Molecular phylogeny of Geoplaninae (Platyhelminthes) challenges current classification: proposal of taxonomic actions Author Fernando Carbayo Author Marta Álvarez-Presas Author Cĺaudia T. Olivares Author Fernando P. L. Marques Author Eud Óxia M. Froehlich Author Marta Riutort text Zoologica Scripta 2013 42 508 528 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.399812 72c98004-b882-4508-a00c-c1e3ad27faaa 399812 C9E06103-0179-4739-AF18-A159097A3902 Genus Obama gen. n Etymology . The name Obama is a composition of the Tupi (Indigenous Brazilian language) words oba (meaning leaf) and ma (animal). It alludes to the characteristically flattened, leaf-shaped body of the species of the genus. The gender is female. Diagnosis . Geoplaninae with medium-sized to large body, 30–300 mm in length; body broad, flattened, leafshaped; eyes mono- and trilobulated, dorsal; part of the sensory pits arranged in 2–4 rows on each side of the body; pharynx cylindrical or bell-shaped; prostatic vesicle extrabulbar, short, curved and anteriorly branched; penis papilla protrusible, conical, horizontal, occupying entire male atrium, with dorsal insertion posterior to the ventral, sometimes laterally displaced; male atrium, not folded, generally not separated from the female one; ascending portion of the ovovitelline ducts lateral to the female atrium and joining each other above it; genital canal dorso-anteriorly flexed, arising from the postero-dorsal or posterior region of the female atrium; female atrium ample, long or funnelshaped. Distribution . States of Amaṕa, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Stao Paulo, Parańa, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil . Type species . Geoplana fryi von Graff, 1899 Species of Obama . Obama apeva ( Froehlich, 1959 ) comb. n. Obama applanata (von Graff, 1899 ) comb. n. Obama argus (von Graff, 1899 ) comb. n. Obama assu ( Froehlich, 1959 ) comb. n. Obama baptistae ( Leal-Zanchet & Oliveira, 2012 ) comb. n. Obama braunsi (von Graff, 1899 ) comb. n. Obama burmeisteri ( Schultze & Müller, 1857 ) * comb. n . Obama carbayoi ( Oliveira & Leal-Zanchet, 2012 ) comb. n. Obama carinata ( Riester, 1938 ) * comb. n. Obama carrierei (von Graff, 1897 ) comb. n. Obama catharina ( Hyman, 1957 ) comb. n. Obama dictyotona ( Riester, 1938 ) comb. n. Obama divae ( Marcus, 1951 ) comb. n. Obama eudoxiae ( Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1990 ) comb. n. Obama eudoximariae ( Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1990 ) comb. n. Obama evelinae ( Marcus, 1951 ) comb. n. Obama ferussaci (von Graff, 1897 ) comb. n. Obama ficki ( Amaral & Leal-Zanchet, 2012 ) comb. n. (in Amaral et al. , 2012 ) Obama fryi (von Graff, 1899 ) comb. n. Obama glieschi ( Froehlich, 1959 ) comb. n. Obama itatiayana ( Schirch, 1929 ) comb. n. Obama josefi ( Carbayo & Leal-Zanchet, 2001 ) * Obama ladislavii (von Graff, 1899 ) * comb. n. Obama ladislavii (sensu Froehlich, 1959 ) * comb. n. Obama livia ( E. M. Froehlich, 1955 ) comb. n. Obama marmorata ( Schultze & Müller, 1857 ) comb. n. Obama metzi (von Graff, 1899 ) comb. n. Obama poca ( Froehlich, 1958 ) comb. n. Obama polyophthalma (von Graff, 1899 ) comb. n. Obama riesteri ( Froehlich, 1955 ) comb. n. Obama rufiventris ( Schultze & Müller, 1857 ) comb. n. Obama ruiva ( E. M. Froehlich, 1972 ) comb. n. Obama schubarti ( Froehlich, 1958 ) comb. n. Obama sp. 6 * Obama trigueira ( E. M. Froehlich, 1955 ) comb. n.