Hipposideridae Author Don E. Wilson Author Russell A. Mittermeier text 2019 2019-10-31 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats 227 258 book chapter http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3739808 b7e93c79-44a6-4d9c-8b78-dcb62033fb0d 978-84-16728-19-0 3739808 43. Amhem Leaf-nosed Bat Hipposideros inornatus French: Phyllorhine de lArnhem / German: Arnhem-Rundblattnase / Spanish: Hiposidérido de Arnhem Other common names: Arnhem Roundleaf Bat , McKean's Leaf-nosed Bat Taxonomy. Hipposideros diadema inomatus McKean, 1970 , “Deaf Adder Creek, where it emerges from the Arnhem Land Plateau, 55 miles [= 89 km ] due south of Oenpelli, N.T. [= Northern Territory , Australia ], lat. 13°06’S . long. 132°56’E .” Hipposideros inomatus is in the diadema species group. It has often been considered a subspecies of H. diadema , with opinions frequently changing. Further genetic analyses are needed to clarify the taxonomy of this taxon. Monotypic. Distribution. Endemic to a small area in N Northern Territory , N Australia , including few sites in Kakadu National Park and its surroundings, as well as a cave in Litchfield National Park. Descriptive notes. Head-body 66-77 mm, tail 32-46 mm, ear 23-27 mm, forearm 68-74 mm; weight 22-35 g. The Amhem Leaf-nosed Bat has wide triangular ears, long tail, and well-developed noseleaf. Anterior leaf is large and presents 3—4 pairs of supplementary lateral leaflets. Posterior leaf is also large, with three vertical septa that form four noticeable cells on frontal surface. Its fur is brownish or grayish-brownish on dorsum, occasionally orange; paler on ventral part. Habitat. The Arnhem Leaf-nosed Bat has been reported in sandstone areas, close to streams, riparian forests and secondary forest. Food and Feeding. Diet of the Amhem Leaf-nosed bat is based on insects, predominantly moths, beetles, leafhoppers, and cockroaches. It is thought to forage close to cliffs and in many different habitats such as riparian forest, rainforest, eucalypt forest, and open sandy areas. Breeding. The breeding biology of this species is still unknown. At the moment, only few breeding colonies have been reported, all of them in caves. Amhem Leaf-nosed Bats are estimated to become sexually mature at c.1-2 years; generation length may be c.6-7 years. Activity patterns. The Amhem Leaf-nosed Bat typically roosts in cool, humid caves and unused mines. Movements, Home range and Social organization. In 2014, J. C. Z. Woinarski and colleagues estimated the area of occurrence for the Amhem Leaf-nosed Bat at 2100 km 2, but 10 km 2 when considering only caves and mines. This species is thought to be gregarious, forming groups in different caves. Status and Conservation. Classified as Vulnerable on 77ze IUCN Red List, due to its restricted range and few known roosting sites. In Australia , the Amhem Leaf-nosed Bat is protected under law. Its total population size is unknown, but probably does not exceed a total of 300 individuals. Some authors claim that this rare species is stable and secure within its home range, whereas others affirm that it is declining, although not strongly. Habitat loss and disturbance of its roosting sites could be threatening its populations. Bibliography. Churchill (2008), Duncan et al. (1999), McKean (1970), Richards & Milne (2008), Woinarski (2004), Woinarski et al. (2014).