Sixteen in One: White-Belted Megaselia Rondani (Diptera: Phoridae) From the New World Challenge Species Concepts Author Brown, Brian V. Entomology Department, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA, Author Hartop, Emily A. Center for Integrative Biodiversity Discovery, Museum für Naturkunde-Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science, Author Wong, Maria A. Entomology Department, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition text Insect Systematics and Diversity 2022 2022-05-09 6 3 1 17 journal article 10.1093/isd/ixac008 2399-3421 10832806 Megaselia colombizona New Species Fig. 17 . 983ACBA4-613C-438A-8AAF-57A6A6E78F87 Holotype . Male. COLOMBIA : Bogota : Venado de Oro , 4.5983°N , 74.0614°W , 2,600 m , 9.iii.2016 , M. Gonzalez , forest, Malaise trap [ LACM ENT 366286 ] ( BIOUG40764 -CO2) ( IAVH ). Holotype Barcode TTATATTTTATTTTTGGAGCATGAGCTGG AATAGTAGGAACTTCTTTAAGAATTATAATTCGAGCTGAA TTAGGTCATCCAGGAGCCTTAATTGGTGATGACCAAATTT ATAATGTGATTGTAACTGCTCATGCTTTTATTATAATTTTT TTTATAGTTATACCAATTATAATAGGAGGATTTGGAAATTG ATTAATTCCTTTAATATTAGGAGCTCCTGATATAGCCTTTC CTCGAATAAATAACATAAGATTTTGAATACTTCCACCCTCT TTAACTTTATTGTTAGCAAGAAGTATAGTAGAAAATGGGGC TGGGACAGGTTGAACTGTTTATCCTCCTTTATCTTCTAGA ATTGCTCATAGAGGATCTTCTGTTGATCTTGCAATTTTTTCA CTACATTTAGCAGGTATCTCTTCAATTTTAGGAGCAGTAAAC TTCATTACTACAATTATTAATATACGATCATCTGGAATTACTT TTGATCGAATACCTTTATTTGTATGATCAGTAGGAATTACAG CATTACTACTTCTATTATCTTTACCTGTACTTGCAGGAGCAA TTACAATACTTTTAACAGATCGAAACTTTAATACTTCATTTTT TGATCCCGCTGGAGGAGGTGATCCAATTTTATATCAACACTT ATT---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Specimens. 2 males ( BIOUG 41393-C04, BIOUG 40354-C04) same data as holotype except for the dates 9.iii.2016 and 14.xii.2016 ( IAVH ). Figs. 10-14. Body parts of Megaselia species. Figs.10-11.Venter of hypandrium.Fig.10. M. albizona new species .Fig.11. M. sulphurizona Borgmeier. Figs. 12-14. Dorsum of abdomen. Fig. 12. M. albizona new species . Fig. 13. M. reductizona new species . Fig. 14. M. sulphurizona Borgmeier. Abbreviation: hp- hypandrial process. Diagnosis. The barcode of this species is most similar to that of M. oklizona , from which it differs by aminimum p-distance of 1.68% ( Fig. 1 , Table 1 ). The wings of M. colombizona and M. oklizona are not separated by landmarking ( Fig. 31 ), but the forecoxa of M. oklizona are yellowish-brown, in contrast to those of M. colombizona , which are dark brown like the mid- and hind coxae. The sympatric species M. paulizona also has the forecoxa dark brown, but it has about 10% mean sequence divergence ( Fig. 1 ) from M. colombizona , and the wings differ as well ( Fig. 17 , Table 3 ). This species is in BOLD as BOLD:ADW0335. Distribution. Colombia . Etymology. This species is named for the county from which specimens were collected.