Taxonomy and diversity of hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) of Sergipe, Northeast Brazil
Castro Mendonça, Luana M.
Instituto de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Avenida Lourival Melo Mota, & Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná. Caixa Postal 19020, 81531 - 980 Curitiba, PR, Brazil. mahaddad. 2014 @ gmail. com
Parisotto Guimarães, Carmen R.
Departamento de Biologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Sergipe. Avenida
Haddad, Maria A.
Instituto de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Avenida Lourival Melo Mota,
e 21032
journal article
Diphasia tropica
Nutting, 1904
Fig. 21F
Synonyms available from:
Migotto (1996)
Diphasia tropica
Nutting, 1904: 110
Diphasiella ornata
Vannucci, 1949: 239
Description: Colonies erect, up to
14.2 mm
high, arising from a creeping hydrorhiza. Stem monosiphonic, unbranched, divided into two regions, the basal portion ahydrothecate, separated by an oblique node, and the other larger portion composed by internodes successively with and without paired hydrothecae, also separated by oblique nodes. Hydrothecae tubular, narrower in the basal portion, expanding a little to the middle part,
0.49–0.54 mm
high and
0.15–0.17 mm
maximum diameter, adnate to stem and in contact to each other over half their high, free part facing outside. Hydrothecal perisarc with several circular transverse grooves. Margin smooth, opening square, operculum with one valve.
Material examined: PCS – few infertile colonies from the dry and rainy seasons. CZUFS CNI-00208; CNI-00309; CNI-00310; CNI-00311.
Station: PCS – 5, 6, 8.
Bottom: gravel, sand, and mud.
Espírito Santo
Vannucci 1949
Grohmann et al. 1997
Rio de Janeiro
Nogueira et al. 1997
Miranda et al. 2015
São Paulo
Migotto 1996
Oliveira et al. 2006
Silveira and Morandini 2011
Miranda et al. 2015
), and
Santa Catarina
Bouzon et al. 2012
). World distribution – species with records from Western and Eastern Atlantic (
Calder 1991
Remarks: Found on algae.
Dynamena crisioides
Lamouroux, 1824
Fig. 21I
Synonyms available from:
Calder (1991)
Dynamena crisioides
Lamouroux, 1824: 613
, pl. 90, fig. 11, 12, –
Pires et al., 1992: 6
, –
Migotto, 1996: 60
, figs 11E–G.
Dynamena crisioides
Vannucci Mendes, 1946: 557
, pl. 3,
fig. 24, 25, –
Vannucci, 1949: 243
1954: 115
Description: Colonies erect, up to
31 mm
high, arising from a creeping hydrorhiza. Stem monosiphonic, divided into internodes by transverse nodes. Basal stem segments ahydrothecate, upper part with successive pairs of hydrothecae. Each internode with a proximal hydrocladium, an axillary hydrotheca, and one to three successive pairs of hydrothecae. Only the distal adnate portion of the axillary hydrotheca reaches the base of the subsequent one. Hydrothecal pairs separated along the adnate side. Hydrocladia
7.9–9.6 mm
long, arising from a short, straight, or slightly curved apophysis at angles of 127.3–148.6
, divided into internodes of different sizes by transverse nodes. Hydrothecae tubular, elongated,
0.41–0.55 mm
0.11–0.16 mm
maximum diameter, adnate for more than half their high, curving outwards in the distal portion. Adcauline wall of hydrothecae convex, abcauline straight or slightly concave. Margin with two lateral wide triangular cusps, rounded at the end, and one short median adcauline. Operculum with two valves, one wide abcauline and one smaller adcauline. Gonotheca vase-shaped,
0.97 mm
0.46 mm
wide, smooth, borne on a short pedicel at the base of stem between the first pair of hydrothecae.
Material examined: PCS – one infertile colony from the rainy season; VB – few infertile colonies from the dry and rainy seasons; SE – few colonies from the dry season, one of them with one gonotheca. CZUFS CNI-00027; CNI-00063; CNI-00209; CNI-00210.
Stations: PCS – 7; VB – C1P34, C1P56, C2P34, C2P56; SE – C1P34, C1P56, C2P12, C2P34, C3P12.
Bottom: mud.
Marques et al. 2006
), Fernando de Noronha (
Pires et al. 1992
Amaral et al. 2009
(Felipe F. Campos unpub. data),
Calder and Maÿal 1998
Oliveira et al. 2009
, abstract),
(Maximiliano M. Maronna unpub. data),
Nutting 1904
Espírito Santo
Grohmann et al. 1997
Rio de Janeiro
Nogueira et al. 1997
Miranda et al. 2015
São Paulo
Vannucci Mendes 1946
Vannucci 1951a
Migotto 1996
Silveira and Morandini 2011
Miranda et al. 2015
Miranda et al. 2015
, Maria A. Haddad unpub. data), and
Santa Catarina
Miranda et al. 2015
). World distribution – circumglobal in tropical and subtropical regions (
Calder 1991
Remarks: Unknown substrate to the PCS material. Estuarine colonies were colonizing the plates, barnacles, ostreids, and ascidians.