Australian and South African conicostomatine amphipods (Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Lysianassidae: Conicostomatinae subfam. nov.) Author Lowry, J. K. Author Stoddart, H. E. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-03-27 3248 1 43 65 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3248.1.4 1175-5326 5249133 Conicostoma karta Lowry & Stoddart, 1983 ( Fig. 4 ) Conicostoma karta Lowry & Stoddart, 1983: 394 . — Lowry & Stoddart, 1984: 198 , figs 5–8. — Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 477 . — Springthorpe & Lowry, 1994: 21 . — Lowry & Stoddart, 2003: 164 . Material examined. New South Wales : 1 specimen , AM P.77495, north-east side of Little Broughton Island , 32°37'05"S 152°20'06"E , 17 m , Ecklonia holdfasts, 11 March 2006 , R . T . Springthorpe , stn NSW 2940; 1 specimen , AM P.77476, north-east side of Cabbage Tree Island , 32°41'06"S 152°13'36"E , 16–17 m , small rocks with brown algae, ascidian Clavelina and sponges, 8 March 2006 , S.J. Keable & C. Fraser , stn NSW 2884; 3 specimens , MV J62534 , off Eden , 37°0.60 'S 150°20.70'E , 363 m , coarse shell, WHOI epibenthic sled, 21 July 1986 , G.C.B. Poore et al., RV Franklin , stn SLOPE 22 . Victoria : 1 specimen , MV J22342 , 13.3 km east of eastern edge of Lake Tyers , 37°51.70'S 148°14.60'E , 37 m , coarse sand, Smith-McIntyre grab, 4 June 1991 , N. Coleman , stn MSL-EG 67; 1 male , AM P.68884, Henty Reef , Apollo Bay , 38°47'S 143°40.5'E , 4.5 m , algae, 25 April 1988 , R . T . Springthorpe & P.B. Berents , stn VIC-7; 3 specimens , AM P.68885, north-west side of Henty Reef , Mounts Bay , 38°47'S 143°40.5'E , 18 m , algal holdfasts, 3 May 1988 , R . T . Springthorpe & P.B. Berents , stn VIC-65; 1 specimen , J13748 , Crib Point , Western Port , 38°21.63’S 145°15.08’E , 9 m , sand, Smith-McIntyre grab, 23 February 1965 , Marine Studies Group , Fisheries and Wildlife Department , Ministry for Conservation , Victoria , CPBS stn 25S. Bass Strait : 1 specimen , MV J 62535 , 100 km north-east of North Point , Flinders Island , 38°52.6'S 148°26.5'E , 140 m , fine sand, epibenthic sled, 15 November 1981 , R . Wilson , RV Tangaroa , stn BSS 170S; 9 specimens , MV J62536 , 20 km south-east of Port Albert , 38°43.4'S 146°56.9E , 26 m , epibenthic sled, 18 November 1981 , R . Wilson , RV Tangaroa , stn BSS-178S; 1 specimen , MV J62541 , 20 km south-east of Port Albert , 38°43.4'S 146°56.9E , 26 m , Smith- McIntyre grab, 18 November 1981 , R . Wilson , RV Tangaroa , stn BSS-178G; 1 specimen , MV J62542 , 26 km south-east of Aireys Inlet , 38°39.8'S 144°18.2'E , 79 m , very fine sand, Smith-McIntyre grab, 19 November 1981 , R . Wilson , RV Tangaroa , stn BSS 181G; 1 specimen , MV J7640 , off Currie , King Island , 39°54.7'S 143°43.4'E , 49 m , coarse sand, Smith-McIntyre grab, 21 November 1981 , R . Wilson , RV Tangaroa , stn BSS 196G; 6 specimens , MV J62550 , 63 km east of North Point , Flinders Island , 39°44.8'S 148°40.6'E , 124 m , muddy sand, epibenthic sled, 14 November 1981 , R . Wilson , RV Tangaroa , stn BSS 167; 1 specimen , MV J62537 , 20 km north-north-east of Bold Head , King Island , 40°00.0’S 144°20.9’E , 48 m , coarse sand, rock dredge, 22 November 1981 , R . Wilson , RV Tangaroa , stn BSS-200RD; 3 specimens , MV J62543 , 20 km south-south-west of Babel Island , 40°06.2'S 148°25.0'E , 22 m , coarse shell, dredge, 14 November 1981 , R . Wilson , RV Tangaroa , stn BSS-166D; 1 specimen , MV J62544 , 20 km south-south-west of Babel Island , 40°06.8'S 14824.3'E, 22 m , coarse shell, Smith-McIntyre grab, 14 November 1981 , R . Wilson , RV Tangaroa , stn BSS-166G; 1 specimen , MV J62545 , 23 km east of Cape Rochon , Three Hummock Island , 40°22.2'S 145°17'E , 40 m , sand, epibenthic sled, 3 November 1980 , M. Gomon & G.C.B. Poore , FRV Sarda , stn BSS 112S; 1 specimen , MV J62546 , 9 km south-south-west of Cape Adansan , Three Hummock Island , 40°30.9'S 144°56'E , 27 m , very coarse sand, epibenthic sled, 2 November 1980 , M. Gomon & G.C.B. Poore , FRV Sarda , stn BSS 109S . South