Redefinition of Liroetis, with descriptions of two new species and an annotated list of species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) Author Bezděk, Jan text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2021 2021-12-31 61 2 529 614 journal article 10.37520/aemnp.2021.030 1804-6487 5821367 06FDFB43-0B61-4DA8-B260-D78ABD62756C Liroetis tibialis Jiang, 1988 ( Fig. 116 ) Liroetis tibialis Jiang, 1988: 190 , 197 (original description). Liroetis tibialis : JංൺඇǤ (1992): 658 (noted); Bൾൾඇൾඇ (2010): 478 (catalogue); YൺඇǤ et al. (2015): 247 (key), 250 (noted). Type locality. ‘[ China :] Yunnan : Lushui Co.’. Type material. Not examined. Diagnosis. Body length . JJ: 9.0 mm. Aedeagus in lateral view ( Fig. 116 ): Median lobe slightly regularly bent in apical two thirds; lateral elevation low, placed in anterior third of aedeagus length. Dorsal process in lateral view: basal two thirds narrow, almost straight, apical third wider, apex pronounced to hook-like process directed upwards. Differential diagnosis. I have not have an oportunity to study the type material of Liroetis tibialis yet. Based on the original description, L. tibialis is very similar to L. flavipennis . Both species show only slight differences in the structure of aedeagus (cf. Figs 108, 116 ). At the moment, I treat L. tibialis as a valid species; however, it might prove to be a synonym of L. flavipennis in the future. Distribution. China : Yunnan (JංൺඇǤ 1988).