Taxonomy of Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta): The state of affairs Author Ten Hove, Harry A. Author Kupriyanova, Elena K. text Zootaxa 2009 2009-03-16 2036 1 126 journal article 1175­5334 15888B41-A000-4611-BEC8-F9359D1149CD 40. Semivermilia ten Hove, 1975 ( Fig. 45 ) Type-species : Vermiliopsis pomatostegoides Zibrowius, 1969b Number of species: 8 Tube triangular to sub-triangular in cross-section, keels present, otherwise variable; without flaring peristomes; granular overlay absent. Operculum inverse conical with chitinous endplate, more often a cap or series of diabolo-like plates; sometimes with terminal spine. Peduncle inserted as second radiole, cylindrical in cross-section; constriction present. Pseudoperculum absent. Radiolar arrangement short pectinately, up to 7 radioles per lobe. Inter-radiolar membrane absent. Branchial eyes may be present. Stylodes absent. Mouth palps present. (5-)7 thoracic chaetigerous segments. Collar tri- to penta-lobed, tonguelets absent. Thoracic membranes end at chaetiger 2. Collar chaetae limbate. Apomatus chaetae present in posterior thoracic segments ( Fig. 45A ). Thoracic uncini saw- to-rasp-shaped; with about 15 teeth in profile view, 1 tooth at the apex of the uncinus to 5 teeth in the row above the wide gouged peg (dental formula e.g., P:5:3:2:2:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1; Fig. 45B ). Triangular depression absent. Abdominal chaetae flat narrow geniculate, with rounded teeth on edge ( Fig. 45D, E ); abdominal uncini smaller than thoracic ones, entirely rasp-shaped, with about 13 teeth in profile view, up to 8 teeth in a row ( Fig. 45C ). Achaetous anterior abdominal zone, if present, very short. Long posterior capillary chaetae absent. Posterior glandular pad may be present. Remarks. Within the group of Vermiliopsis -like genera, Zibrowius (1972b , 1973a , b) distinguished 4 genera ( Bathyvermilia , Metavermilia , Pseudovermilia , and Vermiliopsis ) and a group of aberrant species that he termed? Vermiliopsis . Ten Hove (1975) erected a new genus Semivermilia for part of the latter (leaving the attribution of? Vermiliopsis glacialis Monro, 1939 , V. notialis Monro, 1930 , and V. eliasoni Zibrowius, 1970a uncertain) and provided a table that allows distinguishing between the five genera above and Neovermilia . In small specimens/species, such as Semivermilia pomatostegoides (this paper), and certainly S. cribrata (as Josephella carenata Zibrowius, 1968a: 176 ) the number of thoracic chaetigers may be 5 or 6. Contrary to statements in the literature that the peduncle is the first radiole (e.g., Zibrowius (1968a) for S. crenata as Vermiliopsis undulata , respectively Zibrowius (1969b) as V. pomatostegoides ), we checked material ( Canary Islands , SW coast of La Palma, Punta del Hombre, 8–12 m , May 29, 1980 , CANCAP Sta. 4.D10, ZMA V.Pol. 4213), and found it to be the second normal radiole, or to be inserted just below the first and second normal radiole (thus probably migrated down from the second position). The character is difficult to observe, and may be subject to prejudice. FIGURE 45. SEM micrographs of chaetae in Semivermilia elliptica . Japan, Shirohama, Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, marine aquarium, legit E. Kupriyanova, det. H.A. ten Hove, SAM E3664. A—4 th thoracic bundle, B—uncini of 4 th thoracic chaetiger, C—abdominal uncini, D—anterior abdominal chaeta, E—posterior abdominal chaetae. 1. Semivermilia agglutinata ( Marenzeller, 1893 ) , Benghazi, Mediterranean; bathyal 2. Semivermilia crenata (O.G. Costa , 1861 ) , Mediterranean, Mauretania 3. Semivermilia cribrata (O.G. Costa , 1861 ) , Mediterranean, Mauretania 4. Semivermilia elliptica Imajima, 1978 , Izu Island, Japan 5. Semivermilia parapomatostega Wu & Chen, 1981a , South China Sea 6. Semivermilia pomatostegoides ( Zibrowius, 1969b ) , Tripolis, Mediterranean, Central Atlantic, Indo-West Pacific 7. Semivermilia torulosa (delle Chiaje, 1822), Mediterranean, Mauretania 8. Semivermilia uchidai Imajima & ten Hove, 1986 , Solomon Islands ,? Seychelles .