Australia : 1 specimen , MV J62547 , Tiparra Reef , Tiparra Bay , 34°10'S 137°23’E , 11 m , sand, shell fragments and seagrass, 15 March 1985 , G.C.B. Poore & H.M. Lew Ton , stn MV SA-19; 1 specimen , MV J62548 , 1 km off bay on north shore of Flinders Island , 33°41'S 134°31'E , 20 m , Posidonia drift on sand, hand dredge, 19 April 1985 , G.C.B. Poore , FV Lemnos , stn MV SA-67; 1 specimen , MV J62549 , The Hotspot Reef , 5 nautical miles west of Flinders Island , 33°40.8'S 134°22.5'E , 21 m , large red algae, 20 April 1985 , G.C.B. Poore , stn MV SA-69; 4 specimens , AM P.39219, north-east side of Topgallant Island , Investigator Group , 33°43.0'S 134°36.6'E , 12 m , algae, bryozoans and sponges, 21 April 1985 , S. Shepherd & G.C.B. Poore , stn MV SA-81. Western Australia : 4 ovigerous females, MV J11510 , Deepwater Pier , Albany , 35°02.4’S 117°54.2’E , Bryozoa from pier pilings, 5 April 1985 , G.C.B. Poore & H.M. Lew Ton , stn SWA-8; 2 specimens , MV J62551 , northeast end of Vancouver Peninsula , King George Sound , 53°03.4’S 117°56.2’E , 3 m , tufted red algae, soft coral and sponges, 8 April 1985 , G.C.B. Poore & H.M. Lew Ton , stn SWA-22; 1 specimen , AM P.39220, Ellen Cove , Middleton Bay , King George Sound , 35°01.5'S 117°55'E , 1.5 m , sponges, ascidians and hydroids on jetty, 29 March 1984 , J. Just , stn WA-22; 1 specimen , AM P.39221, Vancouver Peninsula , near Mistaken Island , King George Sound , 35°04'S 117°56'E , 3 m , sea grasses, 13 December 1983 , J.K. Lowry , stn WA-113; 1 specimen , AM P.39222, same locality, 6 m , sea grass with bryozoan or fine pink algae, 13 December 1983 , R . T . Springthorpe , stn WA-120; 2 specimens , AM P.39227, same locality, 6 m , seagrasses, 13 December 1983 , R . T . Springthorpe , stn WA-121; 1 specimen , AM P.39223, off Possession Point , King George Sound , 35°02.5'S 117°55'E , 7 m , finger sponges and algae, 14 December 1983 , R . T . Springthorpe , stn WA-136; 9 specimens , AM P.39224, rocks near Migo Island , Port Harding , Torbay Bay , 35°04'S 117°39'E , 6.5 m , sponge and algae, 15 December 1983 , R . T . Springthorpe , stn WA- 145; 1 specimen , AM P.39225, same locality, 6.5 m , small branched alga with compound tunicate on underside, 15 December 1983 , J.K. Lowry & R . T . Springthorpe , stn WA-152; 1 specimen , AM P.78480 and 1 specimen , AM P.78482, Bramble Point , Princess Royal Harbour , Albany , 35°03'S 117°53'E , Posidonia sinuosa , January 1988 , P.A. Hutchings , D. Walker & F.E. Wells ; 1 specimen , AM P.78481, same data, 2.5 m ; 6 specimens , AM P.79455 and 1 specimen , AM P.79456, same data, Posidonia australis ; 1 specimen , AM P.39226, Cathedral Rocks , Rottnest Island , 32°01.5'S 115°27'E , 3 m , orange tunicates under limestone rock overhangs, 21 December 1983 , J.K. Lowry , stn WA-247 . Description. Head concealed by pereonite 1 and coxa 1. Body with many scattered setae; pereon and pleon without dorsal projections, not produced dorsally. Antenna 1 peduncular article 1 without distal projection; accessory flagellum 2-articulate. Mandible accessory setal row with 7 robust setae; molar a setose lobe. Maxilla 1 palp long, 1-articulate. Maxilliped inner plate styliform; outer plate subovate, distomedial margin smooth, with set of small ridges on distolateral margin; palp 4-articulate. Coxa 1 rounded ventrally. Gnathopod 1 carpus shorter than propodus, subquadrate, anterior margin not produced anterodistally; dactylus regular simple. Gnathopod 2 dactylus inserted in centre of scoop formed by anterior and posterior projections of distal margin of propodus. Pereopod 7 basis, posteroventral corner subquadrate. Uropod 1 biramous; inner ramus shorter than outer ramus. Uropod 2 biramous; inner ramus shorter than outer ramus. Uropod 3 biramous. Telson laminar, notched. Remarks. Ovigerous females have no oostegites. They do have penial papillae which suggests that they are protandrous hermaphrodites as described by Lowry & Stoddart (1986) for other conicostomatine species. Distribution. Southern Australia ; 1.5–363 m depth