Contribution to the knowledge of Dermestidae (Coleoptera) from Argentina. Author HávA, Jiří text Arquivos Entomolóxicos 2016 2016-12-25 16 405 416 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.12765354 1989-6581 12765354 7D2AA6BA-89F2-4597-B6D3-632B5CBF544C Trogoderma sceliphronum sp. nov. ( Figs. 10-12 ) Type material. Holotype ( ): Argentina , Córdoba , Mina Clavero , 22-I-2010 emerged XI-2010 from mud nests of Sceliphron asiaticum , (MACN) . Paratypes ( 3 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀ ): the same data as Holotype , (4 ODIC , 3 JHAC ). Description. Male. Measurements (in mm): TL 2.9, EW 1.5. Body elongate, parallel ( Fig. 10 ), head black, pronotum dark brown, shiny, with sparse golden setation; elytra brown with sparse golden setation; antennae brown; legs brown. Head coarsely punctate, sparsely covered with short, golden setation. Palpi light brown. Eyes large, with yellow microsetae. Ocellus on front present. Antennae flat, brown, with short, golden setation, with 11 antennomeres ( Fig. 11 ). Pronotum shiny, sparsely and finely punctate, brown, lateral margin of pronotum smooth. Scutellum black, triangular, without setation. Elytron shiny, brown, without fascia or spot, covered by sparse golden setation. Suture near scutellum with short, longitudinal depression on each elytron. Epipleuron brown, covered by golden setation. Mesosternum and metasternum covered with golden setation finely punctate. Legs dark brown covered with recumbent, golden setation. Abdominal sternites dark brown, finely punctate, sparsely covered with recumbent golden setation. Male genitalia as in Fig. 12 . Female. Externally similar to male, but having shorter antennae than male. Differential diagnosis. The new species is similar to other species distributed in Argentina but differs from them by the characters mentioned in the following key. Variability. Body black to brown. Body measurements (mm): TL 2.9-4.0, EW 1.5-2.1. Etymology. The new species named according to the genus name of Sceliphron asiaticum (Linnaeus, 1758) ( Hymenoptera : Sphecidae ). Bionomy. The species was collected in nests of Sceliphron asiaticum (Linnaeus, 1758) ( Hymenoptera , Sphecidae ). 11