The genus Astragalus (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Galegeae) in Mexico Author Castillón, Eduardo Estrada 0000-0003-1061-9862 Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, A. P. 41, 67700, Linares, Nuevo León, Mexico Author Quintanilla, José Ángel Villarreal 0000-0001-9672-8693 Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Departamento de Botánica, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico Author Delgado-Salinas, Alfonso 0000-0002-9322-9968 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Biología, 21068 Author Rebman, Jon P. 0000-0002-4150-7356 San Diego Natural History Museum, P. O. Box 121390, San Diego, California, 92112 text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-03-07 586 1 1921 1935 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.586.1.1 1179-3163 7703999 49. Astragalus jaliscensis (Rydb.) Barneby, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 13: 167–168. 1964 Type:— MEXICO , Jalisco , Sierra de Tequila , 5 July 1893 , C. G. Pringle 4430 ( holotype : (based on Atelophragma jaliscense ): isotype : P00585283 digital image!, P00585385 digital image!, P00585384 digital image!, G00441214 digital image! Atelophragma jaliscense Rydb., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 55: 157. 1928 . Perennial. Stems up to 60 cm long, suberect to decumbent, trichomes up to 0.5 mm long, straight to appressed. Stipules 3–5.5 mm long, the lowest ones clasping and connate for a half or little more, forming a bidentate sheath, the upper ones lanceolate, almost free to the base. Leaves 3–7 cm long; leaflets 19–29, 3–14 mm long, ovate, elliptic to suborbicular, obtuse to retuse, thin, adaxially glabrate, rarely with few scattered trichomes, abaxially subglabrous. Peduncles 8–16 cm long, ascendant; the racemes 5–10 cm long, flowers 12–25. Flowers ochroleucous (pale yellow); the calyx 5–5.5 × 2.8 mm , strigose, frequently with black trichomes, the tube 2.8–3.5 mm long, campanulate, the teeth 1.5–2.8 mm long, subulates; the banner 10–11.2 × 4.5–5 mm , recurved, obovate, basally cuneate; the wings 10–10.5 × 1.9 mm , the claw 4–4.5 mm long, the blade 5.9–7.5 mm long, oblong to obovate; the keel 8.5 × 2.4 mm , the claw 4–4.2 mm long, the blade 4.8 mm long, obovate. Pod deflexed, stipitate (stipe 3–4 mm long), the body oblong to oblongelliptic or clavate, dorsoventrally flattened, 2–3.9 × 0.6–0.8 cm , straight or rarely slightly curved, basally gradually narrowing in a stipe, distally contracted and ending in a small beak, ventrally rounded, dorsally flattened or openly and shallowly sulcate, the valves glabrate, ochre, papery, septum incomplete, 0.3–0.9 mm wide, pale brown or black fruit stages in the same plant; ovules 22–24; seeds 1.8 mm long, mitten shape, brown to dark brown. Distribution:— Endemic to Mexico . Mainly distributed in Jalisco , Michoacán and Nayarit , with several northern records for Durango (Súchil) and one for Aguascalientes ( Fig. 14 ). Habitat:— Volcanic soils, rocky hillsides; oak forest; oak - pine forest; pine forest with Arbutus ; oak - cypress forest; 1450–2950 m . Comments:— In the area of distribution of this species, especially in Jalisco , A. guatemalensis var. brevidentatus also occurs. Both species are morphologically very similar, and it is very difficult, if not impossible to find another character that is not the fruit to discern between these two taxa. The most obvious character of the pod is its width to length relationship, but even these measures sometimes overlap in some areas