Review of Zeugophorinae of New Guinea, with description of Zeugophorella gen. nov. and new synonyms of Zeugophora (Coleoptera: Megalopodidae) Author Sekerka, Lukáš Department of Entomology, National Museum, Golčova 1, Praha 4 - Kunratice, CZ- 148 00, Czech Republic; e-mail: sagrinae @ seznam. cz Author Vives, Eduard Museu de Zoologia e Barcelona, Passeig Picasso, s / n, P. O. Box 593, Barcelona, Spain; e-mail: eduard _ vives @ hotmail. com text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2013 2013-11-15 53 2 747 762 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5740745 0374-1036 5740745 B33939D7-1DCF-4815-B2D8-62A469DE8ACE Zeugophora aethiops Medvedev, 1996 Zeugophora aethiops Medvedev, 1996: 67 ( type locality: ‘ Irian Jaya : Jayawijaya, Eipomek-Langda, Orenje-Mts, 3500 m ”). Type material. PARATYPE (unsexed, glued): “ Irian Jaya :Jayawijaya | Pas Habbema-See/Wame- | 19.- 20.10.1993 na- Tal | leg. A:RIEDEL 3450m [pale violet, printed and cardboard label] || PARATYPUS | Zeugophora [handwritten] | aethiops m. [handwritten] | L. Medvedev det. 19[printed]95[handwritten] [white, printed and cardboard label]” ( SMNS ). Distribution. Indonesia : Papua : Jayawijaya province ( MEDVEDEV 1996 ).