New species of Chaetozone and Tharyx (Polychaeta: Cirratulidae) from the Alaskan and Canadian Arctic and the Northeastern Pacific, including a description of the lectotype of Chaetozone setosa Malmgren from Spitsbergen in the Norwegian Arctic
Blake, James A.
journal article
Key to 21 species of
from the Northeastern Pacific and North American Arctic and Subarctic
(Reference code: 1,
Blake 1996
; 2, Blake 2006; 3, this paper. Note:
Chaetozone gracilis
Moore, 1923
C. armata
Hartman, 1963
, both redescribed in
Blake [1996]
are rare species not included in this key; both lack posterior cinctures and may belong to other genera. MG = Methyl Green).
1A. Paired dorsal tentacles on posterior margin of peristomium shifted posteriorly over anterior setigerous segments.......... 2
1B. Paired dorsal tentacles on posterior margin of peristomium or anterior achaetous segment, not shifted posteriorly over setiger- ous segments......................................................................................... 4
2B. Dorsal tentacles shifted dorsally over setiger 1............................................................... 3
2B. Dorsal tentacles shifted dorsally over setigers 4‒7; with distinct MG staining pattern.........................
C. bansei
3A. With distinct achaetous segment preceding setiger 1, bearing first pair of branchiae; all spines in posterior cinctures unidentate; no MG staining pattern.....................................................................
C. careyi
n. sp.
3B. Without distinct achaetous segment preceding setiger 1, first pair of branchiae on setiger 1; ventral-most spine in posterior neu- ropodia of cinctures bidentate; with distinct MG staining pattern.........................................
C. lunula
4A. Posterior noto- and neuropodial spines with sharply pointed with recurved tip extending posteriorly and fused with shaft form- ing blunt tip.......................................................................................... 5
4B. Posterior noto- and neuropodial spines sharply pointed or blunt, not with recurved tip............................... 7
5A First pair of branchiae on setiger 1; no MG pattern...............................................
C. commonalis
5B. First and second pair of branchiae both on setiger 1........................................................... 6
6A. Posterior spines from posterior third of body, or about setiger
65 in
neuropodia and setiger
70 in
neuropodia; dorsal longitudi- nal groove absent; with thin ridge along ventral midline; posterior cinctures well developed, with 26‒29 spines on a side, over-
lapping at dorsal midline of each cincture; MG staining prostomium and peristomium, but with clear unstained curved dorsal band between at posterior margin of prostomium....................................................
C. allanotai
6B. Posterior spines from middle body segments, or setigers
30‒40 in
neuropodia and
40‒45 in
notopodia; shallow dorsal groove from anterior through middle segments, absent posterior segments; ventral groove in middle segments; posterior cinctures well developed, with 20‒23 spines on a side; MG on tip of prostomium and last two peristomial rings......
C. camasetosa
n. sp.
7A. With distinct achaetous segment between peristomium and setiger 1, may be partially fused to setiger 1................. 8
7B. Without distinct achaetous segment between peristomium and setiger 1.......................................... 15
8A. Achaetous segment bearing both first pair of branchiae and dorsal tentacles........................................ 9
8B. Achaetous segment bearing only first pair of branchiae; dorsal tentacles arising from peristomium or notch at posterior margin................................................................................................... 10
9A. Body with distinct enlargement (stomach) between esophagus of thoracic segments and intestine of abdominal segments, this imparting characteristic shape to body; with brown pigment over most of body, concentrated in anterior segments; posterior cinctures well developed, with 16‒18 spines on a side; no MG pattern evident............................
C. brunnea
9B. Body without distinct morphological enlargement except for segments sometimes swollen with gametes; pigment absent; posterior cinctures well developed, with 15-17 spines on a side; MG pattern on prostomium, peristomium, and anterior parapodia; peristomium with two prominent annulations anterior to achaetous segment separated by deep grooves, first annulation inflated, twice size of second............................................................
C. malmgreni
n. sp.
