Revision of the metallic Lasioglossum (Dialictus) of eastern North America (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Halictini) Author Gibbs, Jason text Zootaxa 2011 2011-10-28 3073 1 216 journal article 31531 10.5281/zenodo.1049595 1a985cc7-af57-45e9-a988-c3beda3c15b4 1175-5326 1049595 B5AF6DF4-D3A7-4942-A94F-CC051D8074CF Lasioglossum ( Dialictus ) achilleae (Mitchell) ( Figure 45–46 ) Dialictus achilleae Mitchell, 1960 : 377 . Ƥ. Holotype . Ƥ USA , North Carolina, Cruso , June 25, 1934 , on Achillea , (T.B. Mitchell) ; [ NCSU ]. Examined. Taxonomy. Krombein, 1967 : Lasioglossum ( Dialictus ) achilleae , p. 462 (catalogue); Hurd, 1979 : Dialictus achilleae , p. 1963 (catalogue); Moure & Hurd, 1987 : Dialictus achilleae , p. 87; Gibbs, 2010b : Lasioglossum ( Dialictus ) achilleae Ƥ, p. 49 (redescription, key). FIGURE 45 . Lasioglossum achilleae (Mitchell) male, (A) lateral habitus, (B) face. Scale bars = 1 mm. Diagnosis. Female L . achilleae can be recognised by the following diagnostic combination: mesoscutum polished due to lack of microsculpture, punctures sparse throughout; propodeum with strong oblique carina; and metapostnotum delimited from posterior propodeal surface by sharp transverse angle or carina. They are most similar to L . apopkense , which has mesoscutum dull due microsculpture. Male L . achilleae can be recognised by the following diagnostic combination: F1 short (F2:F1 ratio = 2.5–2.8); mesoscutum polished, punctures sparse throughout ( Fig.46 ); propodeum rugose with strong oblique carina; metasomal terga sparsely punctate, impunctate on apical impressed areas; and metasomal sterna with sparse pubescence. They are most similar to L . apopkense , L . lineatulum , and L . novascotiae . Male L . apopkense have mesoscutum dull due to strong microsculpture. Male L . lineatulum have F1 longer (F2:F1 ratio = 1.6–1.8) and more abundant sternal hairs. Male L . novascotiae have head longer and denser punctures on metasomal terga. Description. MALE. Similar to female (see Gibbs 2010b ) except for the usual secondary sexual characters and as follows. Length 4.50–4.56 mm ; head length 1.25–1.45 mm ; head width 1.33–1.53 mm ; forewing length 3.62–3.80 mm . Colouration . Flagellum with ventral surface reddish brown. Pterostigma pale brownish yellow. Legs brown, except tarsi pale brownish yellow. Pubescence . Face below eye emargination with relatively dense tomentum partially obscuring surface, denser on lower paraocular area. Metasomal sterna sparsely pubescent, S3–S4 with small apicolateral tufts (1 OD). Surface sculpture . Mesoscutum polished, microsculpture faint; punctation sparse between parapsidal lines (i=1–3d) and laterad of parapsidal line (i=1–2d). Propodeal dorsolateral slope coarsely rugose. T2 apical impressed area impunctate. Structure . Head wide (length/width ratio = 0.94–0.95). Eyes strongly convergent below (UOD/LOD ratio = 1.48– 1.68). Clypeus 2/3 below suborbital tangent, apicolateral margins weakly convergent. Antennal sockets distant (IAD/ OAD> 1.0). Frontal line carinate, ending 1.5 OD below median ocellus. Pedicel subequal to F1. F2 length 2.5–2.8X F1. F2–F10 elongate (length/width ratio = 1.50–1.83). Metapostnotum moderately elongate (MMR ratio = 1.20–1.27), posterior margin sharply angled onto posterior propodeal surface. Terminalia . Not examined. Range. Southern Ontario south to south to Georgia . USA : GA, MA, MI, NC, NY. CANADA : ON. Additional specimens examined. USA : NEW YORK : 1Ƥ333 Albany Co., Colonie, 20.viii.1969 , pine barrens, (G. & K. Eickwort); [ CUIC ]. DNA Barcode. Available. Single sequence. Comments. Uncommon.