New records of Bdelloidea (Acari: Trombidiformes: Prostigmata) from Iran with a re-description of Spinibdella tadjikistanica Kuznetzov Author Rostami, Aylar . Department of Plant Protection, Miyaneh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Miyaneh, Iran; E-mails: rostami. aylar @ yahoo. com, s. jamshidy @ gmail. com Author Bagheri, Mohammad . Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran; E-mails: mbagheri 20022002. mb @ gmail. com, saeedpaktinat @ yahoo. com Author Jamshidi, Soleyman . Department of Plant Protection, Miyaneh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Miyaneh, Iran; E-mails: rostami. aylar @ yahoo. com, s. jamshidy @ gmail. com Author Paktinat-Saeij, Saeid . Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran; E-mails: mbagheri 20022002. mb @ gmail. com, saeedpaktinat @ yahoo. com text Persian Journal of Acarology 2017 2017-10-15 6 4 245 258 journal article 10.22073/pja.v6i4.30958 2251-8169 4644776 Spinibdella tadjikistanica Kuznetzov, 1984 ( Figs. 1–12 ) Diagnosis Setae DHS present; chelicera with two normal setae; palp basifemur with nine setae; two pairs of lateral eyes and one median eye present; center of propodosoma with continuous to sparsely broken transverse striations; lps closer to pt than to at; genua I–III with one duplex setae; tarsi I–II without solenidion. Male ( n = 4) – Length of body (including gnathosoma) 896–990; width of body 318–366, length of gnathosoma 268–291; length of chelicera 234–254; leg lengths: I 473–492, II 460–466, III 508–532, IV 536–637; length of tarsi I–IV: 107–123; 114–130; 126–146; 133–152; VES 173–186, DES 270– 283, DHS 24–26; palpomers I–V: 12–14, 151–175, 28–30, 23–25, 40–45; at 158–162, lps 54–62, pt 178–180, mps 50–60, c 1 61–67, c 2 70–73, d 1 64–67, e 1 63–68, f 1 70–76, f 2 67–69, h 1 85–95, h 2 83–85; distance: at–at 48–62, pt–pt 123–143, at–lps 73–82, pt–lps 43–47, c 1 –c 1 98–120, c 1 –c 2 70–78, c 1 –d 1 95 –96. Gnathosoma ( Figs. 1–3 ) – Two pairs of ventral hypostomal setae longitudinally aligned ( vh1– vh2 ), vh1 68–74, vh2 66–70 ( Fig. 1 ); hypostome ending in two lateral lips, bearing two adoral setae or 1–2 and with sparsely longitudinal striations, which are transverse at base. Chelicera ( Fig. 2 ) with longitudinal striae and with two setae, proximal seta 88–94 longer than distal seta 66–75, distance between setae 93–102; movable digit smooth, fixed digit straight, smooth and slightly shorter than movable digit. Palp ( Fig. 3 ) chaetotaxy: trochanter 0, basifemur 9 sts, telofemur 1 sts, genu 4 sts, tibiotarsus 4 sts, 1s, 2 long end setae ( VES , DES ). Figures 1–3. Spinibdella tadjikistanica Kuznetzov, 1984 (male) – 1. Subcapitulum; 2. Chelicera; 3. Palp. Dorsum ( Figs. 4–5 ) – Center of propodosoma with continuous to sparsely broken transverse striations and lateral margins longitudinally striated ( Fig. 4 ); at and pt slender and nude ( Fig. 4 ). Two pairs of eyes posterolateral to pt with transverse striae between each pair between each pair and one median eye present ( Fig. 4 ). Setae lps closer to pt than to at . Dorsal striae of hysterosoma with continuous to sparsely broken striae; dorsal setae minutely barbed ( Fig. 5 ). Venter ( Figs. 6–8 ) – Ventral setae nude; genital plates each with 14–15 setae longitudinally; 19– 20 aggenital setae present ( Fig. 7 ); anal valves with three pairs of pseudanal setae ( ps 1 –ps 3 ), ps 1 62– 75, ps 2 46–66, ps 3 36–44; one pair of setae, one pair of setae ( v 1 ) present between coxae III. Setal formula on periphery of amphioid sclerites ( Fig. 8 ) 5-3-2. Legs ( Figs. 9–12 ). Leg chaetotaxy: coxae I–IV 10/11-8-7/6-6 sts; trochantera I–IV 1-1-2-1 sts; basifemora I–IV 11-8/10-8-3 sts; telofemora I–IV 9 sts-8 sts-4/5 sts, 1 ms- 5 sts, 1 ms; genua I–IV 1duplex (dxs), 6 sts- 1duplex, 6 sts- 1duplex, 6 sts- 7 sts; tibiae I–IV 1asl, 1bsl, 1pe, 15 sts, 1T- 1bsl, 13 sts- 1asl, 14 sts- 13 sts, 1T; tarsi I–IV 1asl, 2bsl, 1pe, 30 sts- 2bsl, 1pe, 29 sts- 31 sts, 1T- 27/26 sts, 1T. Remarks Until now, Spinibdella tadjikistanica has previously been reported from Tadjikistan ( Kuznetzov 1984). The original description provided based on female and male. The present Iranian specimens of Spinibdella tadjikistanica are morphologically and in general appearance similar to the Tadjik specimens (see the original description of Kuznetzov (1984) , in Russian), but there are slight differences as well; i.e. Iranian specimens with 14–15 genital setae vs . 17 setae in the Tadjik specimens and telofemur III with 5/6 setae in Iranian specimens vs . 4 setae in the Tadjik specimens. Material examined Three males and one female from bark of the apple tree and rotten leaves of apple tree, Seyyedlar village , 11 December 2015 ; one male from bark of the apple tree, Sowmaeh-ye Kabudin, 19 December 2015 , Miyaneh city, East Azerbaijan province , Iran were collected by Aylar Rostami.