10A. Neuropodial spines from setiger 50–70 or greater in middle body segments, in middle body segments; spines arranged in partial or complete cinctures; MG staining pattern present or absent............................................... 11
10B Neuropodial spines from setiger
5‒40 in
anterior third of body; spines arranged in partial or complete cinctures; MG staining pattern present or absent............................................................................... 12
11A. Neuropodial spines from setiger 70 or greater; posterior cinctures partial, with up to 14 spines on a side; peristomium not overlain with dorsal crest; MG stains prostomium and peristomium intensely, except for tip of prostomium and dorsal surface of peristomial annulations; parapodia with weak stripes across dorsum and venter...........................
C. hedgpethi
11B. Neuropodial spines from setiger 50‒53; cinctures with 17‒19 spines on a side; peristomium overlain with prominent crest; no MG pattern.........................................................................
C. pugettensis
n. sp.
12A. Posterior cinctures with 20‒22 unusually long, broad, flattened, pointed noto- and neuropodial spines on a side, without accompanying capillaries; with MG pattern..........................................................
C. palaea
12B. Posterior cinctures with thick, rounded noto- and neuropodial spines, pointed or blunt-tipped, with accompanying and alternating capillaries....................................................................................... 13
13A. Some anterior capillaries sometimes with splayed fibrils; other capillaries from setiger 40‒45 short, an oblique edge with fibrils, tapering to pointed tip; with posterior cinctures greatly reduced to only 8 spines on a side, each with thin fringe along convex side; neuropodial spines from setiger 18‒40; no MG pattern........................................
C. acuta
13B. Fibrils not conspicuous on capillaries; posterior cinctures reduced or complete, but with 13 or more spines on a side...... 14
14A. Body heavily pigmented with numerous brown to black pigment speckles over entire body; with a prominent mid-ventral ridge line along entire length of body formed of ventromedial bulges arising from each segment; with weak mid-dorsal groove in middle body segments; neuropodial spines from setigers 5–26; posterior cinctures reduced, with 13‒19 spines on a side; no MG pattern..........................................................................
C. pigmentata
14B. Body with anterior segments with diffuse black pigment, not discrete speckles, limited to certain areas of the body, not all over; ventral ridge low, not conspicuous; posterior cinctures well developed, with elevated membranes with 20‒22 spines on a side; with distinct MG staining pattern, with all of prostomium except tip staining, with most of peristomium staining forming “mask” over the head region...............................................................
C. bathyala
15A. Neuropodial spines from setiger 1................................................................
C. corona
15B. Neuropodial spines from setiger 20 or later................................................................ 16
16A. Neuropodial spines from setiger 21‒40................................................................... 17
16B. Neuropodial spines from setiger 65 or later................................................................ 19
17A. Posterior notopodial spines typically longer, narrower and pointed than heavier, blunt-tipped neuropodial spines, forming partial cinctures........................................................................................ 18
17B Posterior notopodial and neuropodial spines both similar, curved with smooth shafts and pointed tips; fully developed cinctures with 17‒19 spines on a side; with MG.......................................................
C. hobsonae
18A. Posterior spines in partial cinctures, 8‒10 spines on a side; with 4‒5 long, narrow, straight, blunt-tipped notopodial spines and 4‒5 short, thick, curved, neuropodial spines having short serrations on convex side of curved tip; with MG staining..................................................................................................
C. hartmanae
18B. Posterior spines in partial cinctures, 16‒18 spines on a side; posterior notosetae spinous with sharp tips; posterior neurosetae becoming shorter, forming blunt-tipped spines; no MG staining pattern..................................
C. spinosa
19A Neuropodial spines from mid-body segments, setigers 58‒65; MG staining present or absent......................... 20
19B. Neuropodial spines from posterior third of body, setigers 105‒120; posterior cinctures partially developed, with 11‒12 spines on a side; MG stains with distinctive pattern.....................................................
C. columbiana
20A. Neuropodial spines from setiger 65‒80; posterior cinctures weakly developed, with 8‒9 spines on a side; with weak MG reaction........................................................................................
C. senticosa
20B Neuropodial spines from setiger 58‒65; posterior cinctures fully developed with up to 22 spines on a side; without MG staining pattern................................................................................
C. ruffi
n. sp.