Two New Species Of The Genus Stenohya Beier From Yunnan, China (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae) Author Yang, J. Author Zhang, F. Author R, P. text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2013 2013-05-31 59 2 131 141 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5736141 2064-2474 5736141 Stenohya tengchongensis sp. n. ( Figs 1 –15) Typematerial. Holotypemale (Ps.- MHBU-YN11022701 ), China , YunnanProvince , TengchongCounty , WuheVillage [ 36°47′N , 104°58′E ], alt. 1800 m , 27 February 2011 , Zong- xuLileg.; paratypes : onemale (Ps.- MHBU-YN11022702 ) andeightfemales (Ps.-MHBU- YN11022703-11022710), collected with the holotype . Etymology. Thespecificnamereferstothetypelocality. Diagnosis. Carapacesmoothwithabutterfly-shapedpatch; pedipalpal femurofmaleclaviform, whichiscylindricinfemale; malepedipalpalpatella granulated, whereasitissmoothinfemale; maleswithoutasetabetweenthe anterior and posterior eyes, females with one seta between the left eyes. Descriptionofmale. Colourmostlybrown, pedipalpsandlegsyellow ( Fig. 1 ). Setae ofbodystraightandacicular. Carapace. Smooth, withabutterfly-shapedpatch, slightlyconvexspot, 1.50 times longerthanbroad, withatotalof 22 setae, including 6 onanteriormarginand 6 onposteriormargin; epistomesmall, triangular; 4 eyes, anteriorpairwithlens, posteriorpair representedbyeyespots; lateralmarginsslightlyconvex, curved (Fig. 2). Abdomen. Pleuralmembranestronglygranulate. Tergalchaetotaxy: 8: 10: 11: 10: 11: 12: 12: 10: 12: 10: 15, includingatleast 2 tactilesetaeontergitesVI–XI; sternalchaetotaxy (IV–XI): 14: 18: 15: 13: 16: 14: 10: 9, sternites VI–VIII with 9–12 medial scattered glandular setae, almostequalinlengthtothemarginalones (Fig. 14); analconewith 2 dorsaland 2 ventralsetae. Anteriorgenitaloperculumwith 30 shortsetaeand 2 lyrifissures; posterior genitalsternitewith 16 setaemedially, 22 setaeontheposteriormargin, and 2 lyrifissures (Fig. 12). Pedipalps. Apex of coxa rounded and with 5 setae. Trochanter 1.33–1.50, femur 4.14– 4.43, patella 2.40–2.75, chela (withpedicel) 3.31–3.64, chela (withoutpedicel) 3.06–3.29, hand (withoutpedicel) 1.38–1.50 timeslongerthanbroad, movablefinger 1.14–1.33 times longerthanhand (withoutpedicel). Venomapparatuspresentonlyinthefixedchelalfin- ger, venomductveryshort. Femurclaviformandprolateralfacewithfewtubercles; prola- teralfaceofpatellawithmoretubercles, claviform; chelalfingerslongandslender (Fig. 3). Fixedchelalfingerwith 8 trichobothria, movablefingerwith 4 (Figs 4–5); eb and esb situated on base of hand, grouped very closely with ib and isb ; est , et and it grouped together distally; ist situatedmidwaybetween isb and it ; b and sb situatedclosertoeachotherin basalhalf, st and t closetoeachotherindistalhalfofmovablefinger. Fixedchelalfinger with 95 almost equal-sized teeth, and all these teeth with two pointed tips; movable finger withabout 92 roundedandalmosttheequal-sizedteeth (Fig. 