List of the specimens of British animals in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. - Hymenoptera Aculeata. Author Smith, F. text 1851 British Museum London book 8200 52FD1DF7-6D55-463C-AC66-E30E4AEC4EF3 FORMICA SANGUINEA . Formica sanguinea . Latr. Hist. Nat. Fourm. 150. Foerster, Hym. Stud. Form. 20, 6. Formica dominula, Nyland . Adno. Mon. Form. Boreal. Europ. 905,6. Female (length 41 / 4 - 41 / 2 lines). Head, thorax, legs and scale of the abdomen bright fulvous red; the head above the antennas, of a reddish brown; the wings smoky at their base, extending to the stigma: abdomen ashy-black; superior margin of the scale entire. Worker (length 3 - 4 lines). Bright ferruginous, the head has the vertex, but rarely, slightly stained of a darker colour: abdomen of an ashy-black, tinged with ferruginous at the base; the scale slightly notched above. Male (length 33 / 4 - 4 lines). Black; the legs, tip ofthe abdomen, mouth (not the mandibles) and antennae;, pale red; the latter darkest towards their base; head and thorax of about equal width; abdomen one-third wider than the thorax; the scale not notched above; the wings smoky as in the female. (All the sexes from the same nest).