New Agrilus Curtis species from mistletoe in México (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) Author Hespenheide, Henry A. text Zootaxa 2008 1879 52 56 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.274489 c578a58a-ae7f-4370-83ff-c31d0d58e6ac 1175-5326 274489 Agrilus andersoni Hespenheide , new species ( Figs. 1–3 ) Description . Holotype male: Moderately robust, flattened above, more convex below in cross section, 5.8 mm long, 1.6 mm wide; purplish-red on most of front, pronotum, half the length of the elytra beyond anterior 1/3, meso- and metasternum, and abdomen beneath, elytra and abdomen with coppery reflections, front metallic olive-green between eyes and on anterior faces of anterior femora, otherwise dark purple, including prehumeral carinae and basal depression of pronotum and apical 1/6 of elytra; setae pale, recumbent and inconspicuous on pronotum and beneath, denser and semi-erect on prosternal process, golden and denser on front between the eyes, for half the length of the elytra beyond anterior 1/3, on dorsal portions and in vaguely triangular spots on lateral portions of ventrites 1–4 ( Fig. 2 ); golden setae on elytra not uniform but with irregular transverse break in middle and linear bare spots anterior and posterior to break ( Fig. 1 ). Head with front convex, but narrowly, deeply depressed along midline above middle, surface punctate and shagreened; epistoma between antennal insertions 1/3 width of distance between inner margins of eyes, slightly emarginate below, eyes oval, slightly emarginate on upper inner margins; antennae distinctly serrate from antennomere 4, antennomeres 4–11 triangular. Pronotum subequal to elytra at posterior margin, with sides shallowly expanded outward then gently rounded to apex; marginal carina slightly undulate, submarginal carina nearly straight, separated for entire length and converging slightly toward base when viewed from side; from above anterior margin produced as angulately-rounded lobe; basal margin angulately emarginate at middle of each elytron, slightly emarginate before scutellum; disk very irregular, with strong basal depression and weaker anterior depression along midline and strong oblique depressions interior to and in front of prehumeral carinae to lateral margins; prehumeral carinae not conspicuous, 1/3 length of pronotum, arising interior to posterior angles and parallel to lateral margin; surface coarsely, irregularly rugose, rugae especially distorted at midline. Scutellum pentagonal with transverse ridge. Elytra subequal in width at humeri and beyond middle with lateral margins shallowly emarginate between, apices broadly, separately rounded, distinctly toothed; disk relatively flat, humeri narrow and prominent, each elytron with strong oval depression at base and distinct costa along suture, wider and deeper in setal spots, then narrower and stronger to apex; surface transversely imbricate-punctate, more rugose at base, more polished beneath golden setae. Prosternum with sides of prosternal process slightly narrowing between coxae, rounded-truncate at apex, prosternal lobe nearly transverse. Posterior coxae with posterior margin very slightly emarginate, upper angles sharply obtuse. Abdomen with distinct depression between ventrites 1 and 2, indistinctly depressed along midline of ventrite1, ventrite 5 broadly rounded and denticulate along apex; posterior dorsal portion of ventrite 1 distinctly wider than ventrite 2. Metatarsomere 1 slightly shorter in length than next two combined, tarsal claws similar on all feet, cleft with short inner tooth. Genitalia as in Figure 3 . Allotype Female: As holotype except 6.9 mm long, 1.9 mm wide; front between eyes and anterior faces of anterior femora purplish-red; antennae more compact. Holotype ( CMNC ): México : Guerrero, 4.5 km S.W. Xochipala, 1400 m , 16.VII.1992 , R.S. Anderson 92- 0 12, thorn scrub, Phoradendron nervosum Olivier on Ipomoea arborescens (Humb. & Bonpl.) Don. det. Job Kunjit, 1992. Allotype ( CMNC ): México : same data as Holotype but 18.VII.1992 . Paratypes : México , Sierra de Durango (1, MNHN ); Guerrero, same data as Holotype (10, CMNC ), same data as Holotype , but 15.VII.1992 , R.S. Anderson 92-010 (18, CMNC ), same data as Allotype (10, CMNC ); 9.6 km S.W. Xochipala, 1500 m , 12.VII.1992 , R.S. Anderson 92-001, 14.VII.1992 , R.S. Anderson 92-007, oak/trop. dec. for., Phoradendron nervosum Olivier on Ipomoea arborescens (Humb. & Bonpl.) Don. det. Job Kunjit, 1992 (5, CMNC ). Puebla, 6 km S Teontepec, 1890 m , 18.28.34 N 97.34 .30 W, 25.VI.97 , R.L. Westcott, beaten from one of three spp. of mistletoe (26, RLWE ), 10 km S Teontepec, 1890 m , 18°28’N 97°36’W , 18.VII.96 , R.L. Westcott, beaten from species of mistletoe (1, RLWE ), 12 km SW/S Teontepec, 2075 m , 18.26.25, 97.36.0 9, 25.VI.97 , Westcott & Burgos, beaten from mistletoe (3, RLWE ). Paratypes will be distributed to BMNH , CHAH , CLBC , NMPC , and UNAM . Etymology. Named in honor of Robert S. Anderson who collected one of the type series and has studied the beetle fauna associated with Phoradendron mistletoes ( Anderson 1994 ). Discussion. See discussion under the following species. Males from the type series from Guerrero measure 5.1–6.2 mm long (mean = 5.7 mm for 22 specimens ), and females measure 5.4–7.2 mm long (mean = 6.4 mm for 23 specimens ); males of the series from Puebla measure 5.5–6.6 mm long (mean = 6.0 mm for 11 specimens ), and females measure 5.3–7.4 mm long (mean = 6.4 mm for 19 specimens ).