American Cerambycidae (Coleoptera): Four new species, new records and taxonomic notes
Heffern, Daniel
10531 Goldfield Lane, Houston, TX 77064, USA.
Santos-Silva, Antonio
Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil & toncriss @ uol. com. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7128 - 1418
Nascimento, Francisco E. L.
Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil & eribnascimentofl @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5047 - 8921
journal article
Scopadus selkingi
sp. nov.
Figs. 36–39
Description. Female
Integument mostly blackish; mouthparts mostly yellowish brown, with labial palpomere I, and maxillary palpomeres I–III mostly brown; anteclypeus mostly yellowish brown; labrum brown posteriorly, yellowish brown anteriorly; scape and pedicel dark brown, almost black; antennomeres III–IV brown with apex dark brown; antennomeres V–VI brown basally, dark brown on remaining surface; elytra with arched reddish-brown band centrally, from epipleural margin to near suture; pro- and mesocoxae brownish with yellowish-brown areas; metacoxae brown; trochanters yellowish brown; femora narrowly yellowish brown basally; tibiae dark brown, slightly lighter toward apex; tarsomeres I–II dark brown; tarsomeres III–IV reddish brown; tarsomere V dark brown with apex reddish brown.
Frons large, slightly transverse; minutely, densely punctate, interspersed with fine, sparse punctures, except lateral area close to genae with only sparse punctures; grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, moderately abundant erect black setae (part of them yellowish brown apically). Vertex minutely, densely punctate; pubescence and erect setae as on frons. Area behind eyes minutely, densely punctate except smooth area close to prothorax behind lower eye lobe and area between eye lobes; with grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument close to eye, except glabrous smooth area behind lower eye lobe and area between eye lobes; with long, erect setae close to lower eye lobe, black basally, yellowish apically. Genae about as long as lower eye lobe; finely, transversely striate except smooth apex; with sparse, short grayish-white pubescence except glabrous area close to clypeus and apex, and a few long, erect setae toward ventral surface, black basally, yellowish apically.Antennal tubercles minutely, densely punctate except smooth central area; pubescence and erect setae as on frons, both absent on smooth area. Median groove slightly distinct on frons, carinate on vertex. Postclypeus finely, sparsely punctate on wide central area, smooth laterally; with sparse, short grayish-white setae on wide central area, glabrous laterally; with long, erect setae on wide central area, dark brown basally, yellowish apically. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus at posterior half, inclined at anterior half; finely punctate on central area, smooth on remaining surface; with transverse row of long, erect, sparse setae on base of posterior half, black basally, yellowish apically, and long, erect, sparse yellowish-brown setae on anterior half. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous, shining on large posterior area, depressed, opaque, with a few both short and long setae on narrow anterior area. Eye lobes distinctly divided; distance between upper eye lobes 0.59 times length of scape (0.36 times distance between outer margins of eyes); in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 1.10 times length of scape (0.67 times distance between outer margins of eyes). Antennae 2.0 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at posterior fifth of antennomere VII. Scape and pedicel with sparse pubescence dorsally and laterally (slightly more abundant on pedicel), yellowish on most of dorsal surface, white on remaining surface, almost glabrous ventrally; with long, erect, sparse setae throughout, often black basally, yellowish apically. Antennomere III with white pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with yellowish pubescence (pubescence sparser ventrally); with moderately long, erect dark setae dorsally, and very long, erect black setae ventrally, forming very narrow tuft near apex. Antennomere IV with white pubescence on basal 2/3, not obscuring integument, shorter, darker on posterior third; with moderately long, erect black setae dorsally, and very long, erect black setae ventrally, forming very narrow tuft near apex (slightly denser and longer than in III). Antennomere V with white pubescence on basal third, partially obscuring integument, shorter, darker on remaining surface; with moderately long, erect black setae dorsally, and very long, erect black setae ventrally, forming moderately wide tuft on posterior half. Antennomere VI with white pubescence on basal half, partially obscuring integument, shorter, darker on remaining surface; with moderately long, erect black setae dorsally, more abundant apically, and very long, erect black setae ventrally, forming wide tuft on posterior half. Antennomere VII with white pubescence basally, shorter, darker on remaining surface; with moderately long, erect black setae dorsally, more abundant apically, and very long, erect black setae ventrally, forming tuft on nearly entire surface. Antennomeres VIII–XI with dark pubescence; with moderately long, erect black setae dorsally, and very long, erect black setae ventrally, forming tuft on nearly entire ventral surface. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.79; pedicel = 0.20; IV = 1.04; V = 0.73; VI = 0.61; VII = 0.53; VIII = 0.45; IX = 0.45; X = 0.41; XI = 0.53.
