Phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the subgenus Velleius Leach (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) Author Zhao, Zong-Yi Author Zhou, Hong-Zhang text Zootaxa 2015 3957 3 251 276 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3957.3.1 31f8999c-e65b-4e76-93be-09f17c90bffe 1175-5326 233401 6CC62878-DBBD-4478-AAF2-9403B46C8C36 3. Quedius ( Ve l le iu s ) amamiensis ( Watanabe 1990 ) ( Fig. 7 ). Watanabe 1990 : 69 (originally in Velleius ; Type locality: Japan : Kagoshima Pref.: Amami-Ohshima Is., Hatsuno). Redescription. Body length about 10.0 mm, body width 2.5 mm (EW), HW/PW/EW/AW = 1.0:1.4:1.6:1.4, HL/ PL/EL = 1.0:1.5:1.8. Head black, other parts dark brown, elytra with hypomera from base to apices yellowish-brown. Head subcircular, wider than long, HW/HL = 1.0:0.8, eyes large, in dorsal view longer than tempora, HEL/ HTL = 1.0:0.4; posterior frontal setiferous puncture before posterior edge of eye and with fovea adjacent to eye, one basal setiferous puncture on each side (one smaller puncture on left side), temporal setiferous puncture slightly closer to posterior edge of eye than to nuchal constriction; no oblique fovea behind insertion of each antenna, dorsal surface covered with sparse fine punctures and dense microsculpture, meshes of microsculpture isodiametric on anterior portion but gradually becoming transverse on posterior portion of head. Antennae with apex of segment III obviously wider than apex of segment I, segments IV and X each very shallowly, segments V–IX each moderately bifurcated, segment III slightly longer than segment II (last segment missing). Left mandible ( Fig. 7 D) with anterior tooth not divided into subteeth, edge before anterior tooth smoothly curved, posterior tooth present with notch before it very shallow, right mandible ( Fig. 7 E) only with one tooth. Maxillary palpus with last segment lacking setae, fusiform, outer surface of basal half covered with many longitudinal foveae and surface of apical half covered with many fine pores, ratio of segments II–IV as 1.0:1.0:1.6. Labial palpus with last segment lacking setae, strongly dilated to globose, apical portion covered with many pores and apex with sensory organ well developed, ratio of segments I–III as 1.0:1.0:1.7. Neck surface covered with microsculpture consisting of transverse meshes. Pronotum wider than long, PW/PL = 1.0:0.8; one setiferous punctures in each dorsal row and far from anterior edge, two setiferous punctures in each sublateral row with the anterior one before and posterior one behind level of puncture in dorsal row, large lateral setiferous puncture before puncture in dorsal row and last puncture in sublateral row; surface covered with very vague and hardly appreciable but dense transverse microsculpture. Scutellum densely setose, surface between setae covered with dense transverse microsculpture, anterior basal ridge with middle portion angled backwards and broken, posterior basal ridge slightly arced forward. Elytra slightly wider than long, EW/EL = 1.0:0.9, EL/ESL = 1.0: 0.6, surface evenly and densely setose, surface between setae smooth and without micropuncture. Abdomen with each tergite densely and evenly setose, tergite VII bearing whitish apical fringe, tergite III–VII all lacking large middle lateral setae on each side; tergite VIII bearing many large black setae on apical half. Apices of meso- and metatasomere V not dilated. Male. Aedeagus in lateral view ( Fig. 7 A) with apex of paramere not protruding beyond that of median lobe, the former slightly bent towards median lobe, paramere not suddenly widened below apex, median lobe with an apical hook facing paramere and concaved below the hook, in dorsal view ( Fig. 7 B) paramere narrower than median lobe through whole length, paramere from apex to base gradually widened, median lobe from apex to base nearly parallel-sided, apical portion of paramere ( Fig. 7 C) not divided into two branches but just with a small emargination at apical margin, 2 apical and 2 lateral setae on each side, sensory peg setae on underside of paramere forming one irregular apical group consisting of 17 setae and extending from apex downward slightly beyond insertions of lateral setae. Female. Unknown at present. FIGURE 7. Q. ( V. ) amamiensis . A–C, aedeagus, (A) lateral view, (B) dorsal view, (C) underside of paramere, showing sensory peg setae; D–E, mandibles, dorsal view. Scales = 0.5 mm. Type material. Holotype , male, Japan , Kagoshima Prefecture, Amami-Ohshima Island , Hatsuno, 27.VIII.1985 , collected by H. Hayakawa, deposited in LETUA . Comparison. Quedius ( Velleius ) amamiensis is similar to other small-sized Vell eius species, but it can be recognized by the small subcircular head and shallow bifurcated antennal segments IV–X. Distribution. At present Quedius ( Velleius ) amamiensis is known only from its type locality in Japan .