A review of the mite subfamily Harpirhynchinae (Acariformes: Harpirhynchidae) — parasites of New World birds (Aves: Neognathae) Author Bochkov, Andre V Author Oconnor, Barry M. Author Klompen, Hans text Zootaxa 2015 4023 1 1 130 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4023.1.1 8f4e6997-9864-4b83-9687-c0beffe0b6ae 1175-5326 399838 6BC0B13B-940D-402E-B894-3C80E034840B Neharpyrhyncus novoplumaris ( Moss, Oliver and Nelson, 1968 ) ( Fig. 87 C, D) Harpyrhynchus novoplumaris Moss et al ., 1968 : 378 , figs. 3–34 ( type in USNM, examined)? Neharpyrhynchus plumaris , Fain 1995 : 85 . Neharpyrhynchus novoplumaris , Bochkov 2000: 536 ; Bochkov & OConnor 2013: 508. Additional material. One female ( OSAL 0077777) from Cardinalis cardinals (Linnaeus) ( Passeriformes : Cardinalidae ), USA : Kansas, Jefferson, L14955; Lawrence, PPL., 19 April 1952 , coll. E.H. Kardos; 1 female (0083581) from Baeolophus bicolor (Linnaeus) ( Passeriformes : Paridae ), USA : Kansas, Douglas Co., Lawrence, 38.97°N 95.24°W (GNIS-USGS), 13 April 1963 , coll. W.W. Moss;. 1 female ( OSAL 0077710) and 1 female ( OSAL 0083276) from Melozone fusca (Swainson) ( Passeriformes : Emberizidae ), USA : unknown localities; 4 females ( UMMZ BMOC 08-0407-001, #1–4) from Junco hyemalis (Linnaeus) ( Passeriformes : Emberizidae ) ( UMMZ 241473) [on head], USA : Michigan, Washtenaw Co., Ann Arbor, 42˚17’15”N, 83˚43’58”W, 3 April 2008 , coll. M. Glass; 2 females ( OSAL 0 0 83142, 0083143) from Junco phaeonotus Wagler , MEXICO : Distrito Federal, Mexico City, 45 km ESE of, 19.43°N 99.14°W (GEOnet), 27 June 1941 , coll. W.B. Davis. All material deposited in UMMZ and OSAL , respectively except 1 female ( BMOC 08-0407-001) from Junco hyemalis in ZISP . Hosts and distribution . Various North American passerines ( USA ): Certhia familiaris (Linnaeus) [ type host] ( Certhiidae ), Baeolophus bicolor (Paridae) , and Cardinalis cardinalis (Cardinalidae) , Melozone fusca (Emberizidae) ( Moss et al . 1968 ; Moss 1979 ; Bochkov & OConnor 2013; present paper), Junco hyemalis [ new host ] ( Emberizidae ) from USA and Junco phaeonotus [ new host ] from Mexico (present paper). Remarks . Records of this species from Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus ( Troglodytidae ) and Spizella passerina ( Emberizidae ) ( Moss et al . 1968 ; Moss 1979 ) actually represent N . campylorhynchus sp. nov. and N. spizella sp. nov. , respectively (present paper). Mites from Amphispiza bilineata (Cassin) (Emberizidae) from USA determined as Neharpyrhynchus novoplumaris ( Moss et al . 1968 ) belong to Neharpyrhynchus sp. 1 (see below).