Taxonomy and diversity of hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) of Sergipe, Northeast Brazil Author Castro Mendonça, Luana M. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Avenida Lourival Melo Mota, & Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná. Caixa Postal 19020, 81531 - 980 Curitiba, PR, Brazil. mahaddad. 2014 @ gmail. com Author Parisotto Guimarães, Carmen R. Departamento de Biologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Sergipe. Avenida Author Haddad, Maria A. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Avenida Lourival Melo Mota, text Zoologia 2022 e 21032 2022-11-25 39 1 65 journal article 10.1590/S1984-4689.v39.e21032 1984-4689 13176475 2B189EA2-803A-428C-AE26-C3669A5F3100 Cirrholovenia tetranema Kramp, 1959 Fig. 11C–D Synonyms available from: Galea (2008) . Cirrholovenia tetranema Kramp, 1959b: 243 , fig. 17A, B. Lafoeina amirantensis Calder, 1991 d: 10, fig. 3, – Calder and Vervoort, 1998: 15 , fig. 5, – Calder et al., 2003: 1180 , fig. 5, – Migotto and Cabral, 2005: 3 , figs 1–3. Description: Colonies stolonal, arising from a creeping hydrorhiza. Hydrothecae cylindrical, elongated, 161–211 µm high, 56–81 µm wide, arising from a short pedicel. Perisarc moderately thick in the pedicel and thin in the hydrothecae. Operculum with thin wall, without segmentation, arising as a continuation of the hydrothecal margin, folded on itself, forming several pleats. One polyp with hydranth, this expanded, with apparently nine tentacles. Nematothecae arising from the hydrorhiza, 52.3–57.8 µm high, 16.8–17.8 µm wide. Material examined: PCS – two infertile colonies from the rainy season; VB – abundant infertile colonies from the dry and rainy seasons; SE – few infertile colonies from rainy season. CZUFS CNI-00054; CNI-00133; CNI-00134. Stations: PCS – 5, 12; VB – C1P12, C1P34, C2P12, C2P34, C2P56, C3P34, C3P56; SE – C1P34, C1P56, C2P12, C2P56, C3P12, C3P56. Bottom: gravel. Distribution: The Brazilian records refer to Lafoeina amirantensis . BrazilPernambuco ( Calder and Maÿal 1998 ), Rio de Janeiro ( Nogueira et al. 1997 ), São Paulo ( Silveira and Morandini 2011 , Marques et al. 2013 , Fernandez et al. 2014 , 2015 , Alaja-Batista et al. 2020 ), Paraná ( Bumbeer and Rocha 2012 ), and Santa Catarina ( Bouzon et al. 2012 ).World distribution – records from coastal and shelf regions of Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans ( Migotto and Cabral 2005 ). Remarks: All the PCS specimens were found on the same morphotype of Bryozoa. The estuarine material was found on Bryozoa, Polychaeta tube, Ascidiacea, and the hydroids Bougainvillia muscus , Cladocoryne floccosa , Clytia gracilis , Corydendrium parasiticum , Eudendrium merulum , Nemalecium lighti , Obelia oxydentata , O. dichotoma , Pennaria disticha , and Plumularia floridana .