Systematics of Matuanus Gorochov (Grylloidea, Podoscirtidae, Podoscirtinae) from New Caledonia: new data and the analysis of venation diversity Author Robillard, Tony John T. Huber Author Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure John T. Huber text Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 2008 196 273 290 journal article 978-2-85653-605-6 1243-4442 Matuanus rufidulus (Saussure, 1878) Figs 6, 25-27 Podoscirtus rufidulus Saussure, 1878: 788 . Munda rufidulus , Chopard 1968: 411 . Matuanus rufidulus , Otte 1987: 454 . TYPE MATERIAL . — Holotype female: New Caledonia , no precision (coll. Brunner v. Wattenwyl ), NMV . TYPE LOCALITY. — New Caledonia (no precision). MATERIAL EXAMINED. — 1 ♀ ( MNHN-ENSIF 1106 ), New Caledonia , Mont Panié , 1300 m , nuit, sur plante, 19.III.1994 ( L. Desutter-Grandcolas ), MNHN . ADDITIONAL CHARACTERS. — Head coloration homogenous reddish brown; antennal flagellum yellowish brown (Fig. 6H). Female: ovipositor barely longer than hind wings; apex of dorsal valves narrower than in other species, its whole surface transversally striated (Fig. 27C). Female genitalia: copulatory papilla (Figs 25-26) little sclerotized, with a narrow triangular ventral plate. MEASUREMENTS. — 1 ♀ . PronL: 3.4 mm ; PronW: 3.7 mm ; FIIIL : 11.5 mm ; FIIIW : 3.2 mm ; TIIIL : 10.0 mm; FWL : 19.0 mm; FWW : 4.3 mm ; OvipL: 11.3 mm . VARIATION FROM THE ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION. — Face uniformly yellowish brown; pronotum lateral lobes almost black on the dorsal margin, lighter below. FIG. 6. Patterns of coloration of the head of Matuanus species in dorsal view. Green arrows point the posterior limit of the black spot on the vertex. A, M. elegans ; B, M. priapus ; C, M. rectinervus ; D, M. azurensis ; E, M. bicolor ; F, M. flavomaculatus ; G, M. bruneonervus ; H, M. rufidulus ; I, M. caledonicus ; J, M. mirabilis . Scale bar = 1 mm .