Three new species of the genus Neophyllobius Berlese (Acari: Camerobiidae) from Southern and Southwestern Iran Author Khanjani, Mohammad Author Hoseini, Mohammad Ahmad text Zootaxa 2013 3666 4 510 522 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3666.4.6 2573c52d-6955-4a91-84f8-9ff3bcc57a98 1175-5326 217270 2AA48D56-D644-43A3-B1FF-FF853D7FD6A4 Neophyllobius seemani sp. nov. ( Figs. 16–30 ) FEMALE (n=3). Dimensions: Length including gnathosoma 320 (333–398), width 225 (228–263). Gnathosoma ( Figs. 18 ). Gnathosoma 81 (83–87) long and 64 (65–68) wide. Infracapitulum with setae m only, 22 (26–29), and two pairs of adoral setae or1 6 (6–10), or2 7 (6–8). Palp ( Fig. 18 ) five segmented with following setal distribution: tarsus with two eupathidia, three simple setae, one small solenidion; tibia with three tactile setae, one blade-like seta; genu with one long, slender, serrated seta 37 (36–38); femur with two serrated setae 18 (19– 23)– 27 (28–29). Cheliceral length 37 (36–38). Dorsum ( Figs. 16 ). Dorsal surface with 15 pairs of long serrated setae, set on prominent tubercles, all setae longer than distance to setae next behind. Length of prodorsal setae (range of paratypes in parenthesis): vi 65 (64– 73), ve 61 (59–61), sci 61 (59–61), sce 65 (61–64), pdx 81 (79–83); opisthosomal setae: c1 185 (185–194), c2 130 (130–137), d1 204 (190–202), d2 66 (65–71), e1 197 (189–194), e2 72 (74–77), f1 151 (153–159), f2 54 (56–60), h1 50 (48–52), h2 48 (47–53). Distances between setae: vi– vi 56 (62–63), ve–ve 96 (100–103), vive 43 (38–43), vi–pdx 52 (50–52), pdx–pdx 9 (13–15), pdx–sci 42 (43–45) pdx–c1 33 (34–40), pdx– vi 52 (50–51), sci–sci 98 (110–110), ve–sci 10 (9–12), sce–sce 130 (140–142), sci–sce 30 (32–35), c1–c1 10 (13–13), sc e–c1 55 (59–65), c2–c2 143 (170–172), sce–c2 61 (63–65), d1–d1 7 (5–7), d2–d2 117 (156–167), c2–d2 46 (43–50), e1– e 1 5 (5–6), e2–e2 110 (148–150), d2– e 2 30 (31–37), f1–f1 5 (5–8), f2–f2 91 (115–125), e2–f2 30 (42–44), h1–h1 5 (4–7), h1–h2 18 (18–21), h2–h2 48 (45–47). Two pairs of eyes, anterolateral to sce . Venter ( Fig. 17 ). Coxal setae narrow and setose, setae 1a 29 (31–32), anogenital area with one pair of aggenital setae ( ag ) and three pairs of pseudanal setae ( ps1–3 ) ( Fig. 4 ). Length of ventral setae: 1a 29 (331–32), 1b 29 (22–28), 1c 66 (68–70), 2c 55 (53–54), 3b 39 (43–47), 3c 52 (51–52), 4a 44 (41–49), 4b 23 (34–35), 4c 39 (45– 47). Anogenital setae: ag 32 (32–34), g1 24 (21–21), g2 13 (12–13), ps1 16 (12–13), ps2 13 (10–12), ps3 11 (10–13). FIGURES 16–22. Neophyllobius seemani sp. nov. (Female): 16. Dorsum; 17. Venter; 18. Ventral infracapitulum and palp; 19. Tarsus I; 20. Tarsus II; 21. Tarsus III, 22. Tarsus IV. FIGURES 23–30. Neophyllobius seemani sp. nov. (Female): 23. Femur, genu and tibia I; 24. Femur, genu and tibia II; 25. Femur, genu and tibia III; 26. Femur, genu and tibia III; 27. Genual seta I; 28. Genual seta II; 29. Genual seta III; 30. Genual seta IV. Legs ( Figs. 19–30 ). Measurements of leg I 623 (614–654), leg II 545 (547–560), leg III 605 (593–624), leg IV 640 (643–667). Chaetotaxy of leg segments (coxae to tarsi) as follows (solenidia in parentheses and not included in setal counts): coxae 3-1-2-2, trochanters 1-1-1-1, femora 4-3-2-2, genua 1(κ)-1(κ)-1-1, tibiae 9(φ)-8(φ)-8(φ)-7(φ), tarsi 9(ω)-8(ω)-8-8. Leg setae as indicated in Figures 19–30 . Genual setae III–IV longer than I–II ( Figs. 27-30 ). The length of genual setae Ge I <Ge II <Ge III <Ge IV. Genual setal lengths as follows: I-IV 268 (255–280), 302 (293–300), 328 (320–339), 357 (340–363). MALE. Unknown. Remarks. Neophyllobius seemani n. sp. closely resembles N. plantanobius Boland , 1991 in that they share the same length of dorsal setae vi, ve, sci, pdx, e2, f2, h2 and the same setal counts for tibiae. The new species differs from the latter by: (1) tarsi I–II 9 (ω)-8(ω) instead of 10(ω)-10(ω), (2) palp tibia with 2+1 sword-like setae and palp tarsus 4+2 eupathidia+1 solenidion instead of 3+1 sword-like setae and palp tarsus 2+2 eupathidia+1 solenidion; (3) setae c1 185–194, c2 130–137, d1 190–204, d2 65–71, e1 189–197, f1 151–159, h1 48–52 in N. seemani instead of 40–45,95–115, 70–90, 100–120, 60–70, 100–120, 65–85, respectively, in N. plantanobius . It also closely resembles N. edwardi in having the same length dorsal setae: vi , ve , sci , sce, pdx , d2 , e2 , f2 , h1 , h2 and genual setae II– IV equally long. However, it differs from N. edwardi in: tarsi I–II with 9(ω)-8(ω) setae instead of 10(ω)-9(ω) in N. edwardi ; vi 72 –75, c1 152–164, c2 95–113, d1 154–161, e1 145–153, f1 102–106, genual seta I 220–235 in N. seemani instead of c1 185–194, c2 130–137, d1 190–204, e1 189–194, f1 151–159, genual seta I 255–280. More details are given in Table 1. Etymology. This species is named in honor of Dr. Owen D. Seeman, Queensland Museum, South Brisbane, Australia , for his excellent collaboration. Type material. Holotype female and two paratype females from Nahavad, Hamedan province, litter under oak trees 29° 32¢ 08’’, N 52°13¢ 02''. E, 1923 m a.s.l., 18 March 2010 , Chenar Faryab region, Koohmare, Fars province, col. Mohammad Ahmad Hoseini.