where their distributions converge. Specimens examined:—AGUASCALIENTES: 26 August 1960 / 28 August 1960 , Sierra del Laurel , near the Jalisco-Aguascalientes border, ca. 10 miles southeast of Calvillo (3 hours by horse from Rancho de los Adobes), R. McVaugh 18468, C. Feddema , R. W. Pippen ( IBUG , MEXU , NY ) . DURANGO: 6 August 1981 , Al S de San Juan de Michis , S. González 1819, S. Acevedo ( ANSM , CIIDIR , ENCB , IEB , MEXU , NY ) . JALISCO: 5 June 1982 , 25 km después del entronque, carretera Pihuamo-Tecalitlán , brechaa Jilotlán de los Dolores, F. J . Santana M. 1061 ( IBUG , MEXU ) ; 25 August 1986 , Cima del volcan de Tequila , L. M. V. de Puga 13109 ( ANSM , ENCB , IBUG , IEB , MEXU ) ; 5 October 1985 , N side of Vulcan Tequila , 17.4 km S Tequila on the road to the microwave station, B. M. Bartholomew 2706, R. L. Landrum , H. W. Li , T. S. Ying ( MEXU , NY ) ; 13 July 1971 , Cerro de Tequila , J. R. González T. 216 ( ENCB , MEXU , NY , SD ) ; 11 January 1987 , Volcan Tequila , 5 miles S of Tequila , A. Liston 635-4, O. R. Dorado , D. M. Arias , M. de J. Cadaxiallyaro ( NY ) ; 28 June 1972 , Volcán Tequila , G. L. Webster 17146, S. Lynch ( MEXU , NY ) ; 23 October 1970 , Volcan Tequila , along road to microwave station, G. L. Webster 15847 ( MEXU , NY ) ; 7 November 1994 , 14–18 km southwest of Tequila on Volcán de Tequila , D. E. Breedlove 39234 ( ENCB , MEXU , NY ) ; 11 October 1975 , Near the mocrowave towers atop Volcán Tequila south of Tequila , 13 miles south of México Highway 15 and 11 miles south of the railroad in Tequila, J. L . Reveal 4099, R. M. Harley ( MEXU , NY , TEX-LL ) ; 22 July 2000 , Brecha a La Cienega a los Picachito , Sierra de Quila , J. A. Machuca , M. Cházaro B 8453 ( IBUG , MEXU ) ; 12 June 1966 , Cerro San Juan Cosalá, L. M. V . Puga 432 ( ENCB , IBUG , IEB , MEXU ) ; 27 August 1987 , brecha Tapalpa-Chuquilistlán, A . Rodríguez C. 983, J. Suárez J. ( ENCB , IBUG , MEXU 25 June 1987 , Km 7 de la brecha que conduce a la estación de microondas Cerro de Tequila , Mpio. Tequila , A. Rodríguez C. 865, J. Suárez J. ( ENCB , IBUG ) ; 12 June 1986 , Cerro de Tequila , Ramírez P. 35 ( IBUG ) ; 1 August 1968 , Cerro de Tequila , Mpio. Tequila , L. M. Villarreal P. 1648 ( IBUG ) ; 18 June 1990 , Mpio. Tequila , km 10 de la brecha a microondas del Cerro de tequila, R. Ramírez D., R. G. Tamayo 2091 ( IBUG ) ; 1 December 1985 , Volcán de Tequila , Mpio. Tequila , S. Zamudio 12950, Puga et al. ( IBUG ) ; 29 June 1980 , km 68 carr. a Talpa, J.A . Solís M. 2382 ( MEXU ) ; 7 November 1993 , Puente Salsipuedes entre los límites de los estados de Jalisco y Nayarit , 25 km al SE de Ixtlan , L. Rico , G. Flores, J.I. Calzada 1199b ( MEXU ) ; 29 June 1981 , a ± 14 km al S de Tapalpa , camino a Venustiano Carranza, J. A. S . Magallanes 2911 ( MEXU ) ; 2 November 1960 , Steep mountainsides above Amacueca , near the summit of the plateau, road to Tapalpa , R. McVaugh 20624 ( MEXU ) ; 11 October 1975 , Near the mocrowave towers atop Volcán Tequila south of Tequila , 13 miles south of México Highway 15 and 11 miles south of the railroad in Tequila , L. L. Revel 4099 ( MEXU ) ; 11 August 1968 , W. R. Anderson 5117, Volcan tequila, due south of Tequila , Ch. Anderson ( ENCB ) ; 12 December 1982 , Mpio. Cuautitlán , El Almeal, C . Sánchez A. s.n., E. Hernández X. ( ENCB ) ; 9 September 1983 , Cima del Volcán de Tequila , Mpio. Tequila , J. A. Pérez de la R. 407 ( IBUG ) . MICHOACÁN: 9 September 1989 , L. Torres 394 ( IEB ) . NAYARIT: 15 April 2001 , Lo de Marcos , A. Guerra s.n. ( IBUG ) .