = 0.40; XI = 0.38.
. Sides with very large tubercle from slightly before middle to posterior quarter of prothorax, forming acute angle posteriorly. Pronotum with large, wide, elevate, elongate tubercle each side of central area (gradually more elevated toward anterior area), and another elongate, narrower and less elevated, placed centrally between the two lateral ones (gradually more elevated toward posterior area); coarsely, moderately abundantly punctate except smooth central tubercle and very finely, densely punctate lateral tubercles (not prothoracic ones); central tubercle glabrous; lateral tubercles (not prothoracic ones) with short, moderately sparse, slightly conspicuous brownish pu- bescence; area between central tubercle and lateral tubercles (not prothoracic ones) with sparse yellowish-brown pubescence (denser anteriorly and posteriorly); sides of anterior 3/4 with yellowish-brown pubescence obscuring in- tegument, slightly lighter toward posterior area and on part of lateral tubercles of prothorax; central area of anterior quarter with sparse yellowish-brown pubescence except very sparse whitish pubescence close to anterior margin; posterior quarter with moderately sparse yellowish-whitish pubescence (more whitish depending on light intensity), gradually yellower toward central area; with a few long, erect brownish setae near posterolateral angles. Sides of prothorax with dense yellowish-brown pubescence, except shorter, distinctly sparser, slightly conspicuous brownish pubescence posteriorly, and glabrous, narrow anterior area. Prosternum with moderately sparse grayish-white pubescence posteriorly (slightly yellowish depending on light intensity), nearly glabrous on anterior quarter; central area very finely striate. Prosternal process with pubescence as on posterior area of prosternum. Mesoventrite with grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument (yellower laterally), distinctly denser toward apex of mesoventral process. Mesanepisternum and mesepimeron with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument. Metanepisternum and sides of metaventrite with dense yellowish-white pubescence (more grayish-white depending on light intensity), gradually sparser toward center of metaventrite. Metaventrite with oblique row of small tubercles on each side (together, appear as inverted V), gradually larger toward posterior area, with sparse, small tubercles between the rows. Scutellum nearly glabrous centrally, with dense yellowish-brown pubescence laterally.
. Centrobasal crest elevated, with moderately abundant small, rounded tubercles dorsally; with moderately small tu- bercle on each side slightly after midlength, oblique, moderately small tubercle on posterior third (more central than the former), and small, irregular tubercle centrally on posterior quarter; coarsely, abundantly punctate on basal half, gradually sparser on posterior half; apex triangularly projected in outer angle, nearly truncate toward sutural angle. Pubescence as follows: moderately abundant, yellowish white basally; yellowish brown, interspersed with glabrous areas on remaining surface, except oblique, wide yellowish pubescent band laterally near middle, yellowish white, sparse pubescence on apex and along posterior area of sutural area, and subtriangular area with very short, sparse, slightly conspicuous brownish pubescence laterally at midlength; sides of anterior area close to humeri with yel- lowish-brown bristly pubescence close to lateral curvature.
. Femora with yellowish-white pubescence dorsally and laterally, yellower at apex of club, brownish, sparser on posterior area of meso- and metafemora; ventral surface with shorter, sparser, slightly conspicuous pubescence; metafemora 0.74 times elytral length, surpassing elytral apex. Tibiae mostly with yellowish-white pubescence, brownish in distal area of protibia, dark brown dorsally in distal quarter of mesotibiae, yellowish brown ventrally on distal area of meso- and metatibiae.
Paranisopodus heterotarsus
, Male, specimen 1:
, Dorsal habitus;
, Ventral habitus;
, Lateral habitus;
, Head, frontal view;
, Male, specimen 2:
, dorsal habitus;
, Female:
, Dorsal habitus;
, Ventral habitus.
. Ventrites with grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, yellower, longer at apex of ventrite V; distal margin of ventrite five slightly concave.
Dimensions (mm), males/female
. Total length, 10.90–13.00/8.30; prothoracic length, 2.10–2.45/1.40; anterior prothoracic width, 2.10–2.60/1.70; posterior prothoracic width, 2.30–3.00/1.85; maximum prothoracic width (be- tween apex of lateral tubercles), 3.30–4.20/2.50; humeral width, 4.10–5.15/3.25; elytral length, 7.75–8.95/5.80.
Material examined
: near
Volcan town
Totumas mountain
; cloud forest;
1920 m
3 males
1 female
, V-VI.2018,
A. Kozlov
Y. Kovaleva
col. (
Paranisopodus heterotarsus
was originally described based on a single male from
Costa Rica
Figs 32–34
). Subsequently it has only been mentioned in catalogs and checklists until
Monné & Monné (2007)
recorded and illustrated a second male (also from
Costa Rica
et al.
reported the species from
Some males of this species show an interesting variation: the metatibiae are strongly arched (
Figs 17–19; 21
). Usually, the most common tibial shape is straight (
Fig. 22
). As this variation in males also occurs in
P. heterotarsus
, it may be a generic feature.
Female differs from male by metafemora 0.74 times elytral length (0.85 times in male), and by the mesofemora (
Fig. 25
) not strongly notched inferiorly (strongly notched in males (
Figs 17, 18, 23
). The antennal length in the single female examined is about as long as in males (slightly longer than one of the males examined).