4). Chelicera. Palmwith 6 setae, movablefingerwith 1 submedialseta (Fig. 6); fixed fingerwith 10 teeth; movablefingerwith 7 teeth; serrulaexteriorwith 38 lamellae; serrula interiorwith 32 lamellae; galeaelongatedanddividedintotwomainbranches, onebranch secondarilydividedinto 2 terminalbranchlets, theotherdividedinto 3 (Fig. 8); rallumof 8 blades, 7 bladeswithanteriorly-directedspinules, thebasalmostbladewithoutspinules, andabouthalfofthelengthoftheothers, distalmostbladedistinctlyshorterthanthesec- ondone (Fig. 7). Legs. Leg I (Fig. 10): trochanter 1.22–1.30, femur 4.50–5.17, patella 2.43–2.57, tibia 4.20–4.40, basitarsus 2.75–3.25, telotarsus 4.00–4.50 times as long as deep. Leg IV (Fig. 11): trochanter 2.13–2.30, femur + patella 3.07–3.50, tibia 5.43–5.86, basitarsus 3.40–3.60, telotarsus 5.00–6.40 times as long as deep. Basitarsus IV with 2 tactile setae (TS 0.87, 0.17), telotarsusIVwith 1 tactilesetae (TS 0.61). Subterminaltarsalsetabifurcate; aroliumnotdivided, shorterthantheslenderandsimpleclaws. Dimensions (length/breadthordepth, inmm). Bodylengthca. 2.85–3.30. Carapace 1.00–1.20/0.75–0.80; diameter of anterior eye 0.10; diameter of posterior eye 0.09. Pedipalps: trochanter 0.40–0.60/0.30–0.40, femur 1.45–1.55/0.35, patella 1.10–1.20/0.40–0.50, chela (with Figs 2–15. Stenohya tengchongensis sp. n. male(Figs 2–8, 10–12, 14), female (Figs 9, 13, 15). 2, carapace, dorsalview; 3, rightpedipalp; 4, chela, retrolateralview; 5, chela, prolateralview; 6, rightchelicera, dorsalview; 7, rallum; 8, galea, male; 9, galea, female; 10, rightlegI; 11, rightlegIV; 12, genitalarea, male, ventralview; 13, genitalarea, female, ventralview; 14, sternitesVI–VIIIwithmedialdiscalsetae, male; 15, sternitesVI–VIIIwith 2 medialsetae, female. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (Fig. 3), 0.5 mm (Figs 2, 6, 10–14), 0.4mm (Figs 4, 5, 15), 0.05 mm (Figs 7–9). pedicel) 2.55–2.65/0.70–0.80, chela (withoutpedicel) 2.30–2.45/0.70–0.80, handlength (with- outpedicel) 1.10, movablefingerlength 1.25–1.40. Chelicera 0.65–0.68/0.38–0.40, movable finger length 0.48–0.50. Leg I: trochanter 0.23–0.28/0.20–0.26, femur 0.68–0.78/0.15, patella 0.43–0.45/0.18, tibia 0.53–0.55/0.13, basitarsus 0.28–0.33/0.10, telotarsus 0.40–0.45/0.10. Leg IV: trochanter 0.43–0.58/0.20–0.25, femur + patella 1.15–1.23/0.35–0.38, tibia 0.95–1.03/0.18, basitarsus 0.43–0.45/0.13, telotarsus 0.63–0.80/0.13. Fig. 1. Stenohyatengchongensis sp. n. Holotypemale (left) andparatypefemale (right). Ha- bitus, dorsal view. Descriptionoffemale. Mostlythesameasholotype, exceptasfollows. Carapace 1.18–1.24 timeslongerthanbroad, withatotalof 23 setae, including 6 setaeonanterior marginand 6 setaeonposteriormargin, 1 setasituatedbetweenthelefttwoeyes, butnone in the other side. Tergal chaetotaxy: 8–10: 7–9: 10–13: 11–15: 12–14: 13–16: 11–14: 10–14: 11– 14: 12–15: 10–14, includingatleast 2 tactilesetaeontergitesVI–XI. Anteriorgenitalsternite with 23 setae and 2 