Four new species of Phyllomyza Fallén (Diptera: Milichiidae), with an updated key from China Author Xi, Yuqiang Author Yin, Xinming text Zoological Systematics 2018 43 3 309 316 journal article 10.11865/zs.201824 2095-6827 5365088 CB2898A7-FCAA-4AA2-A524-7B612DF46320 Phyllomyza convexusa sp. nov. ( Figs 1–4 ) Diagnosis. This new species is somewhat similar to P. dilatata Malloch , but differs from the gena approximately oneseventh of eye height; knob of halter brown yellow, stalk brown; cercus without ventral appendix. In P. dilatata , the gena approximately one-ninth of eye height; knob of halter yellowish white, stalk yellowish; cercus with longer ventral appendix, 1 seta on ventral appendix ( Malloch, 1914b ). Description. Male. Body length 1.7 mm ; wing length 1.6 mm . Head ( Fig. 1 ) black with grayish microtomentum. Orbital plate subshiny black with microtomentum, ocellar triangle blackish brown without microtomentum; lunule strap-shaped, darkish brown with black margin. Posterior eye margin ventrally diverging from head margin, eye 1.6 times as high as long, gena approximately one-seventh of eye height. Setae and setulae on head black; ocellar triangle with 2 long ocellar setae and 3 short setae; frons with 3 orbital and 2 frontal setae on black orbital stripe, orbital setae lateroclinate and frontal setae medioclinate, 4 interfrontal setae; postocellar setae cruciate. Lunule with 2 setae. Vibrissal angle relatively rectangular; vibrissa strong and located at level of lower eye margin. Antenna blackish brown with brownish microtomentum; pedicel with black setulae at middle and margin, setulae at margin longer than others, two longer setae, longest one about 2 times longer than the other one, about 3.5 times longer than the others; first flagellomere with pubescence, irregular sector; arista darkish brown, distinctly dense pubescence, 3.3 times as long as first flagellomere. Proboscis fold, darkish yellow at anterior 1/2, the rest part darkish brown, with sparse setulae. Palpus slightly rod-like with blunt apex in lateral view, about 0.3 mm , 3.5 times longer than wide; darkish brown with short dense brown pubescence, margin with sparse setulae. Figures 1–4. Phyllomyza covexusa sp. nov. , male. 1. Head, lateral view. 2. Wing. 3. Epandrium, cerci, and surstyli, posterior view. 4. Epandrium, cerci, and surstyli, lateral view. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. Thorax darkish brown with grey microtomentum, except mesonotum shiny darkish brown; scutellum blackish brown with gray microtomentum. Setae and setulae on thorax black; 1 h, 2 dc, 1 prsc, 2 npl, 1prs, 1 pos, 1sa, 2 pa, 1 kepsts (a row setulae at forward position); scutellum 1.3 times wider than long, with pair of asc and bsc, asc 3 times longer than bsc. Legs slender, coxae and femora darkish brown, tibiae yellow except hind tibia darkish brown at posterior 2/3, tarsi yellowish. Setae and setulae on legs black. Mid tibia with 1 black preapical dorsal seta. Wing ( Fig. 2 ) hyaline; veins brown; Sc strong; M 1 between r-m and dm-cu longer than dm-cu. Calypter yellowish, with dense brownish microtrichae, margin with brownish setulae. Knob of halter brown yellow. Abdomen yellowish brown with gray microtomentum. Setae and setulae on abdomen black; T2–T5 with setae at posterior 3/4, marginal setae longer than others; sternites with sparse black setulae. Posteromedial triangular projection of T1 into T2 strong; S2 generally horseshoe-shaped, S3 and S4 irregularly vertical rectangular; S5 generally saddle-shaped, 1.2 times wider than long. Male genitalia ( Figs 3–4 ). Epandrium with 7 pairs of strong setae; surstylus tip slightly swollen and apical slightly blunt; cercus arched and with short sparse setae. Female. Unknown. Material examined. Holotype , China , Yunnan , Baoshan , Baihualing (25˚17ʹN, 98˚48ʹE; elev. 1370 m ), 12.V.2012 , coll. Yuanye Liu. Paratypes . 2♂ , same data as holotype ; 3♂ , China , Yunnan , Baoshan , Baihualing (25˚17ʹN, 98˚48ʹE; elev. 1372 m ), 12.V.2012 , coll. Wenliang Li. All deposited in HAU . Distribution. China ( Yunnan ). Etymology. The specific name refers to the apical abdomen of male swollen.