Taxonomic study of the genus Teinoptila Sauber, 1902 from China (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) Author Jin, Qing Author Wang, Shuxia Author Li, Houhun text Zootaxa 2009 2249 44 50 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.275222 9dc961c9-8cde-4acc-b83c-02b8dab267d0 1175-5326 275222 Teinoptila clavata sp. nov. ( Figs. 5 , 10 ) Type material. Holotype : 3, China , Guangxi Province, Yongfu County [ 24°59′ N , 109°59′ E ], 160 m , 1.v.2008 , coll. Hui Zhen and Li Zhang, genitalia slide no. JQ08337. Paratypes : 2 3, 28 .viii–4.v.2008, same locality and collectors as for holotype . Diagnosis. This species can be easily distinguished from other congeners by having quite small inconspicuous dots on the forewing, the clavate sacculus, the ear-shaped ventral plate of gnathos, and the short and straight phallus in the male genitalia. Description. Adult ( Fig. 5 ): Wingspan 15.0–16.0 mm. Head, antenna, thorax, and tegula gray. Labial palpus pale gray. Foreleg dark brown, gray on inner side of femur and tibia; midleg dark gray, yellowish brown on inner side of femur and tibia, spur dark brown; hindleg gray. Forewing grayish brown, dark brown in basal 1/3 of costa, with a grayish-white spot before apex; about 53–60 very small black dots present, viz., 4–5 subcostal from near base to before middle, 5–6 radial from 1/3 to 4/5, 5–6 subradial from middle to before costa, 5–6 supermedian from before middle to before costa, 9–10 submedian from base to tornus, 8–9 subdorsal from base to 4/5, 2 between supermedian and apex, 5–6 between subradial and supermedian before termen, 11–12 between supermedian and submedian before termen; black line on upper half of termen; cilia concolorous with wing. Hindwing grayish brown, cilia gray. Male genitalia ( Fig. 10 ): Uncus concave at middle on posterior margin, forming two small triangular processes posterolaterally. Socius long, tapering distally, with two spines at apex. Tuba analis membranous, sclerotized ventrally. Ventral plate of gnathos with a pair of small ear-shaped protuberances. Valva obviously narrowed at base; sacculus 1/3 length of valva, clavate, with many setae in distal 1/3. Saccus stout, about 3/5 length of valva, slightly dilated distally. Phallus nearly straight, 1.5 times length of valva; cornuti placed distally, half length of phallus. Female: Unknown. Distribution. China (Guangxi). Etymology. The specific name is from the Latin clavatus , referring to the clavate sacculus in the male genitalia.