lyrifissures; posterior genital sternite with 26 scattered setae and 2 lyrifissures (Fig. 13). Chaetotaxy of sternites IV–XI: 26: 20: 19: 19: 20: 18: 15: 14, sternites VI–VIII withapairofmedialdiscalglandularsetae, clearlylongerthanmarginalones (Fig. 15). Pedipalps. Trochanter 1.63–1.83, femur 4.00–4.13, patella 2.63–2.67, chela (withpedicel) 3.44–4.50, chela (without pedicel) 3.25–4.25, hand (without pedicel) 1.63–1.92 times longerthanbroad, movablefinger 1.08–1.17 timeslongerthanhand (withoutpedicel). Femurcylindricandprolateralfacewithsmalltubercles; patellaandchelalhandsmooth. Fixedchelalfingerwith 81–89 almostequalteeth, andalltheseteethwithtwopointedtips; movablefingerwithabout 83–91 roundedandalmostequal-sizedteeth. Chelicera. Serrulaexteriorwith 32–35 lamellae; serrulainteriorwith 36–41 lamellae; galeaelongatedanddividedintotwomainbranches, eachbranchsecondarilydividedinto 3 terminalbranchlets (Fig. 9); rallumof 8 blades. Legs. Leg I: trochanter 1.40–1.50, femur 4.43–4.50, patella 3.00–3.14, tibia 3.80–4.83, basitarsus 3.00–3.40, telotarsus 3.75–4.00 times as long as deep. Leg IV: trochanter 2.09– 2.23, femur + patella 3.79–3.58, tibia 4.80–5.29, basitarsus 4.25–5.20, telotarsus 7.67–7.75 times as long as deep. Dimensions (length/breadthordepth, inmm). Bodylengthca. 3.10–4.90. Carapace 1.15–1.30/0.98–1.05; diameter of anterior eye 0.10; diameter of posterior eye 0.09. Pedipalps: trochanter 0.55–0.65/0.30–0.40, femur 0.80–1.65/0.30–0.40, patella 1.05–1.20/0.40–0.45, chela (withpedicel) 2.70–2.75/0.60–0.80, chela (withoutpedicel) 2.55–2.60, handlength (without pedicel) 1.15–1.30, movablefingerlength 1.35–1.40. Chelicera 0.65–0.68/0.45–0.48, movable finger length 0.45–0.48. Leg I: trochanter 0.30–0.35/0.20–0.25, femur 0.68–0.78/0.15–0.18, pa- tella 0.45–0.55/0.15–0.18, tibia 0.48–0.73/0.13–0.15, basitarsus 0.30–0.43/0.10–0.13, telotarsus 0.38–0.50/0.10–0.13. Leg IV: trochanter 0.58–0.73/0.28–0.33, femur + patella 1.08–1.33/0.30– 0.35, tibia 0.93–1.20/0.18–0.25, basitarsus 0.43–0.65/0.10–0.13, telotarsus 0.58–0.78/0.08–0.10. Remarks. S. tengchongensis sp. n. canbeeasilyseparatedfromthefive known Stenohya species in China as follows, it differs from S. chinacavernicola by having 4 distinct eyes (while having 2 or none eyes in S. chinacavernicola ); from S. curvata bynospineatthebaseofmalechelahand (whilehavinga spineatthebaseofmalechelahandin S. curvata ); from S. xiningensis bythe contiguousteethofthemovablechelafinger (whilethedentitionofthemov- ablechelafingerisspaceapartin S. xiningensis ); from S. huangi bymovable chelafingerhavingmoreteeth (morethan 90) (whilemovablechelafinger having about 30 teeth in S. huangi ); from S. pengae by the less slender pedipalp. Thenewspeciesisspecialfortheclaviformfemurinmale, whichiscylindricinother Stenohya species. Theothercharacteristheabsenceofseta betweentheanteriorandposterioreyesinmale. Thoughwehavenoideaof itsfunction, almostallpseudoscorpionshavethisseta.