. Prothorax distinctly wider than long (including lateral tubercles); with narrow constriction anteriorly, distinctly narrowed at posterior quarter; with large, conical tubercle about middle, with apex directed forward (posterior margin dentate about middle). Pronotum in lateral view, convex, distinctly inclined from about middle to posterior margin; densely micropunctate, interspersed with fine, sparse punctures, except smooth narrow area close to anterior margin, and finely punctate narrow area close to posterior margin; with transverse sulcus on center of posterior quarter; with grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument between anterior smooth area and posterior sulcus, glabrous on anterior smooth area, with abundant yellowish pubescence between posterior sulcus and posterior margin; with long, erect, sparse setae on wide central area, black basally, yellowish apically. Sides of prothorax finely, sparsely punctate on wide central area, nearly smooth anteriorly and posteriorly; with yellowishwhite pubescence on punctate area, glabrous on smooth areas; with long, erect, sparse setae on punctate area, black basally, yellowish apically. Prosternum finely, sparsely punctate except smooth area between anterior sulcus and anterior margin; with sparse yellowish-white pubescence, except nearly glabrous smooth anterior area, and a few long, erect yellowish setae on pubescent area. Prosternal process rugose-punctate; with bristly grayish-white pubescence denser than on prosternum; narrowest area 0.3 times width of procoxal cavity. Ventral surface of mesothorax with yellowish-white pubescence, distinctly sparser on center of mesoventrite. Ventral surface of metathorax with yellowish-white pubescence, denser and longer on oblique band on sides of posterior third (pubescence appearing to be whiter depending on light intensity). Scutellum with abundant grayish-white pubescence, interspersed with yellowish-white pubescence.
Anterior tubercle large, elevated, with dense tuft of long black setae on top; coarsely, abundantly punctate between anterior tubercle and before middle, coarsely and sparsely punctate between anterior tubercle and suture, finer, sparser punctate on remaining surface; with grayish-white pubescent band along suture, from scutellum to middle, distinctly widened from middle to its apex; with wide, arched pubescent grayish-white pubescent band dorsally (pubescence not dense, with yellowish pubescence interspersed), from anterior margin to slightly before middle (surrounding anterior tubercle), not reaching sutural pubescent band; with very sparse, decumbent dark setae between antennal tubercles and sutural pubescent band; with arched white pubescent band centrally, from epipleural margin to near suture; with oblique, wide, moderately dense white pubescent band on posterior fifth, from epipleural margin to suture; with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument between the distal white pubescent band and apex; with dark pubescence on remaining surface; with long, erect, sparse setae throughout, most setae black basally, yellowish apically.
Femora with white pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect setae; most setae black basally, whitish or yellowish apically. Tibiae with yellowish-white pubescence, denser dorsally, except bristly yellowish-brown pubescence ventrally on posterior half of protibiae, yellowish-brown pubescence on posterior third of mesotibiae (pubescence bristly dorsally), and yellowish-brown pubescence ventrally on posterior third of metatibiae.
Ventrites with grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect, sparse setae of same color. Posterior half of ventrite V inclined centrally, more so on posterior third.
Dimensions (mm), female
Total length, 6.35/6.35; prothoracic length, 1.30/1.30; anterior prothoracic width, 1.15/1.20; posterior prothoracic width, 1.20/1.15; maximum prothoracic width, 1.85/1.90; humeral width, 1.95/1.95; elytral length, 3.80/3.90.
Type material.
female from
Bocas del Toro
Fortuna Cabins
, forest trail,
E.G. Riley
col. (
female from
Bocas del Toro
Continental Divide Mt. Range
Fortuna Cabins
, forest trail,
col. (
. This species is named for Ryan Selking (formerly TAMU) who graciously provided his specimen for study.
The most important differences between
Scopadus selkingi
sp. nov.
and the other species of the genus are presented in the key below:
1. Antennomeres lacking tuft of setae ventrally; general color of the integument of the basal half of the elytra distinctly contrasting with that of the apical half (
Fig. 40
S. ciliatus
Pascoe, 1857
– Some antennomeres with tuft of setae; general color of elytral integument not different on basal and apical half (
Figs. 36, 41
)................................................................................................... 2
2(1). Only antennomeres VIII–XI or VIII–X with long tuft of setae ventrally; lateral tubercles of the prothorax with apex distinctly rounded (
Fig. 41
French Guiana
S. charynae
Santos-Silva & Nascimento, 2019
– Antennomeres III–XI with long tuft of setae ventrally; lateral tubercles of the prothorax with acute apex (
Fig. 36
S. selkingi
